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Everything posted by ReadingFan82

  1. Think I'm going to take the plunge on a new laptop, just whittled down to a few options that I'd need a little help choosing from. https://www.currys.co.uk/products/acer-nitro-5-15.6-gaming-laptop-intel-core-i7-rtx-4060-1-tb-ssd-10253551.html https://www.currys.co.uk/products/msi-stealth-15-15.6-gaming-laptop-intel-core-i7-rtx-4060-1-tb-ssd-10246632.html?istCompanyId=bec25c7e-cbcd-460d-81d5-a25372d2e3d7&istFeedId=4d7eb93e-055f-499d-8ee5-1cdcc50d67d1&istItemId=rrxmmwimp&istBid=t&srcid=198&cmpid=ppc~gg~0073 (Shopping Ads) Gaming Laptop - Intel PMAX~~Exact~71700000113623540~&mctag=gg_goog_7904&kwid=GOOGLE&device=c&ds_kids=&tgtid=0073 (Shopping Ads) Gaming Laptop - Intel PMAX&&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIhvirw_O_gwMVXIBQBh3QdwTKEAQYAiABEgIU0fD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds https://www.currys.co.uk/products/gigabyte-g6-16-gaming-laptop-intel-core-i7-rtx-4060-1-tb-ssd-10257149.html https://www.laptopsdirect.co.uk/medion-erazer-deputy-p60-intel-core-i7-16gb-1tb-rtx-4060-144hz-fhd-15.6-inc-30036528/version.asp Just wanted to run these through the forum for some last bits of advice before I take the plunge and sink a fair bit of money into any of them. Let me know what you think!
  2. That's great! I think I've edge probably more toward a laptop rather than a desktop after all, apart from the one you mentioned above earlier is there any others you may suggest that where in my price range of around £1,000? Is there also anything I'd have to keep in mind with FM 25 coming soon? Given it might need different stuff to run it than the current game I wouldn't want to be in the situation again next year of not having a laptop capable of running the game.
  3. I think I should have now attached the specs of my current laptop if they're any help
  4. I've been having some issues with my laptop running FM recently, it has been very buggy and generally really slow to process through the game. I do have all the face packs, real names, badges, etc.. loaded, but run very few Playable leagues and my game is still slow and sluggish. I can go quite far into saves which obviously will make it slower but even at the start of saves this year I'm having issues with game speed. As a result, I was thinking about getting a new system to run the game on. I thought it may be best to get a gaming PC of some sort to enable to me to play it faster and to have far more leagues loaded than I'd be able to on a laptop, but if there's a laptop that would be just as good I'd be happy to get that either. I'd be happy to spend somewhere around £1,000 if it would get my game to run the way I'd like it to. Would anyone happen to have any recommendations on what system might be best for me to purchase?
  5. I've been having some issues with my laptop running FM recently, it has been very buggy and generally really slow to process through the game. I do have all the face packs, real names, badges, etc.. loaded, but run very few Playable leagues and my game is still slow and sluggish. As a result, I was thinking about getting a new system to run the game on. I thought it may be best to get a gaming PC of some sort to enable to me to play it faster and to have far more leagues loaded than I'd be able to on a laptop. Would anyone happen to have any recommendations on what system might be the best for me to get to run the game in the way I'd like to?
  6. Agree generally with a lot of what everyone has said here, just had a few little things I'd like to add. One thing that annoys me is when you sign a player, who will only arrive when the last game has been played but before the season technically ticks over, and it puts them in the previous season. Its just so annoying, and I can't imagine that this would be the hardest thing ever to fix. Another thing is the managerial timeline, I would absolutely love to be able to remove, add, edit, etc..., things in it. I'd love to be able to add specific matches with it (with a generic preset template or with you being able to label it however you wish) that I though were in particular important. In an old Everton save I was midtable with not much going on, and then I came back from 2-0 down at home to Leeds to win 3-2 with a late winner, and after that I went on a great run and ended up finishing in a European place. I think it would be great to be able to add this in the timeline, as well as remove things that are included like random second choice goalkeepers I signed on a free transfer once. Another issue I have is the data hub, I just don't get it and the advice it gives you. For example, often it will tell you to put 'work ball into box' on to stop having wasteful shots from distance, but once you put that on, it tells you to put 'shoot on sight' on to have more shots. Well which is it? I don't think the advice the data hub, staff, etc..., give are very good and are never too helpful, which makes the tactical side of the game quite difficult for people like me who aren't great at the tactical side of the game.
