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    CE Sabadell

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  1. I reinstalled the whole game and loaded only the save game without anything else. It still crashed. I have uploaded two crash dumps. The one starting with 4 is after I reinstalled the entire game. EDIT: Savegame was uploaded Name: Royal Tigers 2.3.fm 40f7aba3-6b12-48fd-9d2b-04de720dbfc6.dmp c179b001-249d-4418-96a9-db04c466f97b.dmp
  2. EDIT: I went back to the day I started the save. I loaded that game and it still crashed with Club>Based>Regions/Nation filter
  3. Game crashed entirely. Can be reproduced. Add filters for searching players-------Specifically------- Club>Based>Division Club>Based>Regions/Nation Crash triggered when doing the following activities for the above filters Clicking check box Choosing And/Or Removing the filter by clicking the "-" sign at the right end. I tried clearing all filter by clicking the CLEAR near EDIT SEARCH. I added the filters again. But the same filter keep crashing the game. I have not tried doing this with every filter. These two have been found until now since they are used a lot. Considering the fact that scouting is an integral part of the gameplay, it has made the game impossible to play. It is very sad for me because I spent a very long time creating a new club and making them look as authentic as possible with logos, jerseys, 3D kits etc. I would have just gone on to another save if it wasn't for this.
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