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Everything posted by Davey1289

  1. I mean is it actually him? Why’s he speculating with us losers…I mean us really chill people who have a life not just waiting for the button press.
  2. Yes the solid info is I feel it with the fullness off my heart it will be today. If that doesn’t happen then tomorrow I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️
  3. Last years 3pm tweet was the first time they’ve done that, doesn’t mean it’s going to happen every year. It’ll be this week it’s released. Easily could still be today
  4. I agree, there’s an atmosphere on here this year that I’ve not seen in previous years that I credit to some mods. I mean aren’t we all just a bunch of saddos excited for a game to come out that we’ve been playing for nearly 30 years haha
  5. Why does this remind me off sad mum after dad ⬆️⬆️⬆️ just flipped over the table and shouted at us for no reason
  6. Tomorrow. Tomorrow is the day. Always the day after miles posts a “I’m out tonight” tweet or X, whatever the kids call it now. Tomorrow, have faith brothers
  7. I think it’s going to be this week, sure the last couple have been closer to 3 weeks than 2 weeks
  8. Can’t see them putting out the beta tonight. Sorry to be pessimistic but if miles is out it ain’t going to happen. I don’t see why there’s a lot of Thursday chat out there though, I’d say tomorrow looks likely especially if they’re creating bug threads etc.
  9. Steamdb changes were only made an hour ago, which will then have to be tested. I’d say that probably means an 8pm announcement if it’s tonight. previous years SI staff normally shut down the speculation if it’s not going to be that day, I have hope for tonight.
  10. Good to see this thread up and running again, first time in years I’ve got this close to beta release without preordering though. I need to get researching what’s new with this years release.
  11. Minimal changes on steamdb the last couple of days. Last one 2 hours ago. I’d say they will be gearing up for beta release tonight. Need to stay positive, no sign of Neil brock to spoil the day which he did a couple of times last year
  12. No changes in 3 hours, sounds promising. Hopefully it’s being tested now ready for beta release this evening
  13. I hope you’re right but there was alot of build up to that, so far we’ve not had much. I think it’s looking more like the 25th. We’ve not even had sight of Neil Brock yet
  14. Being pessimistic and hope you are right but I’d say it feels almost like 25th at earliest maybe 27th. I know that won’t go down well on here but I just can’t see it being next week with the lack of build up
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