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Everything posted by Blubbel

  1. Hi all, is there an option in the editor to deduct points in the next season for the top finishers? For example, position 1-4 finisher = 12,9,6,3 points deduction in the next season. Or maybe connect it to reaching international competition, Champion -12, UCL starters -9, UEL starters -6 & UECL starters -3? I want more exciting leagues :-D Thanks!
  2. Hi community, I edited Germany increasing the league size and also removing the relegation play-offs. But last seem to lead to an error I am not able to resolve. In the league settings I removed everything with playoffs and only have straight number of promotions and relegation but the second league is waiting for a stage to be added. Does someone know what might causes this issue? I have also attached the editor file if needed. I can add that the issue is not related to the increased number of teams and the fixture in the file as I tested it with the base Germany file and 18 teams. Once I remove all play-offs I get the error below. Thanks!!! Germany 20 Teams.fmf
  3. Especially in leagues with only 8 or 9 substitutes (France, Germany) the AI messes up the bench after friendlies or international cup games. The AI leaves the substitutes on the 15 bench spots they had available before leading to firstly, missing strikers & wingers and secondly, good players are not in the match squad. I don't know how much this effects auto resolve for AI games but it also bothers me when playing against other clubs. It's stupid when your opponent can't substitute their exhausted attackers! This is actually already happening since years. I always used the editor and maxed the substitutes in those leagues to fix that but would be nice if this could be fixed right away. Thanks!
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