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Posts posted by DJ8

  1. 3 minutes ago, Ed Hewison said:

    Hi @DJ8.

    Cheers for reporting this issue to us.
    Please could you upload your save game or an image showing this issue to our cloud service?

    Here's the link to that:


    Think I've uploaded it, file name is "Charlton New". Do you know if there is a patch/update tomorrow as I was kind of hoping to be able to play as Charlton on release but can't really do that until its fixed 

  2. 23 minutes ago, DJ8 said:

    Just fired up a charlton save on the full game. Thanks for making the changes to the ownership and can even see some player upgrades like on Alfie Doughty. One problem is the player salaries have changed so that I now can't register the squad under the salary cap. One possible reason this has happened is that Alex Gilbey and Conor Washington were announced as signings after the salary cap cut off for players counting as the average league 1 wage but I believe they have been counted at the league 1 average as we actually signed them 2 weeks before and asked the EFLs permission to sign but as we were under embargo it was delayed by 2 weeks. Would like an urgent fix please as can't actually play as charlton if I can't register all our players! We are 4k over budget on the game but in real life we actually have around 2k a week spare 

    Evidence: https://londonnewsonline.co.uk/exclusive-charlton-athletic-transfer-chief-outlines-budget-and-signing-plans-for-january-window/ steve gallen says we have £100,00 left over the whole year on the salary cap (I assume 2k a week in game) 

    What are the chances of this being updated by 5pm tomorrow when I finish work? 

  3. Just fired up a charlton save on the full game. Thanks for making the changes to the ownership and can even see some player upgrades like on Alfie Doughty. One problem is the player salaries have changed so that I now can't register the squad under the salary cap. One possible reason this has happened is that Alex Gilbey and Conor Washington were announced as signings after the salary cap cut off for players counting as the average league 1 wage but I believe they have been counted at the league 1 average as we actually signed them 2 weeks before and asked the EFLs permission to sign but as we were under embargo it was delayed by 2 weeks. Would like an urgent fix please as can't actually play as charlton if I can't register all our players! We are 4k over budget on the game but in real life we actually have around 2k a week spare 

  4. 35 minutes ago, Dean Gripton said:

    You are playing with data from about three weeks ago now. Sandgaard's finances have been updated since then, as a result of testing. 

    Thanks for your efforts and the report a couple of posts up here.

    Brilliant thanks I look forward to the full release. Any chance Johnnie Jackson could get an upgrade as an assistant manager to his stats? He has done a brilliant job in terrible circumstances alongside Bowyer and as a club legend it is sad when I have to terminate his contract at the start of a save because his stats in game aren't very good when I think he will be our future manager in real life so should maybe have slightly better stats


  5. Just to show how bad sandgaards finances are in game you can see here from my championship start of season budget wage budget of 110k, I've had it reduced to 92k mid-season and next season expected to get it down to 70k!!!!  I enjoy a challenge but this is not realistic at all to what would happen to charlton with sandgaard if we got promoted. This issue clearly needs to be fixed before release as Charlton are pretty much unplayable if you have to get your wage budget down to 70k in the championship when in reality there would be an increasing year on year wage budget with some transfer budget to go with it 


  6. Also see a previous comment on the salary caps. I find if you start the game from an early pre-season date it registers all of your players on the £1,700 average wage for the cap meaning that as Charlton you have about £15,000 spare which is obviously very unrealistic. If you start late pre-season then you have to register the new signings onto the squad registration screen so that adds their proper wage to the cap, this leaves Charlton with about 1.5/2k spare which is much more realistic so I think the salary cap when choosing the early pre-season start date needs some adjustment so that all your players aren't registered at the £1,700 level.

    Also on the future of the salary cap, I think they are very much here to stay but I think the limits will be increased as we get out of the covid era. Like others I would like to know what the situation is in game with the salary cap and whether it stays the same throughout or increases as I would expect it too in real life

  7. 47 minutes ago, Dean Gripton said:

    If he's put £12m to cover running costs, that is just that, to cover running costs, not to allow people playing Fm to have a £12m transfer budget.

    This is a football management game, not a convoluted high finance capitalism sim. 

