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Everything posted by Icondacarver

  1. The tabloids frantically messaging their photographers to get a photo of someone at the game drinking a cup of tea, just so they can go with the headline - Storm in a Teacup
  2. Ronaldo playing in this game with the hope of stat-padding, just for them to get beat and maybe getting a red card would be hilarious.
  3. It is Lee Dixon, if you pay attention, he praises certain players regardless what they do and slags others off also regardless what they do. The way he is talking, you would think that Foden has just run the game Messi style.
  4. It is a ranking based on criteria. We can question the criteria all we want but all teams know the criteria and even hailed it for years (ELO) It will always give us random rankings which is the same with other sports. Only male tennis avoids this issue, mainly due to the dominance of the big 3
  5. The issue with these threads is that people want rankings to match the eye test. The problem is that the eye test is subjective and so FIFA mirroring the ELO system is as close to objective as it gets
  6. Messi. No one wants Argentina to win other than Argentine fans. The majority want Messi to win.
  7. If it was not a team containing Messi, this would be called out more.
  8. Yea true. I kinda want it to happen so that the world moves on from him and Ronaldo etc
  9. Argentina is a country that simply can't be liked by me, so I am in the anyone but Argentina camp which means they will win it.
  10. Give it time, he will make one key mistake and the press will pile in on him. He will become risk-averse and seek to play in a way that means the press don't vilify him. Daily Mail have not yet found the angle to start a vendetta against him yet. That is in their 2024/25 plans.
  11. There it is people....a taster of the angle the Daily Mail will take tomorrow. Sterling to take a big slice of blame pie.
  12. Honestly, I was worried for Bellingham, Saka and Raheem if they made any errors. The racists were warming up their twitter fingers.
  13. The zonal marking versus man marking pundit debates can get in the bin.
  14. Yes, from a footballing perspective he should be on the bench. He does always seem potent for England and would be a great game changer if Saka or Foden are subdued during the match.
  15. I hope you get burgled and they take away any devices that can access this forum
  16. You do know the match was a game of football? Not a do or die duel for the fate of the galaxy! His family are without daddy and intruders have been in their home. It is a traumatising, scary situation at any time, let alone when a parent is at the other side of the world
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