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4 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Is there any way I can import the training schedules I created for FM23 into FM24 rather than have to start over.
  2. Leeds board will not budge on Physio wages despite allowing massive wage for Sports Scientist.
  3. You're right they are silly comments. Who said I dont need/want one? I need/want the game to stop spamming comments as detailed above.
  4. Situational advice based on numbers alone will rarely paint an accurate picture. It needs tweaked to be less repetitive and irrelevant.
  5. Actually 6 shots are off target here, that's pretty much a third and in the context of the overall performance (3 nil up at half time) nothing to be upset about. Also how can there be surprise about being ahead after having 8 on target and 7 half chances inside 45 minutes?
  6. @Neil Brock It was announced in April. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/60987568 Will the update be compatible with current saves or will those of us playing in Scotland need to restart?
  7. Absolutely ridiculous really. This was announced in April.
  8. This was introduced last month irl, why does this not happen in the game?
  9. Advising me to play for set pieces every game because ive had a load of throw ins, recommending getting more shots on target when im 4 nil up, pointing out that the gap between my midfield and defence is too big when im comfortably containing the opposition in their own half is all info i could do without, certainly do not need it popping every game regardless of how many times i dismiss it. There needs to be a an option to filter out pop-ups.
  10. I do ignore it, just wish i didnt have to click to get rid of it thats all.
  11. Need option to turn this off, absolutely exasperated at being bombarded with mindless drivel every game.
  12. Can anyone help me with a guide on how to remove Rangers B team and go back the old style reserve team using the editor? I miss having reserve coaching staff to pad out the duties.
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