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John Chard

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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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    Mabu Babel Utd

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  1. The stars top right are slightly clipping at the top of the screen, as shown in photo.
  2. Photo attached, maybe Im just reading it wrong, but the positive options sound quite negative
  3. I started as unemployed. Applied to 'Lee Man' in the Hong Kong PL. When asked by a journalist whether I was looking at that job I had the 5 options as usual. 2 'positive' 1 'neutral' 2 'negative'. However, the 2 'positive' options appeared to be negative options. Saying that I was just doing the interview as a formality etc. I forgot to screen shot unfortunately, but will add one if I get the issue again.
  4. Was just playing a match and the game just closed itself. Instantaneous close and no crash message or anything. Let me know what info you need specifically, as I'm not sure what else to say.
  5. yeah, they whistle like 3 times. Not sure if intentional, as I could swear it was the same last year.
  6. Under the financial rules, Wage rules section there is either a typo or an error. As shown in the pic, the £350 p/w rule is for players aged '24 to -2 years old'
  7. As shown in pic 2, the competition stages in this Indonesian Cup are messed up. Both copies of QF, SF and Final have the same contents in the rules.
  8. That's odd, cause I'm playing in Indonesia, so I haven't had the champions league stuff yet
  9. The first pic is the odd font vs the second pic which is the normal font
  10. Hi, heres 2 screenshots of the 'leagues in focus' screen with different fonts on the tables
  11. Apologies for the big screenshot. As the title says, I hovered over the ! in the board vision. When I moved pages it stayed up. The objective was 'Work within wage budget) and the status is 'struggling'. I could move around to any page and it would stay up. Then I went back to the board vision it stayed, and then when I hovered over the ! again it disappeared as normal
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