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3 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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    Hampton & Richmond

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  1. Thanks. So in my screenshot, when it encourages me to sign a player as it meets the criteria of developing a player in the youth system, that's not entirely correct then. Technically the player will develop in the first team system. Anyway, good to know.
  2. Ok, so youth facilities. Does it relate to players "before" they join your team on youth intake day or are they facilities at the club that your U19/U23 teams use? A lot of people say it relates to the facilities before they join, but I would disagree and say that junior coaching is probably more applicable for that. Some people also say that U19/U23 use the main training facilities, but again I would say they use the youth facilities. The reason I say that is one of Benfica's objectives is to use the clubs youth facilities to develop players. I can only do that with the players I have in my U19/U23. Also when I look to sign an U21 player (19 year old in this case), this comes up in the offer area. It even says "Objectives that this player fulfils. Develop players using the club's youth system." To add to that, when you go the staff search menu, you see the option for "Youth team" which is for the U19/U23 hiring of staff Is there anyone from SI that can confirm definitively what the youth facilities relate to? If it does indeed relate to facilities prior to players joining then some of the wording in the game should be amended such that it doesnt called the U19/U23 teams youth teams.
  3. I've had this issue in previous FM versions and was informed it was being rectified but clearly has not. Im in a Benfica save, many of the players have 4 or 5 year contracts. Literally one year into the contract they're asking for new ones, and almost every single player. Not only that, the entire team then get annoyed and ask why is such and such not getting a new contract. This was never an issue in old versions (been playing since CM1 (back when called Championship Manager), so a long time), but in FM21, FM22 and FM24 (I skipped FM23) this has been an issue. I'm not against people asking for new contracts, but not 1 year into a 5 year deal, and then the whole team getting annoyed. I know we can ignore it or tell the players where to stick it, but "Morale" is now one of the most important elements of the game. When that drops from Excellent to Poor, the player is literally a different player.
  4. Hi, Not sure if this is a bug or not, hence posted here, but as Benfica, I was controlling my training for the B's, U23 and U19. Once the first season ended and the second season started, the B team, U23 and U19 options disappeared from the left pane (although the teams still exist). This is problem for me as I am now unable to do the general training for those teams. Nothing has changed regarding the staff for those teams, however, when I go to staff responsibilities, it doesn't even show me options for those teams. I suspect this is a bug as I have not changed any settings for those teams, but has anyone else found a fix for this? Many thanks
  5. Hi all I've tried searching this but can't find a definitive answer. When you go on holiday and select the box to "use current match tactics", what things can the Assistant Manager change in a match - and is it possible to see what the Assistant Manager has done? I can't seem to find this when I look at the match report. I know they don't change formation, but do they change player roles and mentality etc...? It almost makes all the knap tactics redundant if they change players roles and other stuff and they're tested in holiday mode. Can anyone shed any light? Many thanks
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