    So, the figures we need to deal with are still missing, amongst a lot of words that don't really do anything to uncloud the issue.

    What debts are there? Someone, somewhere is owed money by the entity that is Charlton Athletic. Not that's either Duchatelet, previous owners, Elliott or Sandgaard himself. Who is owed money, and how much?

    No one is asking for a £12m transfer budget, but surely that should be the amount of money in the club at the start of the game so that the running costs for the next couple of years are covered rather than crippling future transfer and wage budgets. 

    There is still debt to ex-directors payable on promotion to the prem as although Sandgaard has hinted he will pay that off he hasn't announced that yet. Roland debt is cleared but he owns the stadium and training ground so will receive his money through that. We are renting it off him for probably £300-500k a year as the old agreement was £200k a year but sandgaard says he has increased the rent to get rid off the previously agreed £44m deal for the stadium and training ground. Might be simple to put the debt to roland as this £44m figure still even though I believe Sandgaard is hoping to negotiate that down especially with the current covid financial climate £44m for a league 1 clubs stadium is a bit ridiculous. 

    I would recommend £12m should be in the club accounts as stated by sandgaard, transfer budget should be at least 100k probably a few hundred thousand to reflect the bids of that level we have made this summer. And upon promotion to the championship this spending should increase in line with what Sandgaard has stated he will be doing 

  8. 22 minutes ago, MrPompey said:

    If you are quick, suggest something sensible supported by some evidence and maybe something toward a middle position of probability. I think in L1 at the moment the bigger clubs are now restricted by salary caps rather than buying power. For the last few seasons I've kept Pompey's starting transfer funds at 100k. Pompey are financially secure and I know they will spend if the right player is available but I tend to look at this retrospectively rather than having a larger number in the pot. I mention this to help give some balance to your thouhts.

    I don't think any of us are expecting a large budget, particularly in league 1. But on promotion to the championship there is no doubt imo that Sandgaard will at least spend a few million so that we consolidate our position at that level. In game at the moment we start with not much in the bank and on promotion are handed a slight increase in wage budget and zero transfer budget with finances at insecure. Also Sandgaard appears to sell/look to sell the club early in game just showing how far from the truth they currently have the ownership situation. In real life he has promised (and so far delivered) investment and a long term plan so it would be nice to see this reflected in game that's all we are asking for is realism


  9. 14 hours ago, Dean Gripton said:

    With FFP and salary caps, clearly there isn't scope for Charlton to go spending money like confetti. Remember, you have brought in plenty of players this summer (yes, Bonne left last minute). 

    Sandgaard's ambitions are set for Prem in five years, and he's got plenty of resources set in his profile. of course, when the club loses loads of money in your savegame, the game has to consider that alongside FFP and the debt, which is why we need to know what debt the club actually should be listed as having.

    I’m not saying we should have unlimited funds or way more money than anyone else. But in game the finances are at the moment put at insecure when that isn’t the case now. 

    Here is an article where Steve Gallen mentions a substantial bid made for Ronnie Schwartz https://londonnewsonline.co.uk/charlton-athletic-dof-steve-gallen-on-failed-move-for-ronnie-schwartz-attempts-to-land-clarke-harris-and-arsenal-youngster/ this shows we had money to spend in league 1, not millions but definitely in the hundreds of thousands. I’m not complaining about the budget situation in league 1 as we bought lots of players, but after promotion to the championship there really should be a lot more backing than there is currently in game. There’s no salary cap in the championship and so spending within FFP is definitely what I’d expect to happen with Sandgaard but as I have said before I got no money and only a slight increase in wage budget which doesn’t seem realistic at all to what Sandgaard has been saying and done so far. 

    As for the debt, I will try and find an article for it but as I understand it the only debt to Roland left is the deal to buy the stadium. Sandgaard negotiated this as a 15 year lease, I’m not sure on the figures as I doubt they are available but going off what Roland and Sandgaard have said I’d imagine the lease is for a 300-400k a year maybe with a deal to buy the stadium for 40-50m at a later date or around that ballpark. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, DJ8 said:

    I'm a charlton fan. Don't think the debts have been cleared, more that they have been transferred to the deal to buy the clubs stadium. Sandgaard is paying Roland rent every year (probably a few hundred thousand) and has a 15 year lease on the stadium which will eventually need to be bought from Roland for probably £40m-ish which has replaced the debt roland put the club in.

