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5 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. I couldn't get the download link from the cloud so i have uploaded the file here - https://we.tl/t-2FcTUh6eye
  2. My player is unhappy because I broke a promise of having him as my penalty taker. But he is my designated taker. He's been scoring them. Am I missing an option here?
  3. Yeah I'll report it. I wasn't sure if there was a workaround or something I could do in game, but fefo appears ti be an unfortunate bug.
  4. My player is unhappy because I broke a promise of having him as my penalty taker. But he is my designated taker. He's been scoring them. Am I missing an option here?
  5. Oh hang on. It says in the starting eleven. Doh! Close!
  6. I have a Turkish cup game next and this registration requirement came up: https://gyazo.com/3a97800fa41520ae92afeeb0359a15a1 I do have one on my bench: https://gyazo.com/c0d24348181db170595f4cb995d8f85b But it is still saying i have 0 and i can't play the match.
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