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97 "There's no crying in baseball"

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  1. Something like this might be what you are looking for then. The MEZ(s) could also be a simple BBM.
  2. You can achieve the 3-2 build up shape with every single formation with the positional rotations. So what kind of starting point do you wish?
  3. Is there any chance you can share your views from this save? I absolutely love them, and I can't seem to figure out how to make them identical to yours.
  4. I've thought about playing with a L(d) and making my DM(s) a RPM(s) instead. That would make it a 3-1-6 instead when we are further up the field.
  5. Passes received against AC Horsens (attacking from right to left) Passes received against Brøndby (attacking from left to right). Passes received against Bayern München (attacking from left to right). If you want some pictures of anything else in regards to the Libero, just let me know. But as you can see from the passes that my L(s) received in my last three matches, he will move up quite a bit along with the rest of the team as we progress the ball.
  6. I do use IFB(d) on both sides making it a 3-2-5. I have zero traditional full backs on my team. This is the height of all of my defenders. I like using the DLF(a) to link up with the other players. I felt like the PF(a)/AF was getting isolated at times, and I don't see any problems using DLF(a) with two wingers on the sides. They will still make runs in behind and so will the CM(a) and BBM.
  7. Getting inspiration from another thread on this site as well, I have now settled on three seperate tactics within the 4-3-3 shape. Positive Attacking Balanced In 2028, I just played Bayern München in the Champions League Round of 16 and even though I lost 4-3 overall, I'm pretty satisfied with the overall play of the team and the tactic. I mainly used the Balanced setup for the two games, as they are, obviously, a much better side. Below are stats from the two games.
  8. I tend to play slower if my opponent are sitting back and the opposite if my opponent are pressing higher up the pitch.
  9. I don't see any problems with the roles and duties. What you have on your screen is your defensive shape. With the roles and duties you have chosen, your shape will turn into a 2-3-5 when attacking. It will look like this. With the new positional play, you should not worry about the Libero moving up into the midfielders place as he will slide over to make room for the Libero in the '3' of your 2-3-5 shape.
  10. Another difference between the CAR and the BBM is that the BBM will move into the AM strata as part of the positional play.
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