    Think Sandgaard definitely needs some attention before the release, as I have stated on here in my save after promotion there was barely an increase in wage budget and zero transfer budget. He has stated his ambition and intention to fully back us so I was expecting a little more. And from an interview with Steve Gallen our director of football there are numerous references to us bidding for players this summer which shows he is willing to spend money in league 1 let alone if we went up to the championship. Not saying we should be absolutely loaded but our financial position is no longer the precarious state it has been for the last few years so that should be reflected in game. Someone else on here has said he sold the club on his save and there are rumours of him doing so on mine which is also wrong considering he is making a lot of noises about a long term plan and wanting to be here for 15 years 

    I would say a small budget of 1or 2 hundred thousand in league 1 and then on promotion to the championship a million or 2 at the very least with an initial wage budget (which could then increase year on year) more on the level of the lower championship sides like Barnsley, Luton, Millwall rather than what I've got at the moment which is less than Peterborough who came up with me...A Sandgaard backed charlton should have the ambition of promotion and then the financial backing to kick on up the league in the championship rather than at the moment in game we have insecure finances and low budgets. 

    Sorry if it seems like we are all blabbing on about it but we've finally got a good owner so I really wanted to see that replicated in game rather so that unlike the last few FMs I won't be praying for a takeover from the start

  11. 18 hours ago, Dean Gripton said:

    That doesn't help with the question I have asked.

    Please provide evidence to support your claim that the debts have been wiped out, and about the First Touch Sports deal. Otherwise, I can do nothing.

    I'm a charlton fan. Don't think the debts have been cleared, more that they have been transferred to the deal to buy the clubs stadium. Sandgaard is paying Roland rent every year (probably a few hundred thousand) and has a 15 year lease on the stadium which will eventually need to be bought from Roland for probably £40m-ish which has replaced the debt roland put the club in.

    Think Sandgaard definitely needs some attention before the release, as I have stated on here in my save after promotion there was barely an increase in wage budget and zero transfer budget. He has stated his ambition and intention to fully back us so I was expecting a little more. And from an interview with Steve Gallen our director of football there are numerous references to us bidding for players this summer which shows he is willing to spend money in league 1 let alone if we went up to the championship. Not saying we should be absolutely loaded but our financial position is no longer the precarious state it has been for the last few years so that should be reflected in game. Someone else on here has said he sold the club on his save and there are rumours of him doing so on mine which is also wrong considering he is making a lot of noises about a long term plan and wanting to be here for 15 years 

  12. Charlton

    Finances are currently at insecure. The new owner Sandgaard has stated his intentions to back us and has done this window and definitely would say it should be at least Okay probably Secure. Don't think he's going to blow the bank but definitely expecting investment over the next few years but that doesn't look like the case in game. I've just been promoted and only a small increase in wage budget and zero transfer budget which seems unlikely considering we put in some decent bids for players this summer in league 1 so in the championship I would expect a bit of money to spend realistically 


    Also on the player front. Ian Maatsen's stats are rubbish in game but in real life he's looked amazing so far so should definitely get an upgrade his technical stats should be much better than they are



  13. I've found for a while that it is way too easy to sign very good loan players that should be playing in leagues higher than the one I'm in. For example on FM20 as a league 2 team I can loan James Garner from Man Utd when he is rated a leading league 1 player and has lots of league 1 and even championship clubs interested in him on loan. Just doesn't seem at all realistic that he would agree to join a league 2 team on loan or that united would accept the offer when there are far better teams interested. This isn't a one off either I frequently find it very easy to sign loan players that are at least a league above in quality than what I am.

    Instead of being able to easily sign players on loan that are only 'slightly interested' and sometimes even 'doubtful' or 'unsure' the game would be a lot more realistic if you could only sign interested players on loan and maybe a chance of getting a slightly interested. Needs to be a lot stricter and I'm hoping on FM21 it is going to be better

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