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317 "Greed, for lack of a better word, is good"

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  1. If you buy the official in-game editor can you change player hairstyle? If so, can you do it from a screen where the PA isn't right in your face?
  2. I always find a good Scottish CB called Graeme Gebbie and a good CM called John Proud. I'm hoping its a mad coincidence leading to confirmation bias, as I hate the idea its programmed in.
  3. It seems playing in EPL you can get around the limit on u21 abroad signings by arranging an end of contract signing for one (for after the next period commences) and then using the 'Buy Now' function. I had about 4 transfers arranged for the end of last season cancel on me on the day due to the limit (why did the game let me arrange them - and if it was going to cancel some but not others why didn't it let me choose which?), but I was just able to add another in Jan using the above method.
  4. I agree completely that if they were genuine pens then that they were awarded says nothing as to bias or lack of. But Maguire didn't say England didn't get the 50/50 decisions (and they did get a fair few of them), he said they didn't get anything. Which is nothing more than wee man tragic sour grapes
  5. It just seemingly wasn't related to your comment at all, in error.
  6. Sterling shoved Mbappe to the floor leading to an England break. But the corrupt referee didn't give two-penalty England anything.
  7. Absolutely delightful seeing Harry Maguire suffer. Least likeable player in a world which includes Cristiano Ronaldo. Constantly whining at the referee and diving in France's box. Then speaking nonsense about the ref in the post match interview. Utter *****. Game was disappointing. Would have much rather seen a comedy implosion rather than what we got, a finely balanced game where France just got better of the breaks. Well played England. Feel for the excellent Saka and the under-used Rashford. Subs largely harmed England.
  8. A lot of tattoos there for a country where getting them is illegal, and there is a muslim fatwa against having them. Although obviously they could have got them abroad, if they are actually Qatari
  9. Caciedo definitely getting sent off. Referee has been determined since the start and will want to appease the paymasters.
  10. Guardian saying when it hit the Ecuador head there was only one defender between Valencia and the goal. But I still haven't seen any replay
  11. only 11 naturalised players in the Qatar squad - not as bad as I expected and they definitely used to have more. Still hope they get pumped though.
  12. From the FOX global feed you would think that Qatar are potential champions and Ecuador are violent journeymen lucky to be here but excited to play against the famous Qataris. Nauseating nonsense.
  13. Dont ask me how I found this out but if you have multiple human managers in a single player game, then at full time in one game you can give a full-time team talk congratulating your players on staying up, only for them to be relegated by the result in another human game which hasn't happened yet. Less of an issue than the absolute myriad of other bugs, given how unrealistic/unusual/unjustifiable the circumstances are, but it still strikes me as evidence of an absence of attention to detail.
  14. Safe to say the hosts on the feed in my country, FOX Sports, have taken the Qatari money. Apparently we will be talking for generations about a touching moments between the Qatari Emir and his son?
  15. In a full time team talk in the game that all but confirms your relegation, it is a sign of poor attention to detail that you are able to tell your players that although they lost that day, if they keep playing like that they will be fine. They will not be fine, as they have been relegated.
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