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Posts posted by Lambielsa

  1. 36 minutes ago, Poison said:

    No ,"weak influence" refers to a specific player on your team who doesn't do much. You can click on weak influence to see who, it's clickable at the tactics screen(not sure about the hub).

    Thanks for response. That makes sense I’m using touch and clicking on it just takes me to my squad page without anyone highlighted. I’m sure I can work it out from there. Cheers!

  2. 1 hour ago, Johnny Ace said:



    Because he'll be a focus of play. Ideally, you'd want to overload the left hand side of the pitch, the Mez will help with that but you can use the Team Instruction to focus down the left flank so a playmaker in the centre isn't really needed 

    There's a load of threads on here over the years about the Raumdeuter, here's one I did a while ago, regrettably, I didn't post the tactic but I've made a few successful RMD tactics since  


    Great. Thanks again for taking the time!

  3. 1 hour ago, Johnny Ace said:

    I definitely wouldn't use an IWB(A) on the flank of the Raumdeuter, you want a role to overlap him rather than cut in and flood his space 

    Playmaker in the centre probably isn't needed either, I like the use of the Mez over on the left hand side of centre midfield, that's on the right tracks :thup:

    Thanks for response. Not using IWB(a) definitely makes sense. I was hoping he would provide another runner from deep but they have been stepping on each others toes in the box a bit. 

    Can I ask why the AP(s) is unnecessary? My thinking was he would kind of connect the left and right sides of the pitch and be enabled to attempt the riskier passes to MEZ(a) and RAM 

  4. Hi all. I was looking for some advice. I’m trying to get a tactic using raumdeter as the main goal scorer. Main idea is to overload the left hand side drawing the opposition that side and pinging the ball to the ram on the right. Currently not working amazingly, raumdeter is getting space but having trouble getting ball to him. Any suggestions? Thanks74F8749F-6FF3-40A8-A2FF-8911AA19065B.jpeg.dc6ac58a9115e13bdb452f51a3e6dcb1.jpeg

  5. I consistently have problems with opposition getting high numbers of shots in the box. Happens in most of my tactics. I always play a back 4. I either have

    CD(def) CD (def) or

    CD (def) CD(cov)

    I usually end up putting the PI ‘press less’ on the whole back 4 to keep shape. Is this contributing to  opponents taking shots away easily inside the box?

    It might also be midfield issues and allowing too many final 3rd entries. It’s just the consistency I’m having this problem that making me wonder about my back 4 set up. Thanks. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Cleon said:

    When I play properly and long-term I don't have attributes visible, so attributes aren't part of my save or how I play in general. I've wrote about this in the past before. But for FM23 they'll be lots of posts about this from me that I have planned, especially scouting and development wise.

    Thanks for taking the time to reply. I will look forward to your next article and have a search your previous writing 

  7. Thanks Cleon. A really interesting thread. Motivated me to start playing again and I am appreciating the game from a whole new angle. I am having some joy with a 433 playing in Scotland. 


    I found what you said about having championship level players competing in the champions league fascinating and that


    ‘Just because someone might have bad crossing/low dribbling doesn't mean they can't excel at those things’


    This blew my tiny mind. I am reading this as; if your system is working well, players end up in 1v1 situations or with good crossing options that don’t require 20/20 quality? 


    How do you go about scouting or selecting youth players with promise if the attribute’s aren’t that important to you?


    Thanks again for the thread. I always enjoy reading them even if I’m not currently playing. 

  8. 10 minutes ago, zabyl said:

    I'm sorry to say you this but that site is not perfect for creating a tactic. The tool is not created by SI engineers. I don't understand why people cares the interpretations of random people who didn't create the game.

    I know it’s not perfect by any means but it seems like a reasonable starting point for a newbie. I do read the guides here but it’s pretty daunting starting off

  9. 9 minutes ago, zabyl said:

    Why do you use FBa instead of WBs with a HBd? FB role is too narrow for this role setup. I'm not sure if Kante is suited for HB. If you use a HB, you can change your fullbacks to WBs at least.

    IWs-Ta can steal each other's space for their movements. It can create a congestion issue. I would use a Ws for LM. With a WBs-Ws-Ta you can create nice overloads on the left flank.

    I don't know if your lone forward suits F9 or not but I suggest using an attack duty player around support duty forward to make that player a goalscorer. So IFa on RW could possibily the best bet for this situation if you prefer a Ta behind lone forward. If your lone forward suits more to TMs/CFs I suggest using one of these roles to use his strengths. If you change the lone forward to an attack duty role then there is no change needed for RW.


    Thanks for the reply.

    To be honest I’ve been using ratemytactic tool and it says wing back dribble contrasts with short passing playing style. I’m not sure how but I’ll play about with it more. 

    I was getting pressed quite high up pitch so though the Hb was useful in dropping back to help build up from back. 

    I will play about your suggestions. Thanks again

  10. Hi all. I was hoping to get some advice on this tactic. It’s doing ok but I wonder if I should be doing better given that I’m playing with Chelsea. The movement upfront doesn’t look great. I know I should be aiming for players to enter the box at different points, rather than all standing in a line in the area, but I’m not sure how to achieve this. 

    TIs are WBIB, counter press, high line, offside and force opposition outside. 



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