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24 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. you are entitled to your own choices and opinions, I for one am sad to see fellow fmm fan step away from the game I am not gonna comment on netfllix as it is not time or place but I will make add a comment on 3D engine I have been in this since fmh12 and naturally over the years I saw hundreds of complaints about 3D ME I get it, humans are visual creatures but you also have to understand that this is a game of managment simulation unlike pes or fifa where you focus on graphics and gameplay..sure visual touches would be nice but only when everything else within the game is set right Also understand that 3D engine takes time to polish, we do not want a buggy ME out there do we, I am not gonna name any games but all mobile games outside of maybe one had huge issues with it..I can't comment on how long it would take to properly implement it I will leave that to the devs(I am not a programmer or developer) All modern phones can easily handle 3D for sure(maybe drain bit more battery) but it should not be a primary focus in a game that simulates club managment, I for one would much rather see some other features included as well as stuff fixed that already exist within the game
  2. When 3d does arrive I hope we retain the option to choose between it and dots tho 😁
  3. So resigning wil still count as a sacking in trophy cabinet but the negative trait for it on the manager profile page no longer exists (it used to say something like "candidate for sacking" or similiar I just assumed it was fixed with update as it said that incorrect traits for managers no longer appear but the trophy cabinet just stayed incorrect
  4. Resigning from a club still counts as sacking in trophy cabinet but it is no longer tied to manager profile screen I wonder if its intentional?
  5. Needs better crossing to be world class tbh But if you do not overlap then I guess its fine
  6. I uploaded same save twice I just renamed it 2nd time so you can track it easily I use Xiaomi 11T running on Android 12
  7. Resigning surely shouldn't count as being sacked
  8. When you resign from a club it still counts as being sacked according to the trophy cabinet
  9. Not sure if its a bug or not but rep issue might be here again..few years back it was present when only wins counted for it but then it got a good update where even cl final against the odds would land you reputation without neccessarily winning the comp This year again after 2 leagues and 2 supercups only national rep? Feels worth it of continental to me
  10. Each time you click on his personality traits game freezes like this
  11. Graphics path is android/data/com.sega.soccer.eleven/files/graphics If you do not have graphics folder(you most likely won't) you can make one, this way your game will not take long to load and all your graphics will appear
  12. I am sorry if it looks like I am bashing the game, it is not my intention, I just singled out what I encountered that I believe could be better, other aspects are all good especially UI, clean and smooth Thanks
  13. Inside forwards behave unrealistically tbh, while in previous years they sure were too narrow to the point they would collide with the striker this year they are far too wide, they do not make runs in to the box and since they are so wide wing backs have trouble overlapping as they collide, wingers seem more offensive then IFs this year DM still get relatively poor ratings(5,6) despite their performance(been that way for years) AI matches have far too many injuries(also been there for years)..I am talking about one injury per match which is even more unrealistic when you take into account number of injuries that occur during matches we manage(both us as players and AI we are facing) which is significantly more balanced
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