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Everything posted by mrgood

  1. After updating to latest patch game starts to crash immediately after few minutes. Reason is "low memory", which is false. PC is having 32gb ram and 4070 gpu so PC isn't a problem at all. Tried to reinstall the game but problem is still there.
  2. This is still an issue, I am on League Europe path, it's a match day on 10th July and I can't register players for the match.
  3. Hello, I am playing FM so long and I am always wondering why we can't see more visible referee decisions? While playing recently, I noticed that the referee's decisions are poorly visible, although it is visible in the commentary whether an advantage or a foul was awarded. It occurred to me to suggest whether it is possible to insert the referee's decisions in the form of a small picture in the corner of the screen in order to see what decision was made, especially when it comes to awarding advantages, because it does not happen very often in goal chances managers read the commentator. I suggest that this can be easily implemented in the game and I only give a suggestion of a picture of how it might look. Looking forward to hear from you and I hope you will consider this feature.
  4. I was saying something like this to be implemented in the game. Often, while you're attacking you aren't reading commentary bellow
  5. Hello, thank you for your fast response. I've just realized that there was a commentary but is it possible to at some point we have visual of advantage signing? Regarding match I was mentioned, here's a match file. Looking forward to hear from you, xx Vojvodina v Radnički end game issue.pkm
  6. My GK got injured in match, says "While catching a ball" (torn wrist ligaments, 7 weeks) What he was catching? A cannonball?
  7. So, few things, referee decisions are very strange, from match to match there are some strange decisions that are not reflect reality and anything you can see in the game (most of it) First situation, my team is 2-3 down, 93rd minutes, my player was fouled bit ball is still in my possession. Ref decided to stop the match and give me FK. When player was ready to take FK, before he even kick the ball, ref blows end of the match?! That's something you will never see anywhere. However, adding referee decisions such as, advantage play should be added like little notification in bottom or ... Second situation, no foul, no yellow, no nothing. Here's a video. no foul no yellow.mp4
  8. There are more injuries than that was the case in previous versions of the game. There are injuries 3+ week so often, youth as well. Totally agree SI should investigate this because players will be dead after few seasons.
  9. This issue is already addressed and hopefully it would be fixed when game is out. Since Serbian league is unplayable atm.
  10. Could you check a new post and example, there is a pkm file as well. Again, conceded without VAR
  11. I have the same problem, goal conceded for 3:2 lost, clear offside. I'll upload a file to check as well. FC Bayern v Lyon offside issue.pkm
  12. You're welcome. Hope QA team will fix it since that happens. Also, issues with crash have to do with a new AMD drivers, roll back to previous one from May fixing the crashes.
  13. Is this enough? Here you go, you can check goal in 88th minute that was a clear offside and there was no check or anything Parma v Lazio.pkm
  14. Oh my.. it's strange because it's always late in the match. I was kidding since I am playing in Italy that was a case with some match fixing and later team will be punished, but..
  15. Thank you for your reply! My graphic drivers are fine. There is no issue while playing other games. I'll try to play with default skin and see is there still lagging in 3d and crashing. But my CPU is fine and should run this game smoothly. If issue repeat I will reinstall drivers but what can I do if problem continue? I didn't played properly since I bought it, constant crash isn't something I know when I play this game, since beginning. Best,
  16. 1d22f0c8-124f-485e-8c15-0dc6a7cc7151.dmp2ea8944a-b4a8-47b9-ad46-06c2c13fd222.dmp2c401f63-69d3-4f60-b26e-fb801f324872.dmp9ea9d352-6d42-4eb8-a058-e00239c606fa.dmpf7579cef-366d-40d5-a473-365223102075.dmp93eab4ab-1d95-41d6-b1bc-5f085f233c61.dmpf1d4006d-e6fd-4ab4-b222-68cc0f8e0123.dmp849e3cee-68ca-4e09-9f59-9e1a2eb74134.dmpf7579cef-366d-40d5-a473-365223102075.dmp
  17. I had again the same error, it's 4th time today
  18. First time I saw this bug, I've received goal that was a clear offside. No var, nothing. I can save the match and post it for review. https://streamable.com/3h13yv
  19. I never had crash experience till FM23. I played since ever this game, but FM23 is constantly lagging and crashing randomly. Computer freeze and I just god an error to check drivers. Drivers are fine. Is there any fix for this or not? FM22 runs perfectly but this year I had more that 50 crash and I am considering to stop playing because there is no solution to this.
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