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Posts posted by Mägge

  1. Hi,

    I may have found a bug with the employees. At least I don't get it.

    In English, the Head Performance Analyst and the Performance Analyst are in the coaching staff, the Recruitment Analyst is with the scouts.



    In German, the Chefspieleranalyst is with the Gegneranalyst with the coaches, the Spieleranalyst is with the scouts.



    Shouldn't it be the case in German that the Spieleranalyst is in the coaching staff with the Chefspieleranalyst and the Gegneranalyst is with the scouts?

    Head Performance AnalystChefspieleranalyst

    Performance AnalystSpieleranalyst

    Recruitment AnalystGegneranalyst



  2. On 16/06/2021 at 15:27, Kaiser300 said:


    we have some sort of "solution":

    If you get enough E-Mails (about 150+, do a lot of scouting etc.), your Inbox is refreshed and you can read new E-Mails.

    Error still occurs every season, at least you dont have to create a new manager profile.

    Does it make sense? There are no unimportant emails, you might miss transfer requests, players get dissatisfied, your team structure collapses, you get fired ...

  3. Hi @John Kendall-Torry


    all drivers and windows are up to date.

    i think that a database that is too big is not the problem. after all, these are only exceptions and not the rule when the error occurs.

    We are now in September 2023, except for the occasional drop-out, everything is working.


    at least the error with the inbox no longer appeared...

  4. @Neil Brock@casederik

    so, we have now started a new game without the overhaul changes in the DB. We are halfway through the third season and have had no problems with the inbox. It actually seems to be due to overhaul, at least in network games.

    The client sometimes got stuck in the weekly cycle. While the host is already on his "desktop", the client cannot do anything. He can click on "browse" and nothing happens. He has to quit and reload the game.

    I can upload the save if you need it for any tests / comparisons.

  5. 4 hours ago, Tony Garvey said:

    Hey guys there may also be a workaround you can try while we investigate

    If the host gives the save to a friend / someone else in the same game, and that friend then hosts the game instead with the same save so you can pick up where you let off, it should buy you more time and let you continue

    Hope this helps

    We also tried it, some result as Captain_Stoupha

  6. On 17/03/2021 at 17:19, Tony Garvey said:

    Cheers @casederik

    As above, it looks like the issue is down to database changes. Interesting you don't seem to have Derbies overhaul though - we're wondering about that one as it seems to crop up a lot; is this right? (There's over a million changes in these combined databases, it does look tied to database issues)

    So the issue has returned for you - and we are post-update - is it exactly as before?

    @Neil Brock can you find the mistake on your own?

  7. 14 hours ago, casederik said:

    Guess who's back, back again.... Case is back, with his friend..... Aaaaannnnnddddd we have the issue once again....... once again we retire his manager, create a new one and then hay presto, two game months later and its the same issue

    I understand that you are really pissed, but please - try to calm down. 

    No one is happy about this issue and we all have the same problem. Writing provocatively and personally attacking the support does nothing at all, except to cause unrest in the thread. Please, try to be factual. Thank you.

  8. A simple question - why does it only affect the host client? (EDIT: correction)

    Another question, in 2 of my savegames the error occured on same day in season 2(!). What about the derbies in season 1? Shouldn't it happen at every Derby in which a  human Players is involved?  

    But it could be, in FM 2019 we have a save without DB derbies overhaul and we are in the year 2033...


    We have this problem also, in 3 different saves. on 2 of them the bug happened at the same day in game, in the 3rd save it was another say in game - maybe because we didn't play in the same league.

    I upload all saves, 1 and 2 with same date of issue "Netzwerk" and "Neu". Savegame 3 with a different date is "ganz neu".

    here is also a link to my own topic, posted in the wrong category:





  10. Original Post 



    We have a problem with the client in a network game - everything runs fine with the host:

    Shortly after the 31st matchday (or shortly before April 24th) of the 2nd season, the client can no longer read incoming mails. The incoming mails are only displayed in the left bar, but they do not appear in the inbox and can therefore not be read. Messages to be read are skipped individually when you click on "continue" (8 messages = 8x click on continue).

    Press conferences or other mails that have to be answered cannot be skipped by "continue" - here the host must force the next round (5 seconds time limit).


    We tried different skins, different resolutions, full-screen and windowed mode, handed all tasks over to employees (e.g. to avoid emails from scouts), let the client get back into the game a week later after loading the saves,

    This is the 2nd save with exactly this error. With the 1st save we assumed an error in the save and therefore started again. However, the error reappeared in the same place.


    We have now also postponed players to the U19s or penalized them, so mostly we get feedback from the players. But here, too, only the messages are displayed as a number on the left, there is nothing in the inbox. The final message is always the post-analysis.

    Swapping the roles of host / client did not help either, the error always occurs on the client.


    Leaving the club did not help either, the mistake then occurs with the new club.

  11. Wir haben bei einem Netzwerkspiel ein Problem beim client - beim host läuft alles problemlos:

    Kurz nach dem 31. Spieltag (bzw. kurz vor dem 24.04.) der 2. Saison kann der client keine eingehenden Mails mehr lesen. Der Eingang der Mails wird nur in der linken Leiste angezeigt, aber sie erscheinen nicht im Posteingang und können somit nicht gelesen werden. Zu lesende Nachrichten werden bei einem klick auf "fortfahren" einzeln übersprungen (8 Nachrichten = 8x auf fortfahren) klicken. 

    Pressekonferenzen oder andere Mails, die beantwortet werden müssen, können nicht durch "fortfahren" übersprungen werden - hier muss der host die nächste Runde erzwingen (5 Sekunden Time-Limit).


    Wir haben verschiedene skins versucht, verschiedene Auflösungen, Vollbild- und Fenstermodus, alle Aufgaben an Mitarbeiter abgegeben (um beispielsweise mails von scouts zu vermeiden), den client nach dem Laden des saves erst eine Woche später wieder ins Spiel einsteigen lassen, 

    Das ist das 2. save mit genau diesem Fehler. Beim 1. save gingen wir von einem Fehler im save aus und haben daher neu gestartet. Der Fehler trat allerdings an der selben Stelle wieder auf. 


    Wir haben nun auch Spieler in die U19 verschoben oder bestraft, dann kommen ja meistens Rückmeldungen der Spieler. Aber auch hier werden nur die Nachrichten als Zahl links angezeigt, im Posteingang befindet sich nichts. Die letzte Nachricht  bleibt immer die Nachanalyse.

    Auch ein Rollentausch host/client hat nichts gebracht, der Fehler tritt immer am client auf. 




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