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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. I'm not on console but I still don't seem to have the ability to arrange a testimonial for a player who is now in his 12th season with me. From memory it used to be 10 years after their senior debut but that doesn't appear to be the case with FM24. Is this a bug or am I missing something?
  2. Hey, I'm just wondering if there is any update on this? I've just had all 3 of my keepers injured with long term injuries immediately one after the other.
  3. ACCIDENTAL DOUBLE POST - You can delete the previous one. This is still on going. Thought I was going mad and missing something when I was trying to offer professional contracts to some of my youth when they've turned old enough. I'm concerned now that I could end up losing some of these players if they get snapped up by other clubs.
  4. I just want to add this is also happening to me too. He has been playing a lot but has just recently starting moaning about his playing time. I'm happy to add my save file too if the devs want to take a look. Just let me know!
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