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Posts posted by MattyEssTTV

  1. 2 hours ago, Olas Nick said:

    yes but...

    no offense, but such a question does not inspire a desire to help. 

    what kind of look do you want? 

    what have you done already?

    what doesn't work for you the way you want? 

    are you capable of something yourself or will you demand that it be done to you?

    No offense, but this response is just as useless.  

  2. On 01/11/2023 at 22:46, MattyEssTTV said:

    Has anyone been able to try and get the positional roles to be highlighted on the “scouting centre report card” in their skin?

    I have tried last year and was so useless at it, I couldn’t figure it out. 

    something that looks like this? 

    Anyone been able to do it? I have tried my best to get it done. Something is just not clicking.

  3. As a part time retired content creator, I have nothing but admiration for the skinning community. You guys have made improvements to the game and should be applauded for it. 

    However, my thinking around skinning and creators borrowing assets is that it’s the natural evolution of any form of content on the internet. 

    So many ideas, even in saves in YouTube videos, came from an idea someone had. 

    Unless someone was making a profit from it, I wouldn’t be upset if someone took something I made. However, proper credit needs to be given always. 

  4. 16 hours ago, keysi said:

    'widgets/club training performers list widget' - the paper with the speech bubble was changed, so just find the updated widget and take the updated code. If you don't want to have a player face here and have it by default, just delete that performers list widget (or just rename it) and reload the skin. 


    19 hours ago, TCSSkin said:

    You'll have to find the actual panel, will be in news_item_panels folder i think

    Awesome, thanks so much for your help guys! :)

  5. 5 hours ago, MattyEssTTV said:

    Tried that, didn’t work. Might have added in the wrong code. 

    was thinking that the graphic from last year changed to this year, so maybe I need to copy that across? But I’m not sure what one it is?

    Actually, better question. Does anyone know what I need to transfer or change to make this -


    Into this? - 

  6. 18 minutes ago, snowofman said:

    wasnt what you were looking for..

    i can't see more ways to seperate things then what's already written here

    Yeah, it's annoying. Cause this is what I have so far. The highlighted one doesn't work. 


    This is what it looks like. 


    Just wondering what I could add to get 7th to work. Very annoying. haha

  7. On 26/06/2020 at 01:46, Sh@rk said:

    No it's not there.

    Change these lines in settings.xml in the skin you use.


        <colour name="league_champion"  red="50" green="200" blue="50"/>
        <colour name="league_promotion" red="20" green="100" blue="20"/>
        <colour name="league_top_playoff" red="20" green="70" blue="150"/>
        <colour name="league_bottom_playoff" red="100" green="35" blue="20"/>
        <colour name="league_relegation" red="150" green="50" blue="25"/>
        <colour name="league_main_continental" red="90" green="150" blue="80"/>
        <colour name="league_other_continental" red="90" green="170" blue="225"/>

    Would anyone know how to seperate other continental to include adding a colour for 7th/third continental competition  

    For example, I have edited my skin to show the following 

    1st - Champions (Green) 

    2nd - 4th - UCL (Blue)

    5th - 6th - UEL (Orange)

    I am now just looking to add 

    7th - UECL (Light Green) 

    Has anyone been able to do this? What code would I need to add to get it to work?


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