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126 "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"

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  1. No exactly. This tactic is SO good. And my results are amazing. This tactic is heavily inspired by @Rashidi video about overlapping IFB. They contribute to the attack much better than WCD and are defensively SO strong. Many of the opponents attacks comes within the channels and my IFB constantly intercepts the opponents passes.
  2. What you are seeing on the pitch is my B-Side because I have an important CL match 3 days later.
  3. So I am playing a 433 with Milan and I have litteraly won evrything, scoring a ton of goals. What really changed things from very good to fantastic was to change my DM role to a Regista. Here are the PI´s GK IFB´s - Both on run wide with ball and tackle harder Libero Regista B2B CMa - Dribble more, take more risk IFa - Stay wider, Close down more often, Mark tighter Ws - Close down more often, Mark tighter CFa - Close down more often, Tackle harder
  4. Calabria and Leao complaining about that they are not starting enough, even though we havent even started the first game of the season yet. This is ridicilous and would never happen IRL.
  5. I have the possibility to sign one of these. Which one would you pick?
  6. This works extremely well for me. SK-S IFB-D (both) BPD-D (left) Libero-D (right) RPM CM-A (right) B2B (Left) AMR Winger-S AML Winger-A AF or CF-A
  7. I always use my assistant manager for handling training, so obviously he need to have high people management skills. But what about general coaching skills like attacking, defending etc. do they need to have high skills in that too, when handling training ?
  8. Questions to the Spurs formation. 1) Overlap left and right with IWB. I can’t really see a difference on the pitch.? 2) It seems like you often prefer a DMs in the DM position in a 433DM system. Why? Could a BWM be as useful? 3) Could a PFa be as good as a AF ?
  9. When you watch YouTube channels, 99% of them always put tempo to high. Have you guys had any success with top teams using lower tempo and short passing? Like success in the league and CL ?
  10. My target is to get my wingers to score, assist and get as high ratings as possible.
  11. In a 433 where you have your wingers as IFa, which of the following striker roles would create most opportunities for my inside forwards? PFa, PFs or AF ?
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