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Abdullah Patel

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365 "Greed, for lack of a better word, is good"


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    Sports Interactive Community Team

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  1. This is something we are aware of, and potentially with some further development, may yet end up in a future version of FM!
  2. Thanks for your input, we appreciate the feedback. This may yet be rejected or end up in a future FM.
  3. Assuming this would be like being able to watch set piece training? As being able to just plug this into some sort of fake match might disrupt the realism?
  4. Do you have any examples of this happening in real life that we can use?
  5. You can want your keeper to take their time on the ball (in order to pick a pass) but not necessarily want your team to time-waste. Though understand how that can be interpreted differently. Thanks for your suggestion, it may or may not end up in a future FM with further development.
  6. If this is still occurring for you, please can we get a save game with the issue? Please let us know the name of the save once uploaded.
  7. It's only fixed for new save games unfortunately, sorry about that!
  8. We're sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, we still can't give a time for when an update with the fix will come. We are still working on this with a view to get this fixed as soon as we can.
  9. Thanks for raising this feature with us, we appreciate your input
  10. This appears to be the result of custom files, please flag this with the provider of them as they may be able to help with it.
  11. Thanks for raising this with us. This is one that should be fixed in the latest update but unfortunately may only be in new games but do let us know if this is fixed in your next season at least.
  12. Thanks for flagging this with us, we are working on this issue. We are looking to address this as soon as we can, thanks for your patience with this.
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