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Issue Comments posted by ReadingFan82

  1. 9 hours ago, Kyle Brown said:

    Thanks for the added info, it was a known issue we've got this under review already and it's with the Dev team - thank you for raising a further example, it'll come in handy. :)

    Thanks Kyle. I've also just realised that this is the first time in this save and on FM 22 as a whole that I've managed a club side and an international side, and I wonder if that also has something to do with it perhaps? Since I took the England job on my save as well as the club job its also changed the view of players on the scouting section, as in when your looking and going through players and can see their values, positions, value, current clubs side, etc...

    It had done this on previous iterations on FM so it could well be that taking an international job as well as a club side that messes up the settings and/or whatever else

  2. I've just tried to mess about with it again on my save file and when on the positions section on the player profile screen, if I change the role in the position they are playing in it changes to the correct star rating, the one that matches the scout/coach summary, even if I change it back to the original role where it was originally displaying the incorrect star rating (or at least a star rating that didn't match the scout/coach summary). For instance, if the player had a scout/coach summary of 3*, but his position section as an inverted winger on support was only showing 2*, I could change it to an inverted winger on attack which would give me the 3* rating on the position screen, and would stay at 3* even if I changed it back to being an inverted winger on support, different to what it had been showing as originally. Just a bit of weird one really.

  3. 30 minutes ago, Michael Sant said:

    Do you have a save game file at all, there could be non-bug reasons that explain this based on what you've said but I do think it would be best if QA can at least take a full look should they need to before determining this. A guide on how to upload your file is available here: How to upload files to us - Instructions and Notes - Sports Interactive Community (sigames.com)


    Yes I do, I think I have uploaded it to the SI Cloud Service. It should be titled 'Glory Hunter - Tottenham Hotspur.fm'. Thanks Michael

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