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Everything posted by TIFO07

  1. Don't worry, I don't want to turn this in to Sims or a life simulator, that's not what my post is about, the thing I've been lacking over the last few years is the ability to spend your hard earned money from the contracts you've signed, for example, if you start a journeyman save and start without any qualifications, you usually join low tier teams that are either amateur or semi-pro and barely have any finances, they usually don't have money to send you on a training course to get your qualifications, I think we should be able to use our contract money and be able to get qualifications ourselves without the need of asking the club to pay for it. Another idea, we already have the ability to ''create a club'', but it requires a new save and you can only play at your club, so I thought it would be nice to use that money so that you can create your own club later in the save, after you earn a lot of money from your career, make it so it costs a lot to create a club, so it's not that straightforward to do it. There's more, to improve relations with your players or staff, it would be nice to be able to take them to dinner (not physically, just a button that says ''invite your team for a dinner'', it could be to improve relations or if there's an important match ahead and you need to motivate them or something] or pay for a coach, pay for a hotel if you don't have your own place or make the club pay for it. There's plenty of things that can be added to that, I don't want to make a huge list, but you get the idea, I think small features like that would make it more immersive and definitely more interesting.
  2. I also wish interviews were more expanded, I know the answers we choose in the interviews already have an impact on our team/opponent/players/staff but I wish there was more impact, not only on the team but other things as well, make us players be more careful on which question we choose, make us think twice before we choose the answer, right now there's just too much repetitive questions and answers being asked so you can basically fly through the interview without any consequence, also job interviews, these also need expanding in my opinion.
  3. Hello, I'm the type of a FM player who attends almost (99%) every pre and post match interview with the media, I love it because it makes it more realistic for me to attend as much interviews as possible between every match and so on but it becomes boring to answer the same questions after a while, so what I would love to see in the upcoming versions of Football Manager is a more immersive pre and post match interviews, by this I mean: - add more questions from the media/press, for me there's not enough questions! I want more and more! - add more answers for us to choose from, not enough answers for us to choose from! MORE PLEASE! - PLEASE make it so that the answer we choose has more impact on the match, on the relationship between managers or players or even staff and fan base! I want to feel the consequences of what I say in the interview! - make it random, right now you can go to an interview and just click the answers on the left and be good, mix the positive answers with the negative answers in the UI, so that you have to read carefully what you click on. - just like in real life, be able to choose a player or staff who will go to the interview with you to answer questions as well. - (optional but would be so cool) cinematic? a small cinematic of our manager walking up to the table and sitting down with a player/staff of his choice by his side, right now you get an image of empty chairs and table... These are some of the ideas I thought of but the main feature that I would love out of all the ones I've mentioned is the consequences/impact of the answers we choose on the upcoming match/players/staff/fans etc. that's the biggest feature I would love to see, I'm aware it's already there but for me it's not enough, it's not as much as I would've wanted it to be, it's not as impactful in my opinion, make it so that people want to actually attend the interviews instead of sending the assistant. Kind regards
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