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1,324 "Carpe diem. Seize the day"



  • Biography
    Long time player of Soccer Games since 1993 . First game was Soccer Wizard by Wizard Games of Scotland

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    Playing Since FM08

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    Cardiff City

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    Kelmscott Roos

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  1. Go to preferences, then details . Play on full detail for your league . Game will run slower though
  2. You need to play your league in full detail for it to work
  3. Crystal Ball answer then ? . Upload your edited file might help ? Are you saving and loading it correctly into the game? Delete cache maybe. Its an awkward question to try and answer . More info will get more responsed
  4. Attendance: The average fans that would visit your stadium in home matches, can't be higher than than Ground Capacity . Maximum Attendance: The max fans that would visit your stadium in home matches, this number can't be higher than Ground Capacity . Minimum Attendance: The lower number of fans that would visit your stadium in home matches, can't be higher than than Ground Capacity .
  5. I set up a cup or rounds that also has a 3rd position playoff . Works ok but in History its the losing team that is recognised as the winner ? I have tried nearly everything i can think of like giving it a fate etc . I am not good at league rankings and i feel this is where the solution lies Any help is appreciated Uploaded file canada test.fmf
  6. So basically you just man mark him and put in the hard tackles as his tacking is useless
  7. There are 1 or 2 already in the download forum . Best way if you want to do your own , is to download it and have a look what they did .
  8. R u using a modified skin . Is the database original ? Or one you made ? Have you uploaded a kit pack ? Have you deleted cache
  9. Thing is you can make a game as easy or as hard as you want .
  10. I think it's still available from the Discord Community
  11. The latest installments always win these polls
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