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Posts posted by Muri4

  1. Well, I must say that after this update the game is waaay more enjoyable for lower division teams in england, and it's awesome that it also affects already started saves! The rules are still more challenging than the old WP system (as they will be IRL following brexit) but now it's way less restricted and more fair to get a WP.

    I'm glad SI took such quick action on fixing this issue, and also the editor! Thank you so much!


  2. 2 minutes ago, Junkhead said:

    Why do you think that? Criteria in such as the number of national games played within a period of time is one of the things taken into account already for non-EU nationals. Why would that suddenly become more lenient when work permit criteria is becoming more strict?

    You are right that it should be clearer in the game, not arguing with that at all.

    I'm not sure what the file is called as I don't use it, but it was mentioned elsewhere in the thread.

    And good luck with Forest, hope you do better than the last 20 odd managers we've had 🙄

    Well, I am not from the UK, but I've lived in Ireland and Spain, and of course my home country, and I've learned from experience that money always find a way to bend the rules on its interest, doesn't matter if It's a developed or not developed country. If not subjective criteria, I do believe it won't be that hard as it is in the game, I do believe that under-21 caps on international squads will also count in the criteria. But it's just a guess, as I don't know much about UK laws.

    I'll try searching for the editor data you've mentioned in the thread, thanks for the help! I think I'll start again as Nottingham Forest if I can remove brexit, but it will be very frustrating as I am having my best first season on FM so far, the first season (that is looong) is almost over and we lost just 4 games in the league. I think I am doing better than RL Forest :lol:, when I start a save at FM I always starts also "following" that team's season, and boy, you guys are having a bad one...I really hope you guys can recover, lots of support from Brazil!

  3. 18 minutes ago, Junkhead said:

    See I think this is the bit that people are mistaken on.

    There are two things at play here. The first is the work permit system. Getting a work permit is likely to be tougher under the new points based system. The Home Secretary has said as much. Lots of people on this thread have an idea in their minds that football will find a way around this.

    Which brings me to the second point and the point everyone who thinks this is missing. The work permit system and the 17 foreign player rule are separate issues.  You could theoretically fill a squad with 30 foreign nationals if they all got work permits under UK employment law, the same as any industry could fill it's work force with foreign nationals if they all got work permits. However the FA is going to limit it even further which would mean in the scenario I've mentioned, 13 of those 30 players would not be able to be registered to play, work permit or not.

    The NHS is not going to limit itself to x amount of foreign doctors per hospital. Manufacturing is not going to limit itself to y amount of foreign engineers per factory.

    Yet football is going to impose further limits on itself in addition to the work permit rules set out by the Home Office.

    Yet this thread is full of people convinced that English football is going to be less impacted than other sectors. It's bizarre.


    Ps. I think you should be able to play the game how you want to and I am sorry that you're not enjoying it. I don't think there will be an "official" way to remove brexit though. There is an editor file on the workshop I think.

    I agree, things will be tougher for sure, I just think won't be that though, because of the amount of money involved on it. I think they will add some kind of more subjective criteria regarding football, and not only so objective like amount of games played on the national team on the past months and etc...and also the criterias in the game are not so clear regarding how many points each of it provides, how many games in the league the guy should have played, how many points each league  provdes and etc. (or I  just couldn't find it...).

    And I understand the difference between the 17 foreing limit and the WP stuff, I just think that keeping the same rules as in FM20 regarding WP would be enough, in which the transfer amount and the wages counted a lot, applying it to every non-UK player.

    And thanks for the support. I just wish I knew about this beforehand...and I wish that I could change it mid-game (I know it's impossible) because I am having a great Nottingham Forest save. One last thing, I couldn't find the editor file you just mentioned on steam workshop...do you know the name of it?

  4. 5 minutes ago, Junkhead said:

    Although I wouldn't personally use it, I think it's becoming clear that lots of users would like to turn Brexit off in it's current form. I find it highly unlikely that SI are going to include that option though. 

    Editor files are likely to be your only hope, and due to covid/team numbers it seems this is a harder ask this season.

    What I will say is though that Brexit is hardly a secret - you mentioned that you would have considered not buying the game if you had known what it would be like. I honestly think FM21 has been a bit of a wake up call for some in respect of what brexit will mean for labour rules in this country and this thread proves that.

    I also think saying "it's not even been decided yet" is a little naïve. It's in four weeks and SI have said that they expect reality to be pretty much in line with what is implemented on the game. Every indication in the media implies similar.

    I've said it about 20 times on this thread but I really think people are burying their heads in the sand if they think things will be much different to this.

    Just the option to turn it off or at least choose what kind of brexit you would get should be enough...

