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Posts posted by JDhamm

  1. Ok, I've set up a tactic most suited to my prospects and they're now being played regularly, which is great. However, there is one slight inconvenience... In order for me to be able to select their tactic, not only do I need to give U18 manager full control of all training (otherwise the screen for selecting their tactic simply isn't there), I can also only select tactics from my senior team's tactic slots, meaning third slot is now taken with a tactic my senior team will never play. In previous FMs you could simply select a formation you wanted your U18 manager to play and that had nothing to do with your senior team's tactics or training.


    @Seb Wassell @Neil Brock Is there a way to influence what tactic U18s play without having to set up one in one of the three senior team's tactic slot?

  2. 3 hours ago, Mercia said:

    If you go to Dev Centre, U18's tactics, you can select if the team plays your first team tactic or the U18's managers preferred, could help.

    I can't find that option anywhere, where exactly is it?

    If I click on the Dev Centre and then U18s, it says "You're in control of one or more areas of the U18s", there's no options to select. The only thing I want to control is the U18 Individual Training though and that's also how my responsibilities are set up.



    If I go into U18s Tactics, it's my tactic that's locked in, although I'd prefer him to use his preferred formation instead. In previous FMs I could create a tactic for them, but now all the options are greyed out.


    Found it, but I had to give him full control of U18s, including the Individual Training... Not sure what sense does this make. :seagull:


    I've set up a tactic that suits my prospects, hopefully that makes him play them regularly.

  3. Is there a way I can guarantee my 17 y/o top prospect gets played in U18s? I've got Bruno Saltor as their manager, so his attributes should be decent enough for him to judge ability correctly, but a player who's playing regularly for his U20 national team still barely sees any playing time in the U18s. It's also not the case of my U18 team being filled with players, I only keep my best prospects and the rest are greyed out players, who I'd hope he wouldn't pick over my 5-star potential youngster... I've also manually selected his position, but that looks like it has no influence over who he picks whatsoever.

  4. 2 hours ago, StevehFC said:

    How did SI not notice this is unbelievable as i would this has been a issue since beta.

    I'm not actually sure the match engine was THIS unenjoyable during Beta. As far as I remember, some of the versions we went through were actually quite nice, I remember people posting GIFs of some beautiful plays in previous feedback threads. But there were obviously other issues, so they did more fiddling and now, two or three match engine versions later, we have this. And yeh, sadly not very fun to watch, there's only so many set piece goals, long shot screamers and missed 1v1s I can stomach. For or against, doesn't matter, I'm currently having a lot of success in my save, but highlights are still dull and boring to watch.

  5. 12 hours ago, Kunglao991 said:

    Key element in this game is motivation. Tactics and attributes are basically irrelevant if your players aren't properly motivated for a match.

    But then on the other hand you have tactical masterminds like @Rashidi who sometimes don't even do team talks or press conferences, and they still do incredibly well, because they know the tactical side of things in and out and know exactly what changes to make. I'm pretty sure I heard Rashidi himself mention a few times in his videos, that he doesn't believe in team talks, tactical familiarity and all other "distractions" very much. In some of his YT series you can see him skipping all of that, playing a different formation every match and still battering the crap out of AI... :lol:

  6. Not a tactical/training question, but I don't think it warrants a new thread: why can't I get a Senior Affiliate in English League One? Started the save in Vanarama North and kept asking continuously for years as I progressed through the leagues, but without success. They agree with looking for one, but never find it. I know that some clubs can get it immediately, so what influences that? Reputation? Facilities? Certain chairman attributes?

  7. Hmm, this is how manual explains Tactical Knowledge:


    The tactical knowledge possessed by a non-player. This has many uses; from opposition and team scouting to training and match preparation focus and backroom advice, a higher rating will result in both more accurate and more detailed information being passed back to you.

    No mention of it actually affecting manager's in-match tactical decisions, is that true? If yes, I suppose it's not the case of my assistant making "wrong" changes to my tactic, but rather changing it to his preferred style, is that correct?

    @Seb Wassell, any clarification on this would be greatly appreciated. I'm basically wondering what influences what kind of changes my assistant will make to my tactic during games, when holidaying.

  8. 19 minutes ago, HUNT3R said:

    Your assistant is left in charge. He may start with your tactic, but he will change things during the match. Your assistant just doesn't seem to be very good.

    Do you by any chance know what attributes I should look for if I'm planning on holidaying through big chunks of the season? Tactical Knowledge and Motivating seem obvious, but do I need to make sure his Playing Style and Pressing Urgency match mine too? Just not sure what kind of changes he actually makes, if he goes and changes everything to his preference during games then "use current tactic" option makes no sense.

  9. I've noticed that whenever I try holidaying past a run of games against inferior opposition, my assistant always does a bad job (despite ticking the options for him to use current squad and tactic). If I go and replay the games myself, I will usually get a much better result, without really making any big changes in-game. I know there's always a bit of randomness involved, but this seems to be a real pattern.

    I'm wondering why that is? I've read before that match engine apparently simulates the game in the exact same way as if I'd play it myself, so why such a difference? Does assistant still make certain tweaks during games, despite being told to use my tactic? Admittedly, his Tactical Knowledge isn't the best, so could it be that? He clearly uses my formation, if I check the Formations tab, but there's no way of seeing any small tweaks he might make during the game, as far as I know. Also, does his Playing Style still matters, if I tell him to use my tactic? I'm wondering if he adjusts all that to his own preference once the game starts, which would of course result in a very disjointed tactic.

    I've heard of some people testing their tactics with holidaying, but clearly that can't be optimal, if my assistant consistently gets worse results than what's realistically possible. Do I really need to fire this poor sod and get someone with better Tactical Knowledge in?

  10. Tbh, I wouldn't necessarily say Counter-Press is too risky for weaker teams, especially in a formation like 4-1-4-1, with plenty of midfielders and cover in each position. In theory, yes, you don't see underdogs chasing teams around the pitch, but in FM terms you're doing more harm than good with sitting back if your team is not good enough. I would leave pressing urgency on default, but use Counter-Press, which should hassle teams just enough so they can't build up comfortably. Besides that, as we know, pressing in FM simply doesn't have as many drawbacks as it does in real life, so you're pretty much shooting yourself in the foot not using it.

    The only case where I'd advise against Counter-Press, would be in adventurous formations like 4-2-4 or 4-2-3-1. There, you don't want your lone CMs stepping up and exposing themselves too soon, since they have no cover behind them, but in a 4-1-4-1 your positions are well covered, should a player get beat during pressing.

  11. I've to say, FM20 is by far the most frustrating game I've ever played. Been an FM player since FM14, enjoy reading about tactics and know quite a bit about them as a result, but the amount of frustration this year's FM can induce is through the roof. There is something off with how the game portrays/displays certain things, I can't work out what's going wrong no matter what highlights I watch. As a result, I'm left scratching my head again and again, while my successful tactic stops working out of nowhere. This isn't the case of AI going more defensive, it's the case of my strikers not scoring from 15+ shots on target, while the opposition converts any chance they get with ease. It's not the question of morale either, I take care of my man management, I praise/criticize players accordingly, I make sure team talks result in Motivated or Fired Up responses, even players' average ratings aren't bad. But for some reason, goals aren't there anymore and now I'm in a slump of draws and 1-0 losses, which feel incredibly artificial (game "balancing" out results, so the AI isn't beaten too badly and the statistics remain somewhat "realistic").





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