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Posts posted by LarsHermus

  1. I have mabye some suggestions which could be added before the last data update arrives:


    I would change the role of Johannes Spors from Technical Director to Director of Football since he is responsible for the transfers and contracts of the players at Vitesse


    As set Arne Slot will become Manager after the 20/21 season, and Mario Pusic will become Assissent Manager after the 20/21 season. However in the current database Koen Stam is set as Assisent Manager. I would recommend to change Koen Stam to a regular first team Coach and make Cor Pot Assistent Manager and set him to leave after the 20/21 season as I expected he will leave together with Dick Advocaat.


    Peter Uneken (Manager of Jong PSV) will leave after the 20/21 season and Ruud van Nistelrooy will become the new Jong PSV Manager. Is it possible to set this up in the game?

    I hope these suggestions can make it on time for the next data update!

  2. Since the Winter Update, every goal replay starts at the lowest speed so it looks like it's frozen. Also when I skip the replay it takes more time than normal to get rid of it.

    I tried to adjust it at the hightlights settings in the top right corner, which didn't work. Also tried to fix it in the Home menu, and set the bar to the far right to make it as fast as posible but as standard when you adjust your settings in the Home menu it will be resetted when you start a new save game so that didn't work as well.

    Does someone has a fix for this or is this something SI need to look into?

    Edit: I removed my preference and cache folder, which is recommended to everyone who has some problems. It didn't resolve it.

  3. 2 hours ago, Britrock said:

    This is a minor thing in the grand scheme of things, but it drives me insane every single game that the in-match squad view at the bottom isn't in order from left to right. e.g. in my current 442, the lineup shows as GK - DR - DCR - DCL - DL - MR - MCR - MCL - ML - ST - ST, which is just ... weird.

    Don't get this order either, but as I understand it from some YouTubers and other players on this forum this needs to be way your manager sees the players from the dugout. But then it still be wrong because in one half your DR will indeed be in front of you but in the second half he will be on the other side of the pitch, so it's very weird indeed. 

    Also I want to add that I hate this years match screen, the players bar at the bottom is confusing and also it doesn't have a real function besides telling you how the players feel. Furthermore the tactics corner is stupid. The way this screen was presented on FM20 was way more pleasant and functional. (in my opinion) ;)

  4. Since I'm inspecting the whole PSV staff for some minor fixes, I mabye have some suggestions in case you guys overlooked them:

    Rene Dannenburg (Head of Fysio) is no longer at PSV (source: https://nl.linkedin.com/in/rené-dannenburg-b9370013) (he is also not mentioned on the whole PSV website)

    Tim Wolf (First team coach) is actually Assistent Manager at PSV U18 (https://www.psv.nl/jeugd/teams/team/psv-jo18-1-2020-2021.htm#players-955277)

    Toon Gebrands (President) is not really the President of PSV but more like Edwin van der Sar in real life and in game a Director (in Dutch we say Algemeen Directeur) (https://www.psv.nl/psv/club/organisatie/organisatie-psv.htm)

    I can imagine these are little nitpicks but I'm just trying to help to make the game more realistic ;)

  5. On 05/12/2020 at 10:30, ^1Not^22^3B^4Reanimated said:

    Space missing between month and managername. In English version correct.

    Sociale feed should be just Social feed (upper left corner)


    I see this issue also a lot of times. My guess is that there is a typo in the code, can this be or has this been fixed?

  6. 9 minutes ago, Reddiablo said:

    And just now Jol will be getting a different role altogether.


    Hahahaha, but I wasn't wrong hey ;)

    1 hour ago, Reddiablo said:

    I find this issue more important than you. ;) --- my colleagues indicate that this issue has been resolved.

    This is great news to hear! I guess thanks for pushing effort towards the department to get this fixed!

  7. In the regular database Martin Jol (Ado Den Haag) is set as a Director, but in real life he is the so called "Head of Technical Heart" which could be translated to Director of Football since he does hire managers and signs players. Therefore I would recommend to change his role to be the Director of Football for Ado Den Haag. (source: https://adodenhaag.nl/nl/club/organisatie/technisch-hart)

    Also one extra question, I know this has been asked a lot on this forum and in this topic specificly, but is it for sure that the U18 staff for all Dutch clubs (excluding Ajax ofcourse) will be fixed in the next data-update? I can't stress enough how important I find this issue and I think there will be many more who think of this the same. 

