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Everything posted by adamjdyer

  1. Hi all, I've been working on this one for some time now. It's the creation of an PL/EFL rival league situated across the UK. Similar to how XFL wants to rival the NFL in the United States. It's nowhere near completion, I still need to: Create Stadia for the NXT Teams Finish Kits Finish Logos National Football Alliance - Elite Division & Super League The top league is split into the two groups, the Elite Division and the Super League - they are equal to one another with the top team of each group facing off in the final. Each season the teams are randomised, with the bottom 2 teams of each group relegated into the NFA NXT Leagues. The player standard of this league is low to begin with but does improve as time goes on, that's part of the challenge. The NFA NXT Leagues - Divisions 1,2,3 & 4. No relegation from these leagues, but the top teams from each league are Promoted into either the Elite or Super groups above. Again, each season the groups are randomised. BUCS Sports Championships Similar how the NFL operates with College Leagues, we have the BUCS (British Universities and Colleges Championship). There are 8 leagues and each season the teams are randomised, with the winning team of each group facing off in a play-off. Maximum player age of 23 for this one, and each team has a global transfer ban. Tried to find a way of ensuring each youth intake is 18+ but cannot figure it out, so players 16 years old will come through. In the first season, there are only grey players. Cups Liberty Open (FA Cup for NFA and NXT teams) Rosebowl (Community Shield) Varsity Bowl (FA Cup for BUCS) Please have a play with the file, any suggestions to changes are welcome! DOWNLOAD HERE Thanks! NFAUploadReady.fmf
  2. Created a Championship Playoff Cup, all works well until the final where the Winners are recorded as Runners-Up (and vice versa) in the Clubs Honours lists, any ideas why this is?
  3. Hey all I've created a League that has two groups (Elite Division and Super Division) similar to how the MLS works. At the end of the season the teams in 1st place in each group meet to decide the overall winner. However I want the game to recognise that the Groups are winnable too. At the moment the game just recognises that the winner overall is THE winner and this is just what shows in the Competition/Landmark history part of a Club. But I also want the club to have a record of them winning either the Super or Elite League, is this possible when using Groups? Thanks
  4. I have created a league where all teams are set to Always Amateur. Even if I tick the option that says 'Add Players to Playable teams' all the teams are still populated with grey players only. How can I get the game to generate newgen players for these teams from the start? (instead of waiting for youth intake day) EDIT: Just to note that there are two leagues above this, and those teams are generated with players. It's just the bottom league that isn't.
  5. Would someone mind taking a look at my file please? My League is setup so that there are two 'Premier' divisions (elite and super) and each of these have 2 relegation places (so 4 in total). Below them is the Developmental Leagues of which there are 4, each with 1 promotion place each (so 4 promotion places in total). For some reason I cannot get the two leagues to match up when it comes to Promotion or Relegation. The Premier Divisions are okay I think, but the Developmental Leagues tend to confuse it. If I say there are 4 promotion places across the Leagues it says that they're 16 promotion places. But If I change it to 1 promotion place it says that 1 isn't enough? I've toggled between changing the rules to Flexible Format etc, but it didn't seem to make a difference. What am I missing there? Thanks in advance. NFA.fmf
  6. Figured it out. I need to head to the bottom of the screen, Filter button, and untick Active Fields only to show all the options available.
  7. Hi all, I've been editing away over the past few days and all has been fine, but today, when loading ANY Editor Data (either mine or downloaded from here) I cannot add Clubs to a Competition. It's the same even when using any of the three SI original databases too. You can see in the image that the area on the Competition screen where I should be able to choose the Competition just doesn't exist anymore. Is there any way I can reset the Editor to work again? I've uninstalled and reinstalled both the Editor and the main game, and that didn't work.
  8. Thank you to both @themodelcitizen and @Samuel77 for your help with the Groups. I think I've messed up somewhere else though, as for some reason despite the leagues now working fine I cannot get the custom cup competition to appear in the game,. I can manually add it to the Competition list, but it won't show in the mini menu on the left hand side.
  9. I've created a league with Groups (A, B, C etc). Is it possible to change the names of the Groups? So Group A becomes Conference A, Conference B etc?
  10. Thanks for the reply! I'll look into these options and see which one works easiest.
  11. Is it possible to add/edit an existing nation and then have that nations players be eligible for another country? For example, I’m wanting to create a league to sit alongside the Premier League but I don’t want to disrupt the existing structure. So by editing another nation, can I change what I need to change and have those player become eligible for the home nations?
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