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Posts posted by epicrecruit

  1. Say I wanted to keep a few of my favorite players in the game FOREVER (Messi, Ronaldo, Vardy, and so on), could I use the in-game editor to lower their age every time they come close to 30, or is their retirement based on years played and thus inevitable?

    In other words, could I have a 28yo Vardy still playing in 2090 if I use the editor? Anyone tried it?

  2. 2 hours ago, FrazT said:

    Not unless you as manager think the promotion is justified and they will get some game time.  Take the coaches recommendation as a guideline only and use your own judgement

    Even if they wouldn't get game time with the first team, won't they improve better if they're training by the first-team coaches, while still playing for the youth/reserves? (using Available For U18/U23 Match for 90 minutes Ongoing).

  3. On 11/11/2020 at 12:11, Matej said:

    Any new options at start of the game, like attribute masking for example, to make game bit harder? Tnx. 

    A popular tough challenge is the Dafuge Challenge. There's a thread about it, google it.

    Basically you start the game with a temporary unemployed manager, go on vacation until next summer until all leagues finished. Then you retire this temporary manager, and create your real manager, and put him in charge of one of the 3 teams that were just promoted to the bottom English league (so at the start of the game, they weren't even a playable team). Now try to get them to the top of the english pyramid. You have no money, all facilities are in atrocious state. I had 97 season ticket holders when I tried it.


  4. I seem to remember a couple of seasons ago the medic proposing that I send an exhausted player on holiday. I can't seem to find this option anywhere now, and google is of no help.

    My players aren't exhausted, it's only November, but I have 2 weeks before my next match and wanted to give them all a week off in an attempt to reduce the gradual decrease in performance over a season. Can I send my first team on holiday, or is my only option to give them a break from training?

  5. Let's say Current Ability was skill points, and you could spend them on attributes however you see fit. You're given the average number of points for a midtable Prem player. How would you spend them?

    Do you min max, like give everyone 20 acceleration/pace and 1 Leadership/Free kicks?

    Do you give your forwards 20 tackling and stamina to do a high press?

    Or try to have balanced players with just a small edge in some key stats?

  6. 9 hours ago, Spikey said:

    +1 for this.

    I used to struggle with bad form at the end of the season and I managed to avoid it by rotating players a bit more through the season and also lowering training intensity as the season progressed. I also try to give the whole squad a couple of days off occasionally. This combination definitely helped.

    Should I do this even if they're in good condition before the start of every match (at least 92% condition), and even if I don't get messages about a player being jaded and needing rest?

  7. My squad has good determination, a great captain, high morale. But inevitably, towards the end of the season, I go from punching above my weight, to losing against relegation fodder. Those last 10 matches are always squeaky bum time.

    I think the game punishes you for keeping the same tactic too long, which is realistic. What's the easiest way to deal with this, if any? Do you keep 2 different tactics trained and switch every few months to please the match engine gods?

  8. 22 hours ago, Experienced Defender said:


    I realize this tactic doesn't look good on paper, but my question is about wingers never squaring the ball once they skin the defender.


    (Out of respect for you I'll answer. My playing style? Doesn't matter. I just wanted a ready-made "click Submit Squad to win match" tactic and this was it, It's called Terminator and I got it off a site that tested 250 user-submitted tactics and this one topped the rankings for most squad strength levels. I just replaced one of the two AMCs with a DLF because of my squad.

    It's porous on paper but in practice, half-way through the season, it's far superior defensively to the tactic I asked about in the tactics forum (which I ran by you and you suggested balance tweaks) with 3 CBs, 2 WBs, and 1 DMC Def. With this the opposition barely gets a shot in, and I'm scoring much more than I did before. Something about this match engine is biased towards the aggressive style such as in the tactic I posted, because all the top-ranked tactics are this sort of aggressive-gegenpress-attack-overload that doesn't work IRL but works in FM)

  9. On 01/11/2020 at 05:47, lfds89 said:



    On 31/10/2020 at 20:37, Experienced Defender said:

    Post a screenshot of your tactic, to begin with. Otherwise, we can just speculate, which is usually misleading. 

    Here you go.  Personal instructions for both wingers are: Shoot Less Often, Mark Tighter. I get that an Attack duty makes them more shooty than a Support duty, but I've NEVER seen a winger skin the fullback and pass horizontally, since I started playing FM2020. This isn't specific to this tactic. I've had wingers be Winger Att, Winger Su, IF Su, IW Su...it never matters.





  10. 3 minutes ago, Freakiie said:

    Hardly, 9/10 times they shut up once the transfer period is over and the one club they really wanted to go to doesn't show major interest anymore. Then another 3 months and they're perfectly happy to sign a new contract again, being stuck with you for another 5 years and then when they're 33 and over the top they wonder how the hell they played for the same club their entire career.

    OK, I've been giving in to avoid morale issues. I'll try being 'ard next transfer season.

    I've been avoiding morale issue because my only experience so far, they last forever, and I didn't want a repeat. One summer I signed a very good youth, and he made a condition that I would send him on loan somewhere. During the summer I decided instead to make him a regular starter. He wanted to leave the club because I broke his trust. I played him in several summer matches, and then nearly every match. I became his favorite personnel. But he still kept his "wants to leave the club / abysmal morale" status until the next summer.

