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Kirkus Octavius

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Posts posted by Kirkus Octavius

  1. I'm really not sure whether this is a bug, or just a very eccentric design decision.

    I'm managing AS Roma. One of the club objectives is - for my first year, no less - to qualify for the Champions' League. The objective is "Desired".

    Yeah, I "desire" to win 10 million bucks in next week's Lotto draw too, but my chances are about the same as those of both the real and the fictional AS Roma making the Champions' League. The Board may as well have given me a "Desired" objective of "Land the first man on Venus".

    Annoyingly, when I had my first meeting with the Board there was no option to negotiate that objective, nor any other objective for this year. Why, I have no idea.

    But hey, I can fix it to make the objectives more realistic with the In Game Editor (IGE), right?


    In the first screen shot below you can see the board objectives, and the ones that I can remove. I seem to be able to dump any of the Actionable Objectives and Informational Objectives, except for the "Required" one of "Work Within The Wage Budget".

    I can even delete the one that expects me to sign high profile players when I have 5 quid in a cookie jar for a transfer budget, and some loose coins for the remains of my wages budget. But I won't; I'll take that one as a challenge even though it's logically absurd. (But to be fair, it may be less so once I start clearing dead wood; I've no idea this early in the season.)

    But in the 5 Year Plan there seems to just be a random grab bag of objectives that I can delete, and none in the current year. Why??? Just... WHY??? Why those specific objectives when other similar objectives in other years aren't listed?

    Similarly with the Supporter Objectives I can delete the first five... but not the 6th, which is "Qualify for the Europa League". I don't actually WANT to delete that since I'm reasonably confident that we can do that, but that's not the point. Why is THAT one not deletable while the other 5 are. I thought that it may have been because it was "Required" but then so is the (deletable) "Finish above Lazio".

    I don't know what to make of this and whether it should be reported as a bug or not.





  2. I know that this is something that you don't need to do regularly, but frankly the Staff Responsibilities page gives me a slight case of the irrits. I love the intention of putting it all in one place. I'm less pleased by the fact that it really isn't.

    If you have the [Manager] button selected, then you can click on the dropdown for anything that you manage and delegate it to someone else. What you CAN'T do is take BACK anything that is delegated to your staff. If you can click on the drop-down of something that the staff controls, you get... nothing.

    Instead, you have to click on the [Staff] button. From there you can click on the drop down and take control of something that your staff is doing.

    What you CAN'T do when the Staff button is active is click on the drop-down and delegate to your staff something that you control. Nope, for that, you have to click on the [Manager] button again.

    I know that this isn't a huge issue... but I'd rather not needing to continually flip between the [Manager] and [Staff] buttons when I'm sorting this out.

  3. I was just about to add this one myself, but I did a search because I couldn't believe that I'm the only one who finds this incredibly annoying. In fact I find it astonishing that we're the only two to raise it unless it's happening to others and they just don't know why. (I found out why via a Google search.)

    I have the game paused, go to look up some information and get... this:



    What am I supposed to do with that? How am I supposed to use it in any constructive way? If I look really, really hard, if I STARE at the thing, then maybe, perhaps I can see enough of the opposition player's name to be able to click through on it to their details page. But that's it. If I want to see any of the other data on the tablet, I'm out of luck. It is flat out unusable.

    I just don't understand what the point of implementing this was, unless it's just "transparency is kewl". If I click on the tablet then I. Want. To. See. The. Tablet.

    And if I have the game paused I cannot for the life of me understand what earthly advantage I get from having the tablet transparent so that I can see where the ball is frozen in mid flight.

    I completely agree with the proposals in the earlier post.

  4. I would like to see the Scouting department rebuilt from the ground up, because when you manage scouting yourself this thing has problems up the yin-yang.


    First, we don't have a way of seeing a list of scouting assignments. The UI says we do, but we don't.


    Instead we get a list of scouts. The list gives us their ability to judge current and potential ability. It does NOT give us their tactical knowledge, which I find useful for deciding who to assign to matches. I don't want a scout coming back and saying "They had 4 guys standing up near the keeper, I'm not sure why."


