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1 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. I have managed to fix this now in the config files I had to add the custom line twice
  2. I am using the WTS Gold 1.3.1 skin for reference. I created a database where I changed the old combined Ireland to a custom Cumbrian nation. The flag works with the small versions but the large versions don't seem to be overwriting, I have edited the config files for both the large and small nation flags to look at the Cumbrian flags (and even saved the Cumbrian flag over anywhere I could find the old combined Irish flag just in case). Anyone have any ideas what could be going wrong? I have attached some images to show where it works and where it doesn't Thanks for any help.
  3. Very annoying because International Slots in MLS are vital
  4. It appears as though either no teams have international slots to trade or there is another issue which makes it so that you can't select international slots to receive in trades for some reason. I'm almost certain that some teams should not have all their international slots filled.
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