    Again, this is a personal opinion regarding my gaming experience. It's just sad that the way they implemented brexit this year just destroyed the way I enjoy playing it. And I think the gaming experience should be more important than ultra realism.  The game already gives you an option to choose how realistic you want your save to be regarding some aspects, this should be one of those aspects. 

    About brexit itself, I've played the 19 and 20 edition, and the rules were much less strict, and it did not made the game boring for england's lower league (only the same bunch of players can be hired and will be disputed by the same teams). Also, I am not from the UK, I am actually from Brazil, and getting the game here in my country is already really annoying, It's extra frustrating when you realize you can't enjoy the game the way you've enjoyed for many years now. 

    Also, as I said, I really believe Brexit will make labour rules way more strict in the UK, and this will reflect on football as well, but as in the previous WP system, football is kind of a world apart form the rest when it comes to labour laws. They earn wages that are unreal for 99% of the population, they "work" (as training is working legally for them as well) almost everyday, they also "work" at night and at weekends...and there is also the huuuge money involved in the world of football, from broadcast money to marketing all over the world, so it's english football best interest to ease up some of this requirements. As a guy said some posts above, probably with the current system even Firmino wouldn't get a WP, and I can't imagine english football passing on players of such a caliber because they are tied up to regular labour laws. Also, I don't get how the current system would apply to other kind of workers (a guy in this thread gave a good example of a plumber some pages back), it's really vague and abstact, and mostly the WP system exists to prevent low income hiring from foreigners and "protect" those jobs for UK citizens, which is not the case of most football players, and I really believe that the wage of the foreign worker will be a decisive factor in WP in the UK (already is). 

  5. Well, honestly in my opinion this really strict brexit rules in FM21 destroyed the game for me. I've always enjoyed starting my saves on england´s lower divisions and the actual rules made it really frustrating to do it so. I get it that the game is a simulator, I get it that brexit will make things harder for clubs to sign foreign talents, that it will reduce the number of non-UK players in Englad, but for christ sake, they could make it optional, they could make a on/off switch button as an option when you´re setting your new save, they could have went millions of ways regarding this, but instead they went on a road that, reading the community feedback around the internet, really turned off most players that like me, enjoy playing in England´s lower leagues.

    I know the game shouldn´t be made based on my personal preferences, but c´mon, there are some many stuff that is customizable before you start the save, they could have given us the option to decide on that on this edition, this is a huuuuuge disappointment.

    I started this edition with a Nottingham Forest save, I scouted thousands of players, I´ve picked some long term targets, I already had a general idea for targets to sign when I got promotion, and all my plans got wrecked by the new brexit rules. One of the most cool and enjoyable stuff about FM, and I do believe it's the same for most other players, is signing and developing some unknown wonderkid or regen into a vital part of your team, it's scouting every corner of the planet, every lower division league, to find affordable players with some potential for your, most of the times, not so rich team. It's working around your tiny transfer budget hiring low profile players, wonderkids and etc. in order to make your small club a Premier League contender in the future.  For me this, along side tactitcs, have been the core of the game, what made FM such a amazing and addicting experience.Now this is all gone, in order to implement something that has not been implemented IRL, that no one knows how it's gonna be (and I doubt it will be that restricted).

    Again, I know this is a very personal opinion about the game, as I know many people enjoy the "realism", I know I had the option to start my save elsewhere, in a league without this crappy WP system...but again, this ruined my particular (and from many other ppl as I have read around here and in other forums) gaming  experience, and this is what I think developers should worry about, the gaming experience! Giving the possibility for every kind of player to enjoy the game, not pushing for ultra realism in a topic that, besides not having been decided on in IRL, is way more about burocracy and politics than actual football.  Again, I understrand that FM is a simulator, that the game being very realistic is what makes different from anything else in the market, but already so many unreal stuff happens anyway in the game, they could have made some possibility os customization regarding this brexit rules for the sake of the gaming experience of a part of the community.

    I really wish I knew about this before starting my Nottingham Forest save, before putting so much effort  and spending so much time in this save (I almost finished my first season, I'm a slow player)...hell, I wish i knew this before I bought the game on release day, as I would not have bought it at all...this is the first time I feel like I don't wanna play a FM title anymore since I discovered this amazing game many years ago, this is the first time I have such a bad feedback about the game. I am really dissapointed, and at this moment I regret to have bought it. Maybe I can try playing in different leagues, idk, the games mechanics still awesome, but it is really frustrating to start a save, evolve your team, scout for players, earn the promotion, only to find out that the game has f*** you over and you can't sign 99% of your targets, that buying players from leagues with small reputation, or buying players that are not on a national squad (and this is vital for lower league saves), it's almost impossible... It's really hard to find the will to start a new save after such a frustration like this.     




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