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44 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. No point to do so. The season starts on August 2024. It’s already irrational to release it every year on November (3 months after) , to stretch it even further would be bad in so many ways
  2. two different schedules are possible for today: best scenario: 6pm - twitter post with hourglass icon and #FM24 hashtag 6pm-8pm - thread burst with comments 8pm - Beta release worst scenario: 6pm - some of SI stuff teasing us on this thread 6pm-8pm - Advanced access ,Greggs and youtubers jokes 8:05 - no Beta release - uproar + riots
  3. How quiet this thread became in the last few minutes, surely they didn't break the spirit yet, did they?
  4. Ok 8 pm approaching, I'm here for the countdown. still pretty sure it will be tomorrow 8 pm, but betting on now is pretty attractive bet. Let's go
  5. it's traditional that si employees come in mass to this thread and start commenting around a day before beta. so don't believe the hype. it's gonna be tomorrow - we all know it
  6. morning, another day of grinding expecting us. don't really believe that will be dropped before tomorrow.
  7. I'm calling the day off for the beta, won't posting anymore gifs here today. Unless... Italy will destroy England, then deffo will be here to do some satisfying smarking
  8. Not today. It is known that steamdb burst with updates when beta is imminent... Thursday it is. At this point I won't believe it is today even if Madonna will post a gif here
  9. All of us were here before on Beta days - when it's a beta a day we all can feel it and sense it. this not the situation today
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