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Posts posted by splishysplash123

  1. Can the AI just like make them disappear?


    I have one optional loan fee that is easy to see when looking at that players contract, but the mandatory loan fees I agreed to aren’t showing anywhere. Is it possible that they were somehow automatically removed in the process of the transfer? The clubs definitely agreed to them. 

    Building up my clubs rep and signing some players who weren’t sold on full transfers but would agree to loans, this was a real coup of a window. I will definitely have the finances by the time the bill comes due, what gives?


    Was just checking to see how much I should set aside to cover the eventual fee when I realized it wasn’t showing under their contracts. 

  2. Is this a bad idea? What negative affect would it have? Trying to hire a HOYD and have found some candidates much better than any that actually want to be HOYD, they have a orange circle instead of green for that staff role and will only accept if I offer a much much larger than suggested salary (but still affordable - he'd accept working as a physio for 12k but after he almost sent me away for suggesting he work as my HOYD I offered him 80 and he took it.) I want to hire him bc he has a great personality and good scouting/ youth ratings, but would this not work somehow? Like would it take time for them to learn a new role or something?

  3. Just now, The Amazing Dale Watkins said:

    What do you mean by that? Playing in Japan J3 right now, and things look right :confused:

    Let me know if I'm off base - the team names are probably entirely correct - but I booted it up just now, having downloaded it from Steam a half-hour or so ago, and the logos/ uniforms, etc. are all generic (unlike J1 and other fully licensed leagues, like the Eredivisie or whatever)

  4. That's all really, is Russia at all worth loading in FM24 or will they just slow the game down without contributing interesting young players or European competitiveness?


    I would say no, but I'm planning a save in Turkey and with the two being somewhat proximate and -Stan countries counting as Turks for domestic league registration purposes (and I imagine some of those individuals playing/ being generated in Russia?) it feels like it becomes a valid question

  5. If I want to start a save outside the traditional top 5 leagues, but don't want to outgrow the other clubs such that the domestic league is a walk (and that the other clubs improve alongside me/ start challenging in Europe), and want to make the national team as strong as possible, what sort of things I could do? I know I could sell them players for cheap/ loan them players, etc., and I'm not but so opposed to that as long as it doesn't feel horribly unrealistic, but are there any sort of settings or other factors I could change to make that happen more quickly/ make it happening at all more likely?


    I know I'm far from the first person to raise this issue but it's frustrating that this doesn't seem to happen in FM the way it would in real life!

  6. I swear that - particularly once you've reached the upper echelons and have a genuinely elite squad - it's near to impossible to find a goalkeeper with 5 or even 4.5 star current/ potential ability - far fewer than any other position. I know that stars aren't actually so important, but some stupid little part of me wants my lineup to be roughly balanced and it drives me crazy to have a GK most often a step below the rest of the team. (Like, it seems to me that the 10th best GK in the world is rated substantially worse than the 10th best RB or whatever, let alone ST/ CAM). Is this a result of it being difficult to get a super high CA with the attributes important to goalkeeping? Intentional to reflect the relative paucity of talent there as compared to attackers, or what? The same sort of issue bothers me to a lesser degree when it comes to like how few wonderkid defenders there are relative to forwards or whatever, but its so egregious with goalies. Is that just the way it is, or am I doing a terrible job of developing keepers or what?


    Presuming it is the way the game is meant to go, do you think that that makes sense? I know that this is kind of a ridiculous complaint, and I still love the franchise, but I thought I'd put it out there.

  7. Playing around with a long-term save using the IGE during which I intend to take long holidays and revisit the squad every few months. I set my assistant manager (and youth team managers) to 20 squad rotation thinking they’d give everyone time, but instead they’ve saddled my best players with injury and left my best prospects out in the cold by refusing to rotate. How can I fix this?

  8. I swear in FM20, even w/o IGE I could see pretty much every young player in the game from the scouting screen when searching by attribute (this was, admittedly, years into a save and I had an incredibly robust scouting network). I’m just starting out this save but even when I enable “show all players in search” it only shows those who are in regions I have advanced knowledge of. Is there a way to show all the players across the globe, or no? (FWIW, I am navigating to Scouting -> Players -> Players in Range (and my scouting range is World)).

    What am I doing wrong?

  9. The best players in my save are all European. I've had an impossibly small amount of top-level players come from South America, and effectively 0 from  Asia or Africa, - do I need to add playable leagues from those continents to my save to add even the possibility of more geographic diversity of star players, or add "international" or "continental reputation" players from those continents, or what? 

  10. In FM20, unless I'm somehow conflating them with very similarly named players I'd forgotten, I had two players who were shown to be 3-star potential during their intake, but during the next offseason, when determining who to send on loan, to my surprise they had grown to be 4 and 4.5 star potential, respectively.  My team had gotten better in the meantime, so it's not that - is it just imperfect scouting before they're actually on the team or something?  I know current rating fluctuates with performance, but it seems odd for potential rating to fluctuate like that.  

  11. In FM20 I swear the game generates twice as many 5-star potential strikers as any other position, with Wingers in 2nd and virtually 0 all-world center backs or center mids.  I experienced this over the case of many years, was this just an anomaly or is it true for others as well?  If so, is it still the case in FM21, and should it be changed, or do you all like it?  Personally, I wish they popped up at an equal rate at each position.  

  12. Forgive me, please, for spamming my own post.  With that being said, I know that I should probably have one midfielder with a defend duty, and would like to even have a defensive midfielder playing behind a central midfielder, to make what I guess would be a 4-1-1-3-1, but am worried that I would be sacrificing my interplay abilities by having so many lines. Is that a legitimate concern, or no?  

  13. Because I can't help but purchase the most talented young players available, and it seems that Star regens are disproportionately attackers (primarily attackers, with the occasional attacking mid/ winger), I wanted to make use of a formation that suits my lopsided roster.  I've considered a 4-2-4, but think I can do better.  Similarly, I've considered a formation with 2 strikers ahead of 2 attacking mids, but can't find any combination of roles that wouldn't make such a construction redundant.  The idea in which I'm most confident is a 4-2-3-1, because it allows me to use most of my best players with minimum re-training.  

    It would look like this: 


     FB(A)                                          IF(A)

    BPD (ST)             CM (S)                      

                                                         SS(A)           F9(S)

    CD (COV)            CM (S)    

     FB(A)                                          IF(A)


    I know it may seem too aggressive, but I handily win most league games, and for the most part am merely looking for a way to play my most promising players all at once to give them time to develop.  I will have alternate tactics for more even competition.  


    My questions are primarily: 

    1. Would the opponents third become overly crowded, and would that be at all fixed by converting one of the IFs to a Raumdeuter?

    2. Are there any center mid roles that would work better than CM (S)?  I find most of them to be too specific, as I really just want a versatile player there that roams between defense and supporting the attack, but doesn't make the aggressive forward runs of a BBM.  

    3. Are the central defender roles a logical pairing?  I want at least one BPD so that I can effectively play out of my defense, and like the idea of specialization with the stopper and cover duties, but would I be better served just leaving them both on defend?

    4. Should I stick with this formation, assuming its relatively cogent, or play a little more with 4-2-4/ 4-2-2-2 variants?

  14. I know that you’re more likely to find players that fit the role of your youth development person - however, is there a to influence them in their actual attributes (ex: I’m kicking around the idea of building a squad based on sheer physical dominance, would there be a way to emphasize speed/ strength?) whether through personnel or setting or something else altogether?

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