  11. 12 hours ago, Freakiie said:

    Players might complain a lot and sometimes nonsensically, but if you put your foot down it's stupidly easy to keep nearly every player. Even if you're a small club you can easily hold on to your big talent, let alone if you're an actually big club.

    But then they have Abysmal morale for the rest of the season, and lower morale for the teammates who support them



    19 hours ago, LetsNotScoreGoals said:

    I'm so absolutely effing sick of having to sell players every season.

    As someone who's using the editor to inspect the loyalty of every potential signing, I can tell you that 19 out of 20 players are disloyal ****ers. Which mirrors reality. In your case you're complaining about the realism of leaving a new top club for a fallen giant, and that's fair...but them wanting to leave is .

    Modern player:

    "I did what was expected of me this season. I want a new contract."

    "I spent my 1st year injured, then recovered did what was expected of me the 2nd season. I want a new contract  / let me leave  to a bigger club."


  12. There's a few common behaviors that I keep watching in the highlights and I'm wondering what can fix them.

    1) Slow long ball to my tall striker, but even though it's landing right next to him, he doesn't challenge for it, just stays still while a nearby opposition defender controls it without challenge. Is it only a lack of Aggression and/or Bravery?

    2) My pacy winger with average-to-decent Decisions, Teamwork and Vision (about 12, but I'm in League 2) skins the fullback and is through on goal, but instead of attempting to square the ball to the striker running up to join him, he takes a weak shot. [b]I've never seen wingers pass horizontally once they're through on goal, it's always this weak shot conclusion[/b]. He already has the "Shoot Less Often" instructions.

  13. I loaned George Williams from Forest Green Rovers to have a sub that can play almost anywhere. He's a natural at 6 positions: M RL, AM RLC, and ST.

    However, due to the Role mechanic, his familiarity level is zero (Awkward) in every position I need him to cover for except MR Winger Attack.

    Am I supposed to manually train him in every position/role by keeping track of this stuff myself and rotating the trained position every X weeks? Isn't there there some way (I don't care if it's a mod) that I can have him train for a list of roles, so that when I sub him on he's somewhat prepared in any one of those roles? If I have t do this manually for all my subs then this feels like a waste of time.

    Bonus question: on the Tactics Familiarity screen, I can guess that the light green is his current familiarity level and the dark green is the maximum he can reach, but what determines that max? His attributes?


  14. I usually play on Key Highlights, but so many times absolutely nothing happens, then  I switch to Comprehensive Highlights, and suddenly I'm getting clearcut chances.

    Just now, after 30 minutes of nothing happening in a cup replay, I switched to Full Match, my team was taking a throw-in, and we scored from that throw-in.

    I think the game simulation that runs when you're watching the highlights/match is different than the one that runs with no one watching. Prove me wrong!

  15. After a few years, the bulk of the players will be regens. But let's be honest, the regen faces are hideous. The first thing I do in FM is disable regen faces. But without 3D faces, you're just left with a black figure where the player's face would be.

    I use custom player portraits to give my first team faces I can recognize. I imagine some of you do too. If so, whose photos do you use? Actors? Politicians? Friends?

    I use the Joe Rogan crew for my team. It's pretty funny when I open my DMC's profile and it's Joey Diaz's face staring at me.

  16. 3 minutes ago, Flußkrebs said:



    Thanks for the input. I'll try your 4-4-2 for a couple of months, this is part of the fun!

    tbh I don't think the "Pirlo pass" will ever work with just 2 CMs and no DMC to pass back to. I had another 4-4-2 in my previous team with a decent DLP, and in my experience when not countering, the 2 CMs end up on the same horizontal line, constantly pressured and never able to face forward to do a good pass. Maybe with a great dribbler it would work. With the DMC, I see them get pressured, pass back to the unmarked and forward-facing DMC, and boom! A superb long offensive forward pass. Even now in my new formation, it's a regular key highlight.

    I already made all the suggestions you guys gave me, and I just removed Get Stuck In too. I'll give this a few games, then try your 4-4-2.

  17. 9 hours ago, Experienced Defender said:


    Thanks, I'll do the tweaks you suggested.

    Desired style of football: counter-attacking. My ideal goal is the packed defense stopping an attack, sending the ball long towards ST1, who either does a throughball to ST2 to put him through on goal, or if he can't do that, then stall until the counter cavalry (the two MCs and WBs) are there to help. If the opposition managed to regroup /  stopped the counter, then pass it around their box until there's an opening (this is usually where my DMC shines, passing long to an unmarked WB).



    6 hours ago, Flußkrebs said:


    Tweaking the 4-4-2: the new formation is already as you suggest: I copied the 4-4-2 using Save/Load Slot, then did my tweaks. The 4-4-2 in question is "Cadoni 442", I posted a screenshot below.

    Time wasting: I set it to Sometimes for condition reasons. Since I have poor squad depth, my best 11 need to play as often as possible, so the idea is that by artificially shortening the match through time-wasting, they are less tired. I set it to max as soon as I'm up by 2 goals.

