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2 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. just changed skin, works perfectly fine. never even thought of it. cheers for your help/ sorry for wasting your time aha. have a good week mate
  2. Apologies, i hadnt seen you responded. ive put it in the cloud uploader but theres no button to press to submit it once its in there? this is the link- if its any good for you. this is a screenshot also from the same save, that should be the screen the save opens to. if this could be sorted, that would be great. https://oc.sigames.com/owncloud/index.php/s/Kzvhd0MdU3v4Nv4
  3. Whenever i get any kind of injury on my save, i don't have the usual option like prior fm's to choose the treatment type. Example- if my player has a cold, usually you can send them home, treat at club or use club doctor. Or a broken leg, you can use a specialist, club doctors etc. My box is just greyed out completely where them options would be instead. Its the same on all my saves, ive tried sacking all medical staff and no difference. Cant see any responsibilities for it neither. Its driving me insane, been playing for 6 years and never had this issue.
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