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Posts posted by hook61

  1. @Zemahh You are doing great work my friend I will follow you, you are the person I am looking for xd

    @Experienced Defender

    2 hours ago, Experienced Defender said:

    I absolutely agree with you on this. and that is one of the problems I would like SI to address. Mentality labels can be misleading, especially for less experienced FM players. So I fully understand where your confusion comes from :thup:

    If I were to name team mentalities in FM, they would be like this:

    - Very defensive = Extremely conservative

    - Defensive = Very conservative

    - Cautious = Fairly conservative

    - Balanced = Balanced

    - Positive = Fairly adventurous

    - Attacking = Very adventurous

    - Very Attacking = Extremely adventurous 

    No. Because there is no counter-attacking football with slow transitions. There are slow-transition styles of football that use counter-attacks as an additional tactical weapon when an opportunity arises, but that's very different from the counter-attack as a distinct style of football. 

    This answer seriously enlightened me thanks for everything.I realized that the tactic I was doing was spoiled by mentality.That's why when I pull back the defense line, it is constantly under pressure and whatever I do, it doesn't work to go counter attack.I hope the mentality explanations in the game will be corrected in the following series. This is seriously misleading people.

  2. 20 minutes ago, Experienced Defender said:

    Well, that's exactly the problem - and the major mistake that most people make when thy want to play counter-attacking football. Because unlike passive defensive styles (e.g. catenaccio or parked bus), where lower team mentalities make sense, counter-attacking football is a more proactive brand of defensive football that relies on fast transtions. And those fast transitions work much better on a higher or at least balanced team mentality. So when I want to play a counter-attacking style, I opt for either Balanced or even Positive team mentality - not cautious. Defensive solidity and compactness that counter-attacking football requires are not achieved through the team mentality but the combination of D-line and LOE as well as a balanced setup of roles and duties.

    But you don't want to share even your roles and duties, let alone the rest of the tactic, so I really cannot tell you what else (i.e. besides the mentality) you are potentially doing wrong and how you can improve the tactic. 

    Accessing this information is as difficult as searching for gold in the mine.The explanation of the game about the Cautious mentality and your explanation is really different.So today I am learning that counter-attack football with fast transitions should be played in a positive mentality or a standard mentality.It is almost impossible to learn this with the explanations in the game.So what kind of football should we play with the Cautious football mentality? Is it counter attack football with slow transitions?.Is there a guide to access this informations?.Since people are wrong about this subject, why a proper guide etc. is not included in the game.If I had not written these articles to you today, I would have continued to be mistaken if I had only played with the explanations in the game.


  3. @DarJHello buddy thanks for your answer

      41 minutes ago, hook61 said:

    just use the simplest tactic as a counter attack with cautious mentality


    The reason I wrote this way I just wrote this for the counter-attack on cautious mentality with low defensive.

    My aim is to explain what happens when someone is played with a low defensive line in counter-attack football like Burnley when Jose Mourinho was ruling inter.Obviously, this shape is the cautious mentality for football is the most logical and visible mentality.Low defensive line and counter-attack football I have never tried playing in the offensive mentality or positive mentality.Playing on the low defensive line and try to counter attack offensive mentality or posession seemingly contradicts each other,but I don't know if this is a game running or not, how the match engine will react, I am not trying to explain it anyway.What I want to tell you is the completely cautious mentality of counter-attack football and low defense line.


    For example, the small team wants to play counter-attack, with cautious mentality and a low defensive line.If the big team is playing possesion football on posivite mentality, it will easily beat this counter attack team.(If the team playing the posesion football does not use conflicting directives.I assume big team is playing with the description in the positive mentality in the game so not with long passes or high tempo).

    At this point, in order for the small team to win, the big team must play very risky offensive football, at this point the team playing counter-attack with lower def line team can find a chance to win.

    Otherwise, small team will not have a chance due to the low line of defense and he will lose under constant pressure of posession football.Playing low defensive line and possesion football on posivite mentality is also disadvantageous against the team playing with a high defensive line posession (positive mentality).

  4. @Experienced Defender I wanted to say cautious mentality

    I don't need to share any tactics or roles, just use the simplest tactic as a counter attack with cautious mentality against posession football.Just use the counter-attack tactic against a ai or real player against position football, especially with lower def line you will see how much defeat results.You will see how badly the team trying to counter attack is playing, it will be under constant pressure and will not be able to counter attack.As a result of my previous article, the only reason I didn't share tactics and score the match results is that these articles are completely based on experience.These articles I wrote are not the result of 1-game or 10-game articles. I have already written this in my other article.Are you answering my article without reading?

    Counter-attack football in the game completely works against too many risky attacks and ai very rare to play like that.The opposing team you play with must press you completely high their def line must be much higher line,their mentality must be attacking or all out attack.However, in this way, the  team can counterattack, I have tried this many times.In this game, counter attack works this way only against much risky offensive football.Counter attack football with cautious mentality will be under constant pressure against position football and will not work.

  5. @OvermarsSame thing happens with me 

    Whenever I hold back the defensive line and counter-attack mentality against a strong team, it doesn't work at all, and even though the game suggests it, that's the logical one, but the game doesn't accept it.This game wants everybody to be a little Guardiola lol.You only need to play short pass,position football,and high pressure rival team's squad doesn't matter.This game clearly offers us this football as a favorite.I realized that counter-attack football only works when the opposing team is attacking with all its might,for this your opponent team's tactic should attacking or all out attack.I tried this myself and prepared their tactics with 2 different managers in the same league.First manager counter attack mentality and defense line lower, lower,counter no other settings.Second manager possession mentality and short pass,high def line,gegenpress,work ball into box and lower tempo.I won the game with the second manager, it put the opponent under constant pressure and the opposing team never made a counter attack.Counter attack does not work in this game against Posession football.But it's not like that in real life,I write these articles based on experience, not just after 1 match result.

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