    For scouts who have an assignment, we see a little bar which presumably shows how far through the assignment thus far. But if we want to SEE what those assignments are, we have to hover over each one, one at a time. And even then it doesn't give us the full information. In all of my assignments I set an upper age limit of 25 but I will NEVER see that in the hover-over. I only see it if I go into each assignment and edit it.

    (The summary does mention age (as per the screenshot below), but not what that age is,


    The next problem is that you are getting BAD information on supposedly unassigned scouts. I reported this as a bug in FM 21 as well, and it's still there in FM22. (I don't know where that thread has gone; I may have raised it in Stream.) If you assign a scout to scout a team or to scout a match, it NEVER shows up in the assignment list. The scout will certainly DO the assignment (although when I say "Scout a team" I also intend for them to come back with more data about the team's individual players than "Yes, they have some"), but they will at least give you the one page "Strengths and Weaknesses" summary. However they will STILL show as "unassigned" in the list, so you need to manually keep track of what your scouts are doing so that you don't accidentally assign 3 team scouting missions to an "unassigned" scout and none to two scouts who REALLY have no work to do. (I'll raise this as a bug later.)


    Next, if I have taken charge of scouting assignments it would be nice if the scouts would actually DO their assignments instead of wandering off and doing whatever the heck they want as a result of "a recent scouting meeting".


    Example: I tell Zinfollino to find me an Italian, 25 or under replacement goalkeeper. I give him 6 months to do that.




    Instead he brings me a 30 year old Spanish striker.



    Wrong end of the field, wrong end of the Mediterranean, wrong end of the career.


    Also, at the moment the scouting assignment has what I'd regard as an odd granularity.

    - I can handle scouting meetings, which I don't really want to do. I've left that with my director of football until I decide to sack him.

    - I can assign scouts, which I do... except that I only partially care about which scout does the assignment. My interest is in setting all of the assignment tasks. In some cases I will want one of the best scouts on the task. In others, like scouting matches, I really don't care who it's assigned to.

    - I'm also not interested in taking over any of the three reporting categories which to me are fine as they are.


    What I would LIKE to be able to do is have the option for me to be responsible for

    - "Setting scouting tasks", which can be me, the chief scout, the DOF, etc, with a second setting for

    - "Assigning scouts to unassigned tasks", which can be the same. I'd give that to my chief scout.

    In that way I can say "This is what I want you to focus on, now go away and do it."


    And ideally don't bring me 30 year old Spanish strikers when I ask for 24 year old Italian GKs. That should be a sackable offence without a payout for any scout right there.

  5. I know that in FM21 in particular the range of gestures, for example, was expanded. But I still find the limitations in how I can communicate with my players a bit frustrating. In truth I'll probably expand on this as I'm reminded of examples, but let me give one that I just came across.

    Into my Inbox comes a notification that one Serie B team is interested in taking one of my kids on trial for a week, and that a second team in that league may be interested.

    I go to have a discussion with him and my assistant tells me that he has nothing that he wants to discuss.

    REALLY??? He doesn't want to talk to me about whether he would be interested in the trial? Whether he would be interested in going to EITHER of the teams on a loan in the future? Whether he would have interest in a transfer? (To a serie B team, probably not, but it would be nice to know.) He just... goes with the flow, I suppose, without a care in the world for his future career.

    I find that... improbable in real life.

    I know that we'll probably never get to the point where it feels like a real life discussion with real life people, that's asking too much... but I would think that for something like this a discussion which gives you some idea of how the player feels about any proposal that affects (or may affect) their future would be rather nice.

    In the same vein, it would be nice to get more feedback from them about what / who they like in the coaching team, in the tactics, and so on. (Beyond the "x is unhappy with the coaching". You do admittedly get warnings about potential future unhappiness from your staff but it would be nice to be able to interact with them directly.)


    Edit: I agreed to the trial. I then looked at his morale and his one negative was "Feels pressured by the interest in him."

