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20 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. Has anyone tried a recreation of Sarriball in the golden years at Napoli for Fm24? I saw some stuff for Fm23 but in my opinion it doesn’t well into fm24. thanks!
  2. My impression is that when there is more fluidity the individual characteristics of players (eg: traits) emerge more clearly. Which would make sense, the more fluidity the system is, the freer are the players to interpret their roles. I know most people think it is just a label, but to me there makes no much sense. It's not easy to spot, but my impression by watching the game is that everything becomes more fluid when the tactic is fluid, movement, exchange of positions, pressing.... and so on.
  3. For the most important thing is to make the game more difficult. Right now it's way to easy to win... after a couple of seasons it becomes boring. I would like to see AI building better teams. Build much more sophisticated options for tactics (both for the team and for the single roles/positions). The tactical part of the game is way too simple, there is a big gap between what you can do and what you see in the real world: isn't this supposed to be a simulation game? It's too easy to operate in the transfer market and build an incredible team Graphic is important as many people are saying here, but for me the most fun is about: being engaged and challenged. simulate those tactical innovations I see in the real world
  4. Having counter attacking on might be another reason for those long balls. I play a very similar tactic. The difference is I play very narrow and use more playmakers both in CM and DM strata with focus through the center.
  5. I am having fantastic results with this tactic. But I am confused by one thing and I would like to ask you guys if you experience something similar. My DM (support) gets relatively poor ratings and I can't understand why, since his stats are good. In that position I have Declan Rice, who is supposed to be one of the best DM in the game. Also, the role seems to fit him perfectly. Unless he produces an assist (which is rare and that's OK), even when we win and have a dominant performance, he often gets a 6.6, 6.7 while several other players are above 7. Do you see something similar in your game?
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