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Posts posted by alexknight14

  1. 1 hour ago, Lucas said:

    We appreciate it's frustrating. Rest assured we haven't forgotten, and we are working hard on the issue in question and it's a priority. 

    When we have more information and a resolution, we will provide an update. Until then, please be patient while we work on it. It's unfortunately a process that takes time.


    Hi Lucas and SI 


    How can you understand the frustration from hundreds of loyal FM players , that have paid hard earned money to play the game and get the early Beta . We have not been able to load up the game almost a week on and the full game is almost out 


    We do not even know if we can play the new game on release . What is going to be the gesture from SI ?? 

    That we just check daily and wait for you guys to say try now .. then play the game later that others and act like we didn’t all just get left in the lurch . 

    For a company of leading developers , coders and programmers , it shocks me that we have no fix or even an idea on the problem or how long this may take 



  2. On 17/11/2020 at 17:15, Neil Brock said:

    Yeah it's an issue we're aware of are mentioned previously - we've been able to source a machine that reproduces the issue and are working at finding a resolution to the problem.


    There are plenty of online retailers offering 2011 machines between £400-£500 

    I know because I purchased a second music laptop from IT trade a few weeks ago .


    can you not get one of these ? 

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