  7. I do think a huge issue I have is having a wobble when things start going badly, changing tactics to something my team has not played before and is not used too, or even one not as 'meta' as a gegenpress (or whatever defaults are agreed generally in the community to be good), and thus performing worse because we have 'worse' tactic, and one the team aren't comfortable playing in yet, or never will be because it might be a style that just does not fit the squad of players you have. Changing the tactic usually leads to more bad results, and stuck in the so called cycle you can then find yourself.
  8. My logic with it has always been that morale, team cohesion, dressing room atmosphere, managerial support, etc..., is super super important, as suggested by Jack722. If your managing a mid table team for example, who end up by the new year in the top 4 for example, and then have a legitimately tough run and lose a couple of games, your teams morale dips and then performance and then results become worse. If you keep losing after the drop in morale, it will only get worse, likely leading to and more losses, harming atmosphere/moral further, and on the cycle goes. I think Jack sums up the reasons for why this can happen quite well, but that of course means it can be hard to judge what it actually is that has gone wrong. Are you genuinely being unlucky, or have teams 'figured' you out? Should you stick with the tactic or twist, to something new, potentially untrained, and thus has less cohesion, which can of course then impact on results if your tactic was fine and you genuinely were being unlucky, having an off day which can happen, and so on. I think what's difficult is figuring out why poor runs of form can sometimes come out of nowhere, and if you don't know the reason for why things are not going well its going to be difficult to fix them. When morale's down, the only way to fix it is seemingly to win a game, at least in my experience. But if morale is shot because of poor form, then your unlikely to get good results, and morale will thus stay low and the cycle continues. I think more ways to try and get the teams morale up may be a good way to improve results but I'm not really sure how it is you go about that. When your form and morale is bad it seems nothing tactically different you do works, and every shot on target flies part your keeper and nothing goes your way, which of course does genuinely happen in real life, but in a game its so difficult to try and find a way around this. The past few times I've had this I've just ended up getting sacked, or got really lucky and scraped a win and magically all of sudden the team performed brilliantly. Of course, again, this does happen in real life, its just I find it really difficult to try and find ways out of these horrible ruts you can sometimes get into in this game, so whenever someone's frustrated about it I completely get it. I do disagree slightly with Jack though on a few things. While it seem to be counter intuitive, going more defensive can sometimes help score goals. If the ai knows your an attacking team, playing a high line, being aggressive, etc..., might see you pull them to pieces, so sitting back and letting your team have the ball, particularly if your not an elite level team with amazing technical players, might keep you out. You in turn might go more attacking to try and break down a defensive team, and thus leave more space in behind, have less players in defensive positions should the ai opposition counter attack and so on, and thus a defensive team with the ability to counter might score more goals being a more defensive team than they would had they been attacking, ultra aggressive off and on the ball.
  9. Hi all. I've started 2 new savers recently and was just wondering how important coaching badges and past playing experience are? I know of course they impact the management attribute points but I'm not sure just how important they are either. The 2 saves I have started recently, one with Everton in the PL and a Hungarian 2nd division team expected to finish in the top 5 (board and media expectation) and I'm doing pretty poor with both of them. I'm 18th with Everton 10/11 games in, and 15th with the Hungarian team 8/9 games in, and I've already had the 'pressure piled on manager' inbox messages for the Hungarian team. In both I have put the coaching badges to the automatic ones for the club level, but playing experience I have put at Sunday league level for both. I was just wondering if this actually matters, and hurts player support, morale, etc..., which then impacts performance, and then the cycle it goes around and around until I'm sacked, or if its just that my tactics and understandings of them is what my big problem is and if I had the right tactics the lack of past playing experience wouldn't really matter.
  10. I have maybe a little bit yes I've posted the tactic as well as some other things form my save in my last post so feel free to have a luck
  11. Here is the tactics I used for some of the last season and the start of this one, the 523, some of the results I have had with it as well as reports for my playing squad. I started using it in the 1-0 defeat away to Arsenal in the UCL, with the last game being the 4-2 win against Chelsea this season in the PL. The biggest issue I have with this is its failure to create chances at all, let alone good ones. In a lot of the games I won I actually outperformed the xG, in some quite considerably, which is completely different to what I usually have were I underperform it quite considerably. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. I also have the best coaching staff in the league. I don't really mess about with training regimes, etc... as I don't really understand it but, sometimes I get a message saying my players are unhappy with the general low level of training.