    Results: the results of the new tactic are much worse offensively, but I'm also in a higher division now, so it's the stronger opposition. I'd need to switch back to the 4-4-2 for a few matches to see how it compares. Defense-wise, the opposition goals have mainly been from set pieces and long shots, so I'm pretty happy there. I'm still conceding, but not as much as before. It's the midfielders and strikers struggling the most.





  18. My first formation with this club was a downloaded 4-1dmc-2mc-2w-1 tactic (positive, shorter passing, extremely high tempo, work ball into box, counter + counter-press, very high lines, extremely urgent pressing). It was not a good fit:
    -My 2 best players, the wingers, barely featured in Key Highlights. I had pictured the stereotypical strong target man holding up the ball for the 2 attacking wingers and the CM, this rarely happened despite having the right players.
    -The wingers and fullbacks didn't work together well. The FB would push up and overlap, and be ignored by the winger who'd try to cross directly. I felt like I was wasting manpower on the wings.
    -Very few quality chances. It felt like most goals were flukes. I would never win by more than 1 goal
    +OK defense
    +The DMC, despite being a mediocre player with good passing, was my PoM a record amount of time. A regular highlight was that one of the two CMs would get pressured into passing backwards to him, and he'd spray a fantastic Pirlo-like long ball to an unmarked fullback or winger (usually FB) ready to cross. It was a beautiful sight.

    After a few months I switched to a downloaded 4-4-2 (attacking, slightly more direct, much higher tempo, pass into space, work ball into box, counter + counter-press, very high lines, extremely urgent pressing). Things got a lot better for me:
    +Turned my team into a goal machine. Having 2 strikers turned half-chances into real chances.
    -Many more goals conceded. The opposition would constantly outnumber us when they countered.
    -Still felt like the wide players were wasted bodies as I saw very little teamwork on the wings

    I thought I would tweak the 4-4-2 into a 3cb-2wb-1dmc-2mc-2st to address its weaknesses:
    *By only using 2 WBs to provide the width, I freed up 2 player slots
    *1 extra player went into having a 3rd CB to be more solid at the back
    *1 extra player became DMC to spray the long through balls to the wingbacks when the 2 MCs couldn't penetrate, like in my 1st tactic

    I'd like this to be my primary tactic going forward. Things are going OK at the moment, but I'd like to hear your recommendations.

    1) Are the midfield and forward roles OK for what I'm trying to do?

    2) With the DMC being there, do you think 3 CBs is overkill? If so, what should I use instead? It feels like AMC is the right choice. But I've never tried a tactic with an AMC who wasn't invisible all match, whether a perfect Enganche, Shadow Striker, AM Support...they rarely feature in the match highlights.

    3) One thing I'd like to try to fix...when their lone forward is countering, my 3 CBs all run backwards and don't engage him until he's in the final 3rd, despite having a very high line with a Stopper. I'm OK with this behavior when the opposing team is countering in numbers, but not when it's 3v1. I was expecting the Stopper to go for him ASAP. Anything I can do about this?



  19. 16 hours ago, Zemahh said:
    • Invest into a Scouting Package, which is basically a paid database of players (think of platforms like Wyscout or InStat in real life)
    • Scout players manually, meaning scrolling through various teams and requesting Scout Reports on unrevealed players (once the Scout Report is finished, they will be added to your Player Search)


    Oh, thank you, I hadn't seen that Scouting Package option! Even after I knew it existed I had to go look at screenshots to see where to activate it. I thought those entries at the top were read-only info.

  20. My manager is english, managing an english club (Vana North), and I had 3 english scouts on assignments all year long. One scanned the Vana North competition, another England. This is in addition to the Scout Next Opposition assignment.

    After 1 year of scouting, it seems that Player Search is limited only to the 1000 or so players we discovered by scouting. This is the number of players that show up if I clear all search criteria.

    So I can't search for "Any players whose contract is expiring" and hope to find a large list. Only the players explicitly scouted show up (the 1000). But I can click a team in the league table and interact with their players directly, even Approach To Sign.

    Another simple example: if I go to Team Reports > Facts, it says that the tallest player in my league is Owar Sowumni at 201cm. I can click his name and see his contract and height. But if I go to Player Search, Clear the search, and sort by height, he's not there. It's like he doesn't exist despite being a first-team player for a rival.

    Why wouldn't 3 english scouts at least be aware of the existence of players in the same league as my team after 1 year of scouting?

  21. I just finished a season in Vanarama North.

    Starting expectations was to not get relegated.

    I managed to reach and win the playoffs with a poor team, thanks to free loans of very strong youths from upper division clubs. I also had one great retiring DR who only agreed to sign because I also gave him a staff role.

    Now after I won the playoffs, the board are expecting me to finish midtable next season in the Vanarama National League. But if you exclude the loanees and retirees, I still have the same team that was supposed to fight against relegation in Vana North! They didn't give me a warchest either to explain this, they gave me 35k which can buy me one decent Vana North player, 2 if transfer listed.

    That's a pretty big design oversight isn't it? Expectations should be based on the current team + transfer budget.

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