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133 "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"


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  1. Same reason I stopped editing and uploading files after more than a decade. Completely understandable. Thanks for all your hard work, it's as essential as the thing we cannot mention over at Susie where this game is concerned.
  2. 48 here, once upon a time I used to add ten years, now I tend to make myself about ten years younger for the longevity of it all.
  3. Not sure a fictional new stadium modelled in CGI can be dictated under licensing law. SI can't use the exact likenesses it seems, hence the 3D stadiums looking like a SNES era mess.
  4. Stadia - would be nice to see improvements reflected in the facilities page. I love Stadium images for immersion, but it's quickly out of place once clubs expand, move, build etc. AI Team Building - Too many saves lack challenge, quickly find the top clubs are buying bang average players, never playing them either. Or the best player in the squad on the transfer list as having no use for his services despite the player being ever present and having the best average rating? AI Tactics - Same 11 tactics over and over. Too easy to create a 4411 or 4141 or 433 Narrow and watch the AI have no idea how to counter you. Might be unrelated, but if 76% of the opposition are playing 433 with the same roles it's VERY dull. Affiliates - needs to reflect the likes and agreements of Red Bull and City Football Group better.
  5. Yes, have a look under Staff and Players having drilled down into a Club. Within this screen you can then choose from options to the right. You might want it to look like this (not assigned to a player, just simply dedicated to the fans as a means of removal) Hope that helps.
  6. I agree. I think the other issue is the current tactics lack the actual instructions to implement elements of Xavi, De Zerbi, or Diniz let alone see the AI try something less predictable.
  7. That explains that then. Yeah, really very limited. Actually forgot I could check the percentages, makes for grim reading.
  8. Is it me or are there less formations in game now? I've not seen a 4411, 4141, 4411 with DMs for ages across multiple leagues. Seems like every game is against either 51212, 51221, 433 Wide or 4231 DM AM Wide? Does this mean the AI only has about four or five known tactics?
  9. Recall several teams hitting the post several times a game in the last season alone and losing games with 70%+ possession, camped in the opposition half, raining down shots and crosses and STILL losing the game, either by the odd goal, or sometimes losing 2-0 when the opposition scored from their two shots on goal. Looking at this weekend, Forest ran Liverpool close despite being dominated, and scored both goals from deflections. Had the game finished 2-2 Liverpool would have felt robbed, but you'd be amazed how often a team doesn't win through sheer luck or misfortune.
  10. What was the update tonight? I've just logged back in for first time since about lunchtime and the game was updating again.
  11. Needs to be loaded in editor under the 23.4.0 database and saved. Then you can test the file and it will (or should) verify. Worth noting the creator may not have had a chance to upload a newly verified version yet, but might do in due course.
  12. Importing attributes doesn't work properly on goalkeepers either, but that's not new. See Passing, Vision as two stats that do not import, along with preferred foot attributes.
  13. Yeah, I've given up editing, too much bother. It's bad enough everyone copies your work without credit to use as a base, but the editor throwing up these issues at every patch makes for a workload that detracts from creating and having time to play the game.
  14. This. Plus bothering to scout, analyse, and tap up the agent all seem to give a better idea of whether or why it is or is not likely to be viable. It may still be a little overtuned, but I'm looking at real life transfers and genuinely not seeing that many young foreign players choose to move to the UK either given a lot of examples given are of UK clubs not being able to sign young foreigners.
  15. Can't see that file loading. Blanked out nations will either crash when game is setup, or won't have anything active once loaded.
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