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Santiago Morning

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Everything posted by Santiago Morning

  1. Thank you for the reply. 'Save as...' I hadn't thought of that. I might do that and play away and see what happens. Whenever i get tired of this save, i can then return to that file and try the other option. Cheers
  2. Hi all, I'm a Man Utd fan, and have thought that it would be good to work my way up to being their manager and hopefully win the PL with them. I've never won the PL before on FM 17, but I'm also not that intense a gamer. I'm with Southampton now, and we are regularly in the Champions League. We are not too far from winning the league. Hopefully in another season or two. This season is a battle between us, Man City and Arsenal. However, the Man U job has come up and I'm the favourite to get it. Man U have had a hard few seasons though, and are 14th... where they have been hanging about for a good few years now. Winning the league with Southampton would be amazing, but as i wanted to manage Man U too, maybe i should go there. However, it would take ages to get them up to the top, and if it doesn't go well, my time there could be short lived. Have you had situations like this your saves? What did you do? Any advice for me? I'm actually leaning towards staying at Southampton for another few years... The Man U job will surely come up again some time... Thank you.
  3. Thank you. Yeah, i should have known. I'll have to pay better attention to the balance. A season out of CL could be trouble, perhaps. It's looking good for this season, though 😊
  4. Hi all, I'm wondering about things like players' appearance fees and bonuses such as goal scoring bonus and clean sheets bonus etc. Is this accounted for in the wage budget or transfer budget, or where does this money come from? My Southampton team are now regular Champions League contenders, and so players are demanding higher bonuses. I just don't want to lose control of the finances. I'm generally good at controling wage budgets, but am afraid that higher bonuses could eventually spell financial trouble. I'm playing FM17 if that matters. Thank you.
  5. Hi all, I'm playing FM17, which seems to be made for the 4-2-3-1 formation, however, i haven't had much success with it in past saves. I've often played a 4-3-1-2, as i prefer to have two strikers, however that formation can be a bit narrow. I've just been offersd a job at Lyon, and might try a 4-2-3-1 again. Perhaps the width it offers might allow me to stretch defences more, but I've never had success with an isolated striker. So, what general advice would you have for player roles? The right and left backs.. do you have them on automatic? And the two midfielders, one on defence and one on support? What roles do you usually have for the wide attacking midfielders? The lone stricker? attacking? deep-lying? i like to play with a fast tempo, play wide if i can, plenty of low crosses, but don't really want the striker to be too isolated. As i said, I've never had much success with this tactic, but it may have the potential to take a team further. Thanking you, SM
  6. Hi all, Have you ever, either in the same save or a different save, gone back for a second stint at a club? If so, how was it? In previous saves, I had good spells in Sweden with Varmbols, and also in Denmark with AC Horsens. I'm in a new save now, currently managing in Ireland. However, i may be tempted to manage either Varmbols or Horsens again. So, have you ever done something like this, and if so, how was it? Cheers
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