    Then he accepted the trial and stated that he is "excited to be joining" the other team. Please excuse me while the mixed signals make my head explode.

  6. Look, I like that the game gives us such a fine level of detail over responsibilities.

    I just don't like it when It. Doesn't. Work.

    I'm looking at the Transfer and contract responsibilities; Initiate signings, finalise signings, negotiate signings, all set to me, me and me. Handle incoming offers for first team players? Me, me and me. Outgoing development loans? Me.

    Find and sign young players for the future? The Head of Youth Development can initiate and negotiate under the 20s, but finalising the signing? That would be me. Handle incoming offers for U20's? Me, and me. Ditto with the U18s.

    I'm sure you get the gist. NOBODY gets signed, without it coming past me. NOBODY is sold or otherwise leaves so much as the stadium bathroom without my approval.

    So how is it that I just found that one of my senior squad players had been placed on the unwanted list by a person or persons unknown, but I'm glaring threateningly and suspiciously at my director of football here.

    NOBODY should be placed on that list without my say so. NOBODY should go on the loan list without my approval. And yet it happens, and I cannot see any control to stop it from happening that doesn't involve my DOF having an accidental trip down the stairs from the top level of Olimpico and into the unemployment queue. I manually took the player off the unwanted list but I'm wondering what other little land mines have been left for me to discover.


    Edit: When I went to the Transfer section of an individual player I found a note that "{The director of football} is responsible for offloading players on the unwanted list and finding them new clubs".  I would be OK with that, save for the fact that he should not get to PUT them on that list. I am wondering, not for the first time, whether I actually NEED a director of football, or whether I'd rather keep that 30.5 grand per week he's being paid in the bank and so that I can be sure he's not doing anything I don't tell him to do. It's a pity that he has such a long contract...

  7. Hello dev team,

    I'm not even sure whether to report this as a bug or just a design issue. It is the pre-season. Clubs the world over are playing friendlies. You are shown a list of all upcoming friendlies like the one attached.

    Issue 1: I can never consciously and deliberately find this list. There does not seem to be any way that I can go to any part of the UI and say "Hey, I want to see all of the upcoming friendlies". For actual competition matches, you have to go via the Competitions tab => Matches => Fixtures and Results, but Friendlies? The list pops up when it pops up and you can nevvvvverrr find it again, until the next time it pops up, typically just before your own friendly. If you cannot find something via the UI I think there is a compelling case that there's a problem with the UI.

    Issue 2: I'm a top flight club manager in Italy. I'm sure that the contest between the Rusttown Railway Football Club under 23s and the Barrowville Market Under 18s is fascinating to Gladys Smith who wants to see her boy Arfur play in goal, but it has very little bearing on Serie A. And there is NOTHING that allows me to filter the list down to matches which are played in a specific country, by a specific team, or by teams from a specific country. If I want to attend a friendly match featuring, say, Napoli to sit up in the stands in my AS Roma training jersey to freak them out and mess with their Neapolitan brains, even if I already know when that match is on, I still have to wade through oceans of matches that I have no interest in to try to find it. (And also if I DO go to check the exact date and time of the match, I may never be able to find my way back to the Friendlies list; see point 1 above.)

    Thus my proposals are:

    (a) To have a clear navigation path to be able to get to the list of friendlies as easily as to get to other lists of matches;

    (b) To have the option of filtering the list down at the very least by country, ideally by other measures (like seniors matches) as well.

    There are a couple of issues that I found which follow on from this, but they're separate issues.


  8. Wow, there is not a single component application that I can exit from without it crashing.

    The game itself... {crash}. Although rather than the classic Windows error dialog, this time there was an SI one so I selected the data upload option.

    The pre-game editor... {crash}. Editor has stopped working, wait while we notify Microsoft, Unhandled exception at 0x00007FFAA93E0610 in editor.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation executing location 0x00007FFAA93E0610. occurred

    The resource archiver tool... {crash}. Resource Archiver has stopped working, wait while we notify Microsoft, Unhandled exception at 0x00007FFAA93E0610 in resource archiver.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation executing location 0x00007FFAA93E0610. occurred.

