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Posts posted by Stobby84

  1. Il y a 3 heures, jimbo22 a dit :

    I've found it way more enjoyable by using a skin that has an instant result button. I simply dont have the time to play through game after game. May seems a shortcut but it works for me. I enjoy the squad building part of the game so this allows me to get through a number of seasons far more quickly than I could by playing each game. Still surprises me that SI havent implimented this as an option (unless a edited skin is used). 

    Interesting idea the one of the skin, have you got a link to it? I would like to make a small test to see how it works.  But, if you do not see matches how do you set up a tactic?

  2. Hello everybody,

    I am opening this thread since I would like your opinion on the matter ...

    After having spent roughly one year away from FM I am considering the idea of getting back with FM23. I enjoy football and management games and I have seen that the overall explanations of the online manual have improved a lot, I therefore hope FM23 will be enjoyable (my last FM was 2020) and over all, playable with satisfaction without investing tons of hours. To get some interesting results with FM20 and understand decently game mechanics I have roughly spent 600+hrs on the game, which would definitely be too much for me in 2023 (If I can spend roughly 2 hrs per week on games is really a win) and I fear that FM23 will require a similar amount of dedication to obtain something decent... is there a way to enjoy FM with a very limited time availability? I fear that purchasing the game and not being able to basically see the results of my actions because of the lack of time would be really frustrating. Have you got any suggestion? Is the touch version more "affordable"?

    Thank you and have a nice day!

  3. Hello  everybody,

    I am opening this thread since I have some of my players that are turning over 31 (Sané, Keita) and I have noticed that, even if their attributes are still outstanding their average performances in matches lowered significantly (from a solid 7.2 to a less interesting 6.6).

    The squad and the tactics are basically the same, and I have seen this "behaviour" also on some strikers.

    I was therefore wandering, does the game (I am still playing FM20) takes somehow in account the age and makes players less effective or is it, maybe, just an impression that I have?

    In real life I would expect that they need to rest more often, become more injury prone, etc.. but I was wondering, from game mechanics point of view, if there is any kind of hidden attributes linked with age which impacts performances.

    Replacing them with a high potential player often is a much better solution even if, on paper, his attributes are much lower than those ones of the champions.


    Thank you!


    Have a good day!

  4. Thank you very much for your inputs!

    In the end I have chosen an hybrid approach so I stacked some wonderkids and I had the satisfaction of buying that 5 star player that I missed :)

    Thank you Jackk! for the tip on the GK. I usually have the tendency not to spend too much time on this player but it has been a good move for my team (to buy a new one).

    It is really impressive how GK impacts on the game (also in RL, of course)



  5. Hello everybody,

    I am opening this topic for what could be considered a silly topic.. but actually is happening to me.

    I am playing a long term save with Bayer 04 and I have built all my strategy on youth development. The main reason is that budget is not so big and immediate transfers are simply unaffordable.

    After some (many) years I have finally been able to have a good team which is easily winning Bundesliga and cups and.. surprise, the board decided to give me, for the first time, a super budget of 100M for transfer market.

    So now I have got the money.. but.. I do not feel really necessary to buy anybody since my team is really doing well, but it would be a pity to waste such a good occasion to become unbeatable :).

    In this (strange) situation what could be the best option? Do all in on a world-class player or buy a ton of young guys for the future? From game-mechanics point of view is there any area which should be the first choice?


    Thank you!!

  6. Hi all,

    I just have a curiosity which is stated in the title of the topic. I am playing with a save with a team of the lower belgian division (usg) and, since budget is small and players attributes are limited in skills I tested several mostly defensive tactics. It worked quite well and results have been even slightly above expectations.. then, I decided (as a test) to switch to the classic 4-2-3-1 in a large version and my team has become a top team even if players were really average !

    I am astonished since I tested the same choice on another save (with an average team) and I immediately got good results.

    So my suspect is that the match engine has the tendency to reward attacking/offensive styles since, in lower leagues with average teams, it looks more rewarding to attack even against a stronger team than building a good defensive strategy .

    Have you had different experiences ?


    Have a good day!

  7. Personally I think you should remember that FM is a game and that you should have fun playing it.

    If you want to test the game to see what happens when you win all the available trophies (I did it in a sort of superman save :) ) then go for it.. you will find that also in that situation, to limit the number of reload, you will have to prepare matches and study opponents. If you want to avoid being fired because you want to play absolutely with that team even if you are losing a ton of matches, and you are happy with that, then go for it.

    If you prefer never saving and never reload because you like more in that way, than go for that. 

    What is important is that you play the game in a way that makes you happy of the time you spent on it. FM is not life, so there is no reason to make it more complicated than it is.


    A small tip to learn not to scum save: do a superman save when you break all the records (or at least most of them) and then begin again with a normal save, you will then appreciate much more ending in the middle of the table 😜.


