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209 "I mean, funny like I'm a clown? I amuse you?"

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  1. Another game breaking bug in this game. I'm getting a must respond warning in the top right corner, yet there is nothing to respond to. And now I can't continue. Seems like FC Twente/Heralces academie is also interested and may or may not have made an offer, it's shows on one screen, but not on the one that matters (to continue the game) I guess the save end here then .. What the f*&k!
  2. It has been like this for months. And will be continue to be so.
  3. I have a great idea. Stop supporting the franchise and NOT BUY FM 25. Honestly, please guys. It's the only way to get their attention.
  4. So I went from unbeatable (see below) to an absolute trainwreck overnight. No tactical changes, no injuries, no unhappy players. Nothing changed. Same players, same tactic. Welcome to FM 24
  5. If only the seller delivered what was promised eh? Imagine that eh? Some of the bugs only appear when you're seasons in. Player development, youth development etc (the list is endless - don't get me started) These things don't bump into you when playing a demo. I agree with the fact that people (including myself) keep buying the product nevertheless but like I said - FM 25 will not be purchased by me.
  6. The game in the current state - as mentioned before - is beyond broken. I would go as far as saying it's not even Beta-ready, yet millions of copies have been sold under false pretences. Disgraceful. Personally, i'm not touching FM 25 - 100%. There is no other way to raise concern or even protest, just stop spending full retail on unfinished product (has been going on for years now)
  7. Three games in a row were I should be winning in terms of xG. Do you guys struggle with this too? My apponents always seem to score well under 1 xG, were I ussually need 3 or more xG to score just the one goal.
  8. I decided to give it a shot and see what the fuss is about, so I put my back-up goalkeeper (Roefs) in as my starting striker. It's true. It works. Guy scored a screamer and had a beautiful assist too. Don't spend your cash on a back-up striker boys, just put your goalie up front. What an absolute joke this series has become.
  9. Anyone out there who isn't supposed to be 6 places up in the xG Table? What's going on here?
  10. 4-2 4-2 4-3 5-1 3-3 I'm just dying to see a solid 0-0 once every now and then. Weirdest FM version of this decade.
  11. Anyone still playing this game? Just pull the plug on the franchise, we had a laugh but it all went off track real fast.
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