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Everything posted by markoconnell

  1. This thread is so underrated. The ideas here are grand, will take it onboard and try it. Would love to hear more though! Oh and the only minor tweak I would do is to have a BWM on defend and SV on support to get that 325 positional play. Gotta test it though, will report back!
  2. Hi all, having played previous versions, I’ve been reading that the formation screen is the way your team sets up defensively while the roles define the attacking patterns. Does that apply still to FM24? Also, what’s the difference between the 4231 with DM’s and the 4231 with MC’s? Thanks!
  3. Following this thread closely as I too am experiencing the same issues with the OP. Players seem to let the opposition cut through even with 'Get Stuck In' on.
  4. Hi all, was wondering if there will be a January update for the game with the latest transfers?
  5. Hi, I'm trying the replicate the Pep's 235 positional play but I'm having trouble getting to IW/IF to stay high and wide with the Mezzala on support or attack without occupying the same space. I've tried messing around with the CM(a) but they were too high up, almost acting like a second striker in the early attacking phase. BBM however were a little too deep.
  6. I've been waiting for FM23 to try and take a shot at replicating Arteta. Of course, huge Arsenal fan and have been watching, reading and learning the team's setup. Anyway, I've only played one game on full match so I wouldn't say my plan is set. However, I've seen enough to make decisions on the player roles. Ultimately, I feel that is the key part on replicating the style of football they play besides the usual high press, trigger press opposition's backline with high defensive line, tight mark hard tackle the middle and show their fullbacks inside. I saw BTN's video on it although I agree in some parts (like the above) I haven't seen the IW and IF with stay wider holding the width even on Very Wide team setting. In fact, most of what has been said here is true about Mez occupying the same space as the IF. So, I came up with the roles below. SK (d) - Rambo WB (s) - White/Tomi/Cedric DC (d) - Saliba BPD (d) - Gabby IWB (s) - Zinchenko DM (s) - Thomas MCR (a) - Odegaard BBM (s) - Xhaka IW (a) - Saka IF (s) - Martinelli F9 (s) - Jesus In my mind, I'm trying to have the fluid movements and rotations in the left side of the pitch before the switch over to Saka with his 1v1 and White supporting, then everyone arrives in late in the box. Our fullbacks with Xhaka/Odegaard tight mark and hard tackle as we force them inside. I decided an MC (a) with Moves Into Channels, Dribble More and Roam From Position over the usual Mez (a) as they are little too wide. Martin only goes on the outside if White and Saka inverts. As only Saka is inverting while White provides the width near the box, makes much more sense for Odegaard not to go wide too often and combine. Still need to see more games on this though. Jesus on F9 is useful as he will overload the middle but I added Roam From Position trying to replicate the movements he has with Martinelli whose also on Roam From Position. Xhaka on BBM only feels natural attribute-wise but I've yet to see the difference between that and the Mez (s). To be perfectly honest, with the match engine, I think we can only go as far as replicating one side of Arteta's style of play. I've been toying with the idea of their 4231 into a 442 when defending while also having the 235 positional play structure but I think it's difficult. Also the fact that Arteta always have Saka/Martinelli man marking/pressing the opposition's centerbacks and White/Zinchenko push up on their fullbacks while Odegaard marks their pivot with Thomas/Arteta stepping up in a flat two man marking.
  7. I'm sure I'll be told 'it's your tactics' but just hear me out. I'm not an absolute novice at the game. In fact, I've bought almost every version that came out. I recently purchased this year's version and am struggling brutally trying to keep a good run of games despite trawling the forums here on tactical information, even jotting down every word watching @Rashidi videos. I just can't see my game having patterns of play that I want to. It's extremely frustrating. So frustrating that all that time I put into it but always come out of it feeling frustrated, angry. Here's my Arsenal save. I've restarted and replayed the match with Brentford especially for more than a dozen times and still fell to them dominating, splitting the team apart, even after trying tweaks after tweaks, change after change. This is probably my last straw. Every 'aha' moment from threads and videos thinking some things will work so far has been nothing but pure disappointment. I'm just hoping if maybe there's something I'm missing before I put this aside for the unforeseeable future. I apologize if this feels like some negative ranting but I just don't see any other way other than maybe expressing how I feel. Thanks for reading.
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