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1 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. toan

    Some suggestion

    Opened this thread cause is hard to find similar threads for every point and add my own suggestions, sorry SI Tactics: Fluid formations: e.g.: when not in possession my tactic is a 352 (3cb; 2wb; 2cm; 1coc; 2s), when gaining the ball the tactic switch to a 343 with my wb going up to a wm position and 2 midfielder going up to winger position; i know this would be a massive work for programmers but it would be way more realistic and will make every tactic unique. also will keep every fm couch on the pitch rather than the office a big tactical advance would be the introduction of a "tactical board" features: select the area of domination (in form of a heat map, to select the areas of the field where we must win possession and where we must concentrate our game; maybe to superimpose to the heat map of the foe tactics; up to 3 areas to be selected) geometries (when regista in possession: select a role->move to position1->regista pass to position1->select a role-> move to position2->pass to position2/pass back to regista... up to 10 pass; 1 or 2 saved schemes for tactic) corners/free kicks tactics (selected for characteristics such as headers and jumping rather than role) these are the very basics of football tactics but most of them is under your engine control.. for examples i like to play with a complete wingbacks and an enganche.. i'd like to see the wb going to the endline and pass to the EG at the limit of the penalty area.. this kind of pass is rarely seen in fm.. i'm sure the engine already works with these variables; having them in our hands would take the experience to another level Transfers: This should have been fixed a long time ago: AI offers ridicolous prices for my players (30M for a player worth 50) and at the same time ask for nonsense prices (70M for a player around 30); the same for loans, with 300k a month if i want to take a player, and 100k (when lucky) if i'm going to give a player Trades Revamp: especially for young and hot prospects; it happens many times irl but in game it seems than the player I give as counterpart doesn't have any weight in the equation Youth Intake: we all wait for the newgen intake every year, but we all hate when we have 20 mediocres newgen. what i suggest is, when that times of the year comes, have 4 trial days/weeks for newgens (devided in goalkeepers, defenders, midfielders and strikers), this way we can have 3 or 4 good newgens rather than 20 mediocres and 3 good QoL: No need to move players from U21 and U18 to first team for a tutoring buy-back promise when signing a player.. working as the "will develop player by finding a loan move" clause revamp individual training (adding expected growth for the selected focus and ability in training) revamp training area in general, making it more user friendly dynamic PA and CA! some player explode when mature. in fm a player is at its peak when 27/28.. lewandwski exploded at that age.. would be amazing to have a player getting better and better as his avarage rating gets better in championships and cups( calculated at the end of every season, range depending on championships and club reputation: e.g. Serie A avarage rating up to 8 PA+ 8-10,CA+ 3-5; rating up to 10 PA+ 10-15, CA+ 5-8) thanks for the opportunity and sorry for my english, is not my first language!
  2. transfers- another things that should have been fixed a long time ago is that AI offers ridicolous prices for my players (30M for a player worth 50) and at the same time ask for nonsense prices (70M for a player around 30); the same for loans, with 300k a month if i want to take a player, and 100k (when lucky) if i'm going to give a player trades- especially for young and hot prospects; it happens many times irl but in game it seems than the player I give as counterpart doesn't have any weight in the equation
  3. I have almost the same problem.. i can have a offensive play style or a defensive one but never a fluid one that makes me achieve the tactical idea i'd like to see.. For this, it would be nice to have a defensive formation and an attacking one. For example when not in possession i can have a 352 (3cb 2bw 2cm 1coc 2st) and when getting back the ball my 352 moves to a 343( 3cd 4cm in line 2winger and 1 striker). i know this would be a massive work for programmers but it would be way more realistic and will make every tactic unique. also will keep every fm couch on the pitch rather than the office.. One more suggestion: a big tactical advance would be the introduction of a "tactical board" features: select the area of domination (in form of a heat map, to select the areas of the field where we must win possession and where we must concentrate our game; maybe to superimpose to the heat map of the foe tactics; up to 3 areas to be selected) geometries (when regista in possession: select a role->move to position1->regista pass to position1->select a role-> move to position2->pass to position2/pass back to regista... up to 10 pass; 1 or 2 saved schemes for tactic) corners/free kicks tactics (selected for characteristics such as headers and jumping rather than role) these are the very basics of football tactics but most of them is under your engine control.. for examples i like to play with a complete wingbacks and an enganche.. i'd like to see the wb going to the endline and pass to the EG at the limit of the penalty area.. this kind of pass is rarely seen in fm.. i'm sure the engine already works with these variables; having them in our hands would take the experience to another level sorry for my english, is not my first language!
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