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47 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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    Boston utd.

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  1. I pretty much agree. International management will never be fun due to the nature of how it works. Weight? Who cares. What I would add is that Miles' remarks about him canceling holidays and about not going to conferences are pointless. Like why did he wrote that? Almost feels like a guilt trip - "see, I canceled my holiday now don't criticize my game".
  2. Another proof that percived quality of FM games is not determined by the game itself but how well the save is going.
  3. Con't confirm because I didn't test it properly but it seems that losing streaks also don't have as strong effect as before. It is easier to get back on track.
  4. First thing you should do is that you should play Isaac Olaofe over Kyle Wootton as your starting striker. Wootton has 2 goals. Kyle Knoyle is also not performing and I would probably try to get younger keeper. I suspect his agility (which I rate very high for keepers) is terrible at 36.
  5. The regens not developing technicals fix was released during beta last year.
  6. It means they want to keep an illusion that the beta release date is not planned half a year ahead.
  7. https://clips.twitch.tv/embed?clip=SparklyShyConsoleBibleThump-TyoM3Mioy0qbybqW&parent=meta.tag Licensing issues?
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