  8. 3 hours ago, alian62 said:

    This might help somewhat 

    You can sort of split the list of affiliations into 6 sub-types:

    1. B/2/II Teams: If you're managing a club these teams will appear in the development centre section of the home screen and you'll be able to take a big interest in their staff and players if you want. The difference between each type is largely cosmetic: B Teams are used in Portugal, Spain, Mexico, Australia, and many other countries; 2 Teams are seen in Finland, Ukraine, and Russia; II Clubs are specific to Germany and Singapore. As far as I can tell the only difference between these types is that B Team affiliations give you the option to have their players train with the main squad, while 2 and II Teams do not. 
    2. C/3 Teams: The same as above except a lower standard of team. Note also that C Teams cannot train with the main team squad; that is only available to B Teams.
    3. Normal Affiliated Club/Feeder Club: These clubs appear in the affiliated clubs section of your club's page but remain separate clubs. The extent to which you can deal with these teams regarding transfers, and the extent to which your clubs are linked depends on the other settings that you check when creating the affiliation (I'll discuss that below).
    4. Sub Team: This affiliation doesn't appear to be used in the game. I've searched for it in the editor and can't see any affiliations of that type. I imagine it functions similarly to a normal affiliated club/feeder club arrangement.
    5. Good Relations: Usually this describes a slightly more distant relationship than a normal affiliated club. Perhaps this is useful where 2 teams mainly collaborate in 1 area. Ultimately the settings here are the same as the ones for a normal affiliated club, feeder club, or sub team so the strength of the links is up to you.
    6. Likely Friendly: Pretty self-explanatory. You can set a % chance that a friendly will happen between the 2 clubs.

    When setting up an affiliation, apart from the difference between reserve teams (points 1-2 above) and affiliated teams (3-5), which impact on how the game deals with the affiliation, the most important factors to consider are the affiliation detail settings as they are the settings that deal with transfers between teams, financial support, and other factors. I'll briefly describe the settings below just to make this post a complete guide to the system:

    1. Players Move Freely: Mostly used by B/C Teams, ticking this box allows you to move players between your main team and the affiliated team instantly without having to loan them.
    2. Players Go on Loan: Allows the main team to send players on loan to the affiliate.
    3. Uses Same Kit: Self-explanatory really.
    4. First Option to Buy: Gives the main team the chance to match an accepted bid for the affiliate team's player.
    5. Play Friendlies: Mandates a yearly friendly with receipts to be kept by the affiliate.
    6. Same Board: Useful for setting up groups of clubs like CFG and Red Bull.
    7. Financial Help: Again pretty self-explanatory. You can set the yearly amount that the main team has to pay here.
    8. Permanent Deal: The link won't be removed in-game even if it's not being utilised.
    9. Youth Players Training: Only available between teams from separate countries. The affiliate can send players to train with the main team's youth squads. This can also lead to players of the affiliate club's nationality coming through in the main club's youth intakes.
    10. Help with Facilities: The main team will help with the upkeep of the affiliate's facilities.
    11. Marketing Relations: Gives a merchandising boost for the main club in the affiliate club's country. Usually used for big markets in Asia and North America.
    12. Scouting Knowledge Shared: Again pretty self-explanatory.
    13. Cannot Play in Same Division: Usually used to keep B Teams down.
    14. Uses all Parent Club Facilities: Allows the affiliate to make use of the main club's training facilities.
    15. Loan Players from Sub Team: The reverse of point 2 above. This setting allows the main club to loan players from the affiliate.
    16. Uses Sub Team Training: Allows the main team to use the affiliate's training facilities.

    There are also a few tickboxes that govern how the main team uses the link:

    1. Sends Youth Players to Gain Experience
    2. Link Used to Showcase Reserve Players
    3. Sends First Team Players to Aid Affiliate Club with Promotion
    4. B Team Players Train with Main Club Players (Specific to B Team affiliations only).

    Thank you very much for this insight, it is very interesting.

    I looked into Zebre U23 and it looks like that this team is a true "autonomous" club since if it is removed from zebre reserve list it becomes a true club in selectable in the list. 

    I haven't looked yet at the details, but does this mean that I can create a new club and then link it as a reserve club of a major club? Is this played with affiliations?

    If so this could open an interesting customisation scenario for lower league italian clubs which sometimes have some kind of local affiliated clubs which acts as reserves.

    Thank you!

  9. Hi all,

    I have just begun using the pre-game editor and in I am really astonished on how much detail is present in FM database..impressive work!

    I am trying to add a B team to some low league italian teams and, since I have found no manual, I need some help in understanding the options available:

    In the reserve section of the club I see the possibility of adding one or more reserve teams under the section reserve and a section which is called Create New where normally I find U18 U21, etc.. What is the difference between the two? I saw that zebre has the reserve team created in both but I do not understand the reason.

    What is the purpose of the flag Not Used on the side of a reserve team?

    Is there any difference in declaring a reserve team as reserve, as B team or as team 2 (or 3)?

    How staff is assigned to reserve team? I saw that in Zebre none is assigned except the head coach but in the game some of the first team coaches are assigned to it, is there a criterion?


    Thanks in advance for your help, really appreciated!

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