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zombie relic

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Everything posted by zombie relic

  1. I realized I'd just misconfigured some reputation, hence youth players were by and large crap. One other thing i've noticed - my new competition starts with 200 reputation and every club starts with max. I also lowered the reputation of every other competition and club to 0 to see if that would have an effect. But so far I see that after about 40 years, the reputation of the competition has decayed to about 20/200 and clubs have decayed to about 2 stars from 5. How can I ensure the reputation of these clubs remains consistent?
  2. is there a thread or something I can read about this limitation? feels weird to have this sort of restriction in the game
  3. oh wow, i had no idea. I think in FM21 i ran a similar database, and the teams then could generate good players. Is this a new thing?
  4. Makes sense. I deleted everything from the competitions tab, probably had to leave a few things in there. I've set a global transfer ban for every team not in my custom league to prevent interference. What I'm finding now is that these teams don't generate regens of any quality, so I tried to max out all the facilities, reputation of competition, nation, and club, and also reduce the reputation of every single club/competition in the database. But what I find is that despite having maxed out reputation, a. the regens still suck - they're slightly better, but they don't go above 130 PA, and b. the club reputation and competition reputation declines rapidly over time. I suspect this is due to lack of continental competition but not fully sure.
  5. Okay, so I've made a test competition which works fine. Probably it seems like I've deleted something crucial though, I get consistent crashes when the game ticks to Nov 1. This also happened when I ran just the empty database with no clubs or competitions in it. I suspected initially that it may have been trying to call up nonexistent players to national teams, but I see that international matches have been played long before the crash (albeit with no players). I also considered it might have to do with world rankings or something, but I also saw those change before the crash. So, seeing as deleting everything might not have worked, how can I load my set of 5 leagues and prevent other teams from interfering? e.g. I don't want say, Man City to come in and poach youngsters from these clubs. I could try setting a global transfer ban on every club in the world w/ batch edit, maybe?
  6. Then again, I'm realizing I don't need to necessarily make my changes in the _empty_ database, since I'm only adding things, I can just add them to a fresh database, and the changes will be applied when I load both files in game, correct?
  7. Mild necro, I've (finally) managed to clear out the database. I've edited an old nation to hold my fantasy league and created my competition + clubs. In the club interface, I select my nation. When I go to add nation rules, I select the same nation, but I do not see any competition information and rules to edit. Trying to convert to advanced rules gives me a "Needs 1 division" error message. I've tried also assigning my new competition to existing nations - e.g. Germany - and the competition is not there either. Trying to debug what's wrong - is there a field I've missed in the nation editor itself? I had done this similar project in the FM21 editor before, but hadn't run into similar issues.
  8. Makes sense. I figure stuff like countries are going to be very hardcoded, especially with the scouting coverage view. Is there a preferred order to delete things? I did try to delete from a fresh database and deleting players took quite a bit of time. But granted I tried to delete a very large batch, so that may be why.
  9. Damn, okay. I was planning to remove clubs, competitions, players, and stadiums at the very least. Any reason we can't save at all during deleting? Can I save afterwards?
  10. Hi, As part of a worldbuilding project I'm working on, I wanted to create and simulate sports history in an alternate history scenario. To do so, I wanted to essentially build a new league system in several countries, with regen players, with none of the existing leagues, clubs, or players. Is there any way for me to accomplish this outside of deleting every single player/competition/club/stadium/etc? It takes an ungodly amount of time to delete these things, I've tried leaving the editor running for hours removing players and it doesn't really make much progress. Any advice on how to accomplish this would be appreciated. Alternatively, if I have to keep existing clubs/players/etc in the database, is there a way to load my custom leagues such that nothing other than my custom content is loaded?
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