  12. I'm managing Newcastle in a glory hunter save and I'm in the 29-30 season, and I am having major tactical issues. Obviously being at Newcastle I've spent a load of money and have a team I think should be capable of winning the title, I did even win the UCL last season but this season I have massively wobbled. Nothing I use seems to be working, not even the Gegenpress preset seems to be working for me anymore which was previously my break glass option. I was just wondering if anyone could share what they are using on their saves and compare it to what I've been using and see maybe were I have been going wrong?
  13. I think its hard for SI because they're stuck between a rock and a hard place, make a brilliant football management 'game' or football management 'simulation'. As someone who plays the game to relax or for escapism or whatever else you might call it, it can be a bit jarring the 'work' that goes into playing the game, which can sometimes make the experience not so fun. Obviously when things are going well in game its brilliant, but can be quite demoralising when things aren't going quite so well and there are a million and one things in game that could be making you lose games. It can be difficult to pinpoint what it is that your doing so badly wrong. In terms of being a football management simulation its fantastic, I'm not sure you'd fine anything better for any sport, but as a game sometimes I'm not so sure what I actually think of it in terms of it 'being fun'. I know that's not why a lot of people play it, and I know a lot of people see the fun in the challenge, but I don't know, that's just my 2 cents.
  14. Could not agree more with this take. The assistant manager advice is notoriously awful which is one thing, but I was so excited to see what the data hub. But honestly, I haven't found it useful at all which has been a huge disappointment. I don't know if I'm just using it wrong but it seems buggy and not particularly useful. As you say its really difficult to actually see what's going wrong for you in game, whether or not its during the game or after it.
  15. I was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to improve a tactic? I'm in my 4th season on my Valencia save, were I came 5th, then 1st, then 3rd. Currently I'm 6th 12 games into my new season and have won just one of my last 6 league games and have had the dreaded inbox message of murmurs of discontent amid bad form which is never a good sign. I've been using pretty much the same tactic since the end of my 1st season but have seen a pretty steep drop off at the start of this season. I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to improve a tactic, or make better ones? Is there anything I should be picking up in game highlights, is there ways I could be using the data hub to help, or any other sort of stuff like that? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  16. Hello everyone! I just wanted to ask if anyone else had been as hit by the winter update as I have? I started a new save with Everton and in my 1st season finished 13th, which just met objectives but still not great at all, paired with disappointing cup performances. I got away mainly due to a decent start but apart from that had a very poor season, my team kept just 4 clean sheets all season in all competitions, only 3 in the league. I've tried pretty much every pre-set, every tactic that I've used earlier in the game cycle from different saves, everything, and nothing has seemed to work for me. I'm just a bit clueless to be honest and have no idea where it is I'm going so wrong with it. My teams been fine scoring goals, I have DCL and Richarlison who are both quite good, especially DCL, but I just have absolutely no idea how to stop shipping so many goals and thus actually manage to get any results. I've also found set pieces to be completely neutered, at the start of the year they were far too overpowered but recently, and particularly after the winter update, I've found set pieces of any form to be completely useless, I honestly can't recall scoring one all season. I almost certainly did but I just can't remember. Saying all this, I have no idea if I'm being too ambitious with the team I have but just thought it might be worth posting anyway to see if anyone else had felt the same. Thanks for reading!
  17. I just have a bit of an issue where the star ratings on a players position section and the scout/coach summaries give different star ratings. I've had this with not fully scouted players before but not with fully scouted players and players who I already have, and was just wondering if anyone knew if there any ways I could fix this? I've never had this and its just a little bit annoying, not a huge issue obviously but something that if possible I'd like sorting out if possible. I checked and made sure that the scout/coach summaries are for the same position as on the positions section so I don't think its because their reviewing different roles/positions which is what I originally thought it was. Apologies, I know this isn't really a bug of any sort but I wasn't too sure where else to put this in the forums so sorry if it was meant to be posted somewhere else. Also this was only recently joining a new club and I'd sacked the old staff and hired a lot of new staff so I was just wondering if this might have something to do with? Thanks, Patrick
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