  8. I don't know what to think about FM21 this year.

    In some sense I like the game, it feels faster and de 3D engine looks smoother (although I don't really care, I play in 2D). But there are way more things I don't like. For example the screen in between the highlights (with the tablet, dugout and the player bar at the bottom), it is so unclear in my opinion. I can't even see if a player is injured. I have to go down at the bottom left to pop up the tactics screen to see it. That's not realitisc. If I'm supposed to see my players emotions from the side (which in my opinon is also unrealistic at all, but allright it's in the game for a long time) than surely I need to see if a player is injured right? The way this screen appeared in FM20 was in my opinion way better. Also there are a lot of bugs, not only in text messages (some translations are not right, two words are combined: "Manager van AprilKlopp"), but also the whole under 18 staff is missing in the Netherlands. In the two week beta there was no problem at all because the under 18 staff was still the under 19 like it was untill last year. How is it possible that in the full game you deliver something that is not complete?

    I know that just like the FIFA franchise at the moment FM has a problem to make sure that every new game feels like a new game. You can't really make new groundbreaking features because you have already made them in previous editions. For example the training and tactics overhaul was really good, I liked that in FM19. But in FM21 the features don't really feel new or are even necessary. The new emotions at press conferences, who cares? I don't. Removing the player familiarity roles, fitness and matchsharpness is in some sense realistic, but makes it also very unclear. The transfermeeting, it seems new but you could already give your scouts players to look for certain positions and roles.

    I don't hate the new FM, I find the game very sloppy. I also think if Miles Jacobson said this was his "dream FM, with some features missing", I don't think this is a realistic review on this years game. I hope there will be a hotfix coming soon to fix most of the issues like the text and database problems. But for the coming years I really hope SI step up and most importantly listen to the players. Ask what we are missing and what we want to see to change, besides the obvious database update and engine update each year.

    Feel free to have a conversation with me. I am playing FM since FM16 with an average of over 300 hours per game so I would say I am not an expert on the game but above average let's say. Since this years edition bugged me so much I decided to make an account for this forum, thus explaining why this looks like an amateur is giving comment on this game. I just hoped as a lover of this franchise SI would have released a better game. But that is just my opinion ;)

  9. FC Twente:

    - Sinds dit seizoen is Nick Segers de conditietrainer bij het eerste elftal en volgens mij werkt Arnold Newby er niet meer

    - Jan Streuer zou ik eerder als Directeur Voetbalzaken in het spel zetten dan als Technisch Directeur aangezien hij grotendeels heeft meegeholpen om de transfers te realiseren en een Technisch Directeur in FM is gelimiteerd tot personeel en kan geen spelers kopen/verkopen

    - Ook kloppen sommige rugnummers nog niet





  10. 19 hours ago, Zek said:

    Jorn Wolf and Boudewijn Zenden are assistant managers too, Schmidt has 3. Source

    Ernest Faber is HoYD instead of Rick de Rooij. Rick de Rooij should be made U19 coach, he took temporarily over last season when Faber took over as head coach. Source

    PSV's highest transfer fee received is wrong. Lozano is correct, but it was 40 million and confirmed on August 23 2019. Source

    Coen Dillen scored 43 goals in 1956/57, not 44. Source

    Romero got injured unfortunately and will be missing the rest of the season. Source

    Fein has kit number 11. Source

    Ihattaren's full name under his Personal information still says MohamMed. He has also declared to play for the Dutch NT.

    Dumfries has only 6 (or randomly set) leadership? He's a pretty good captain, he's a player who takes the lead on multiple areas, according to Schmidt. And Rosario is vice-captain, not Zahavi.  Source

    And the following isn't of much help, but:

    Boscagli and Teze's CA are (somewhat) underrated, I think both should be natural at CB too to reflect their new positions.

    Baumgartl, Gutierrez and especially Viergever's CA are rated too highly. Viergever was barely able to run in the few games he played this season, and I think Gutierrez can be a pretty good player but it just doesn't work out for him at PSV.

    I think Max's CA is underrated too, I'd say he's shown he's already one of our best players. At least his free kick taking should be 13 or 14 or so, they're often dangerous.


    Om hier nog wat aan toe te voegen:

    Yannick van der Schee is nu een conditietrainer bij het eerste elftal van PSV.

    Ook zie ik dat Bas Roorda nu als trainer in het spel staat aangegeven terwijl hij in het echt teammanager is.

    Daarnaast heeft PSV ook geen O19 meer maar is dit de O18 geworden.

    Verder vind ik ook dat misschien de Natuurlijke Fitheid van Dumfries (5) en Romero (12) omgewisseld mogen worden: ik heb altijd het idee dat Dumfries twee wedstrijden van 90 minuten achter elkaar kan volmaken, terwijl het bij Romero eerder de vraag is of hij na één wedstrijd al niet geblesseerd is voor 3 maanden (niet leuk natuurlijk, maar helaas wel de realiteit). 

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