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517 "Wax on, wax off"

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  1. Shows you where the priorities with this game lie. Do football people even work on this game? Who gives a crap if my manager avatar has a stupid lapel pin or face paint? It’s like we’re being mocked at this point.
  2. Thank you to the people doing the work SI refuses to do and communicating the on-going issues with this game. This community has saved me a good bit of money this year. Really disappointed to hear that AI managers are still idiots, AI GMs in MLS are still idiots. I can't be the only one who would've preferred them just outright fix things that remain broken instead of adding stupid stuff like squad planner, set piece coaches, changing matchday AI, etc. Maybe I'll pick the game up on a big sale after Christmas. Hopefully by then it'll actually have licensed J league elements and a more improved injury system as promised. It's terrible how they've hyped up this FM22 re-skin yet again and expect me to pay full price. Otherwise, I'll see y'all next year for FM25.
  3. Press conferences lack stakes. Pre-game, post-game, broadcast interviews, it doesn't matter, you can really say whatever you want and the biggest consequence suffered is an inbox item from your press officer with players who thumbed down what you've said. That's it. It doesn't impact their morale. It doesn't impact their game time expectations. I've only anecdotally been punished for talking down an opposition player in the prematch conference one time. In real life, managers' words in press conferences do matter. They drive the narratives built around their players and about their team. Most pre-match conferences seem to be around building up headlines and narratives by the press, while post-match you see the manager giving a little debrief on what he just witnessed. This should be the case in FM. I should be able to select from an overall reaction to the result and the way we played (positive, negative, neutral) and then pick one or two key moments to stress and maybe even answer questions about. A bad relationship with a journo? Who cares! Nothing he writes will ever impact your career! A player moans to the press about training? Don't expect to be able to confront him about it, even though any Premier League manager would have your skin for it. I've long thought this game needs a more robust reputation system for managers. For example, f you consistently lose big games, that should be the thing the press asks you about every single big match until you win a big game. If you can't do it, then the media pressure will continue. There's no good reason for this game to have had such alien press interactions for as many years as it has. Think of it like a scout report for a player. Or even the manager tendencies section. If the game can tell me whether or not a coach "uses man marking" (side note: what does this even mean?), then it should be able to tell us whether or not a coach is a serial bottle artist. But no. Instead, in football manager, you get manager face paint, new clothes and stupid haircuts.
  4. Can anyone tell me if Saudi clubs continue to be big spenders several seasons into a save? It feels like it would shatter the immersion if I still get crazy offers for old players from Saudi clubs in 2045.
  5. It’s illegal to fine players for poor performances according to a recent CAS ruling. A club president tried to fine players for poor performances in a derby, they lawyered up and won.
  6. No. It is not legal and therefor completely unrealistic to offer that capability.
  7. The player was unmarked and able to think, set, shoot. Maybe the graphical representation of it is a little wonky but certainly not that bad.
  8. If you were hired mid-season, and if you have the full detail enabled for the league in which you were hired, then you could look back at the highlights and stats and try to extrapolate that way or take a look at the previous manager's profile and see which style and shape they preferred, but, as far as I know, you can't see directly which tactics were used previously. That would be a nice feature, especially if you've retained performance analysts and coaches from the old regime. But then again, isn't that what those suggestions from staff are meant to be?
  9. I like the manager outfit changes. It’s a cool little bit of customization that feels realistic. Sometimes managers wear hats, and other times they’ll wear shorts. I’ve seen managers in t-shirts and Jordans and managers in three-piece suits. I think it’s fabulous that they’re taking visibility seriously and bringing hearing aids to the managers, too. But I really don’t think that, in all of football, I’ve ever seen a manager with face paint, and I don’t think anyone would have ever asked for that to be a thing.
  10. Can't think of a less sought-after feature than manager face paint. Thankfully, all the other features announced have been exciting.
  11. Can any of the SI team tell me if the new smarter transfer AI will be reflected in MLS? Can I finally expect the AI clubs to know that there’s a salary cap, that they already have 3 DPs, or that they’re out of GAM?
  12. I hope SI realizes that it doesn't matter that they've upgraded manager AI when the squads used by these managers are horribly constructed with no regard to skill, salary, or tactical profile.
  13. that’s actually the normal MLS schedule, that gap in late summer is for Leagues Cup.
  14. I've put a few hundred hours into the game since installing it when it first released. As of today, I've uninstalled it and doubt I will be returning to the series outside of FMT via the Apple Arcade unless major improvements to the game are made in the next two cycles. FM23 is a complete let-down without significant changes or improvements. There's a litany of complaints about the game already in this thread, so I won't re-hash them. Mostly, though, the fact that basic footballing concepts are completely absent in the game. The words "half space," "heavy touch," "compactness," or even "player-marking" don't even appear anywhere, but don't worry, they included a special role for Thomas Muller! Oh, and set-pieces, unless you're willing to spend three hours of real-actual life building them, they're completely useless as a feature. Far too complex. Speaking of roles, they deserve a total overhaul. No one can tell anyone with confidence the differences between inside forward and inverted winger, not even the games own description can. Get rid entirely of the roles outside of a select core three and allow player traits, attributes, and PLAYER INSTRUCTIONS make them go. The game's tactic creator gives you no usable information. The green pitch zones only get fully covered in a hand-full of formations like 4-3-3 and sometimes a 4-4-2. The tactics in the game are so frustratingly limited while the roles are equally overcomplicated. Your assistants and staff offer useless advice. I get it, they're not real people, but top managers collaborate. You cannot collaborate with anyone in the game because even if they're 20s across the board their advice is so poor and untethered from your game model. Your AI DoF is also a moron who can't be trusted not to sign a forward with a clause that says he'll only be played as an AF when your tactic isn't built that way. Oh, and he'll probably sign the player in question for far too much. Every single club feels exactly the same. There's no difference between managing Barcelona and Sporting Kansas City other than the league rules and transfer budgets. This needs to change. Big clubs need better resources and I'm not talking attributes of staff. It should *feel* like a small club when I'm managing in Vanarama North. It should feel like I've made it when I take the job at Man City. MLS is a total joke for a licensed league. The AI can't handle the roster rules and signs players without regard to their fit within wage structure and salary cap structure. The game schedules 4-5 straight away games across the season. Oh, and if you thought you're gonna play Inter Miami with Messi, Busquets, and Alba in FM24, think again, because the licensing is a year behind. A total joke for a "simulator." The match engine is awful in the sense that you cannot begin to think about "football" when playing football manager, you have to think about the "football manager match engine" that is divorced from footballing reality. The game-day experience is also bad. I shouldn't be able to change my entire team's shape on a throw-in and have it be successful, I just shouldn't, especially if its some random shape we've never trained before. The stadiums all look so bad, as do the crowds. I played a mobile FM-style game that blew FM away graphically. Players scored goals and celebrated at the camera, with the crowd, or with each other, and I don't mean they circled one another or whatever happens in FM. They had real celebrations. Basically, in the past, I really enjoyed playing this game as a fun little escape and a chance to feel connected to football from a tactical, strategic perspective. Now, it feels stale, boring, unchanged, and divorced from football. I hope that FM24 makes me look foolish. I hope FM25 completely revolutionizes the game for the better. But until I'm proved otherwise, I'll continue being skeptical.
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