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1 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"


  • Biography
    Bloke from NZ trying the YouTube thing, currently doing a New Zealand Build A Nation

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    Wellington Phoenix

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    AFC Auckland / New Zealand

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  1. I have run into this problem since the most recent update to the game yesterday. All of my home grown nation players have had their status disappear and it's also on the registration page, so I cannot register any new players as the game thinks I don't have enough home grown nation one's (even though I did before this new update). This save is using some downloaded / workshop leagues (main one here - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3089465944) but I started the save back in December and it has worked fine up until now. Also worth noting there are no home grown club players registered as the club hasn't existed long enough yet to have any old enough for that to be needed. I have attached some photo's to hopefully show the issue, and uploaded save file to the cloud called 'Home Grown Player Issue blackcaps50.fm'
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