    I know that it doesn't impact gameplay but man this is getting tedious.

  9. I don't think that this is a graphics driver issue. I'm getting exactly the same crash error as I was getting in 2020 when I exit the game as shown in the attachment.

    I raised the issue for 2020 in this thread, and I still suspect that it's from the game expecting that everything is nice and neatly stored under a set of default paths and trying to write something on one of those paths, whereas the user may need to change those paths. In my case my FM21 game is installed on my D drive Steam library. As per the previous report I also had to move the "Documents" folder from OneDrive (where FM21 added it) to my local documents folder because most people simply CANNOT shove 12 gig worth of facepack data into their cloud storage. I used the method on this support page to change the target location, and pretty much everything works fine and dandy... except that when I exit I still get the crash. Eeeevery single time.

    Incidentally, there are no crash dumps created for that as far as I can see.


  10. One thing I should mention about this too; it may be worth taking a look at this thread:


    Where I described an issue with the location that Windows now has defined for "Documents" when OneDrive integration is in use.

    I should mention that the exit crash was already happening even BEFORE I set the path parameter in the startup options, so it's not that that triggered it.

    However it was NOT happening under the former build of my PC, where "Documents" was not a OneDrive reference but rather a more conventional local drive reference. (Windows Update had been erroring out for over 6 months, which is essentially why I did the rebuild.)

    What I'm thinking is the possibility that the applications are trying to write some form of exit log, and getting confused by the new "Documents" path.

    It's a random thought perhaps, but it wouldn't be the first time that Microsoft has changed stuff without bothering to think about the impact on applications.

  11. Last week I did a fresh install of Windows 10 64 bit (Version 10.0.18363 Build 18363). The machine has 32 gig of RAM, a 2TB SSD system drive and a 4TB mechanical drive. The video card is a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB, driver version 445.87 which should be the most recent unless another one has been released in the last week.

    I've had no problems running the game, but when I select quit game and exit to windows, I get this... EVERY time:


    I got that before I reinstalled the facepacks or real name corrections, and I'm still getting it now after doing both.

    I also changed the startup option to --user_data_location="C:\Users\{my name}\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2020"

    for reasons described here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1100600/discussions/0/2297346107916360285/

    However this problem occurred before I made that change as well.

    I created a new save and went part way through it to confirm that nothing was flaming out in gameplay, and it didn't seem to be.

    In addition, when I exit the Editor DLC, I get something similar:



    In both cases I validated the download files, and checked the FAQ to confirm that there were no conflicting programs.

    This is more of an irritation than a real problem since in both cases the crashes only occur when I'm exiting anyway, and any saves were done before I exited. Still, the fact that it's happening at all suggests that something is wrong.









  12. I was originally going to raise this as a support issue, but I figured it out. I thought I'd post it anyway in case anyone else comes across it.


    • I have a 2 TB SSD as my system drive, and a 4TB mechanical drive as my main data drive.
    • I have Steam library folders on both drives. Generally I put anything that needs speed on the SSD path, anything that doesn't on the D:\ drive.
    • I installed the editor tonight for the first time on this machine build. (I rebuilt the machine last week to put in a larger SSD and did a fresh install of Windows.)
    • Every time I launched the editor it would start, then generate an error "Editor 2020 has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available."

    What did I do?

    • Went to the properties of the game icon by right clicking on it;
    • Validated the game files
    • Rebooted the computer
    • Read the FAQ

    What fixed it? When I noticed that the Editor had been installed to Steam's D:\ drive library while the game itself was on the C:\ drive one. (Why did I do that? Unintentionally. The game that I installed before the Editor didn't need a lot of speed so I put it on D:\. That was still the default when I installed the Editor and I didn't notice.

    Moral of the story: The Editor needs to be in the same folder as the game. If it's not, it Does Not Like That.

    I still have a problem with the editor crashing on exit, but then so does the game. It's annoying more than a problem since I was exiting from the thing anyway. I'll raise that in a separate thread.

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