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10 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. Cheers I'll take that and give It a punt, I went back and most of our conceded where back post headers or worldies from 25-40 yards where my keeper has been extremely butter fingered so an extra body in that role may stop those distance shots at least!
  2. Just a story of my day I think I am about to get sacked for the first time this year, started a new save (unemployed) and ended up with Santa Eulalia in the Spanish Segunda Federacion (III) the team was not great but I was determined to try a low tempo system as im normally a scholar of the Klopp school of heavy metal football (a preference from real life not the meta choice) and despite loosing the 1st 3 games I was quite happy the team where playing well but just finding themselves unlucky or straight up out matched but we where getting into a rhythm and we hit a nice Yellow patch finally getting 2 points on the bored with 2 draws in games were we should of won but low moral and cohesion was clearly at play. The date was 18/2/24 and we where at home against top of the table Andratx and the system clicked, with in 15mins we where 3-0 up and finished the game 5-2 our first win and in style, we then had a draw against 4th place Lleida Esportiu and rounded February out with 6 points and only 2 points off getting out of the relegation zone. March has been the counter to this, 3 losses and not even much positive to see, my keepers (all 3) cant seem to save a shot all of them seeming to have hands made of liquid and suddenly my players have stopped marking players in the box the results all losses by 2+ goals, 3-1, 2-0 and finally a 4-1 and my job is Insecure with 6 games left and I don't think the team have another good run in them, Injuries have decided to hit hard and no ability to replace my weak keepers has cost us points but I noticed March has been miserable since about 7 first team players said "hay were going to explore our options at the end of our contract" since them NON of these players have managed over a 6.6, its really left me in the lurch. Our luck and lack of keeper ability has really been shown in the XG table where we are predicted 13th instead of 17th with 4 less goals than expected and a whopping +9 conceded! Despite this I wont be stopping the style of play I made this save for that reason but i am open to advise of feedback from any successful low tempo users, the tactic actually seems quite solid in game i just dont think i have the players
  3. Readying the end of this for the "the game doesn't make it easy to understand what isn't working" made me laugh because it is accurate. I always check the data hub and end up with Too many goals in behind try a low line with Too many goals from distance try high line immediately following 😂
  4. 100% just needed the moan. Don't have any friends who play so this was my only outlet
  5. Yeah mine didn't even get a bounce. Some of them where just god awful. Sold them to other teams and checked on later in the save. Still doing dreadful. Restored some confidence knowing it was more them than me 😂
  6. Yeah not into OP tactics. Like to build my own I'd rather fail on my own ground than success off a meta.
  7. I did do this, I'm much calmer now than at post but I think the players who where there when I joined where just not good enough to be in the premier League. Hard bottoming out at least 3 players a game on sub 6.4 even when I catered to the strengths of the team and it was super demoralising as it was every game. The tactic actually was working quite well (contrary to the results) we would have good clear cut chances and most of our shots came from inside the box. The crux was my keeper despite his really high attributes and 140k or so a week wage (was there when I arrived) had a career average of 6.5 and that was buffed by the season with me where he got his highest of a 6.7 and added to this my strikers where averaging a 6.5 themselves. Once I replaced the keeper and brought in a striker things improved significantly. 100% appreciate the time for the feedback and idea I don't mind being told my tactic might of been guff. It happens but I did use the reports, data hub and player preferences while building the tactic just sadly let down by a few weak links
  8. Yep this is fair dinkum. I think i was just feeling very done at that point and seem to be struggling with main game after a successful beta run. Popped it in here in general discussion not for the devs but for maybe ideas and feedback or more just an ear i guess. As the only person in my friends who likes football and simulation games i did not really know where else to turn as an outlet. either way i stuck it out for another season and a half. cant opf been to bad
  9. Moral and Dynamics where pretty good going into the game, not so much after but we bounced back to a lower midtable finish in the end. Genuinely just think i had some bad players and that was hindering the experience.
  10. I appreciate this response, we did end up grinding out some results and i ended up lasting till my contract expired at the end of the next season. May genuinely of been the team. all very overpaid, the keeper was on like 140k and had a career average of 6.5 before i even touched him etc. Think i was just dealing with the frustration from going from a really fun beta save to what was quickly feeling like a rough journeyman. At Strasborg now, keeping my head up
  11. Not true, to go back to my beta save i could get my arse handed to me but still have a good time. i would have something to take from it like we lost this game 3-1 but i can see my CB had a stinker but at least our link up play was good. Im not a player who wants to win everygame at all times. Hell i got through the season from this post and survived and finished 15 (some how) but it was a slog because so often it felt like my striker couldnt score if the ball was on the line and the keeper was haaving a brew. The entire team i had taken over where over paid and underperforming and that probably contributed to the issues but i disagree with the idea that because i was having a bad save im saying its a bad game i even state i had a great time with the beta, just been struggling since the full release.
  12. I have been told this and it just further confused me as to why i had so much fun with the Beta but not since the full release. Im not a new player i do my best to interoperate the im given and use that for the tactics, options. I dont like to plug and play others tactics but coming back to this post 2 seasons later (forgot to tick to follow my own topic) it was honestly just my keepers (yes all 3 of them) seem to have spaghetti fingers, we would concede multiple goals and they where all tanking between 5.8 and 6.2 averages even when my defence would have high 6's but every game the opposition keeper had 7.0+ and thats just leaving me more frustrated.
  13. Just a small one this but when asking the assistant manager for individual training set ups you should be able to ask them to do so based on your primary tactic so theyre not just assigning Libro to a player when you dont use one etc
  14. I know we have work ball into the box and shoot on sight but it feels a specific option for not just smacking the ball from the edge of the area without telling my players to take their time and patiently pass it around. I try to play with pace and through balls so i dont have work ball into the box as it slows that down however due to that everyone is taking rugby style long range shots. Is there a combo of things i can do to get this effect already and ive been daft for the better part of the last like 7 years?
  15. I always imagined this as throwing my water bottle at the floor not a player so im no laughing quite a bit at the idea of the team sitting there after a bad game and having fear in their eyes as the water boy brings me 11 bottles of water
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