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Posts posted by ClumsyKea

  1. 13 hours ago, herne79 said:

    Your problem isn’t tactical.

    You got promoted and then finished in a European place the following season.  You won’t do that without a decent tactic so have a little patience and buy some better players (which you think will be a good fit for your system) over the course of the next few seasons :thup:.

    Sweet as, thank mate. I'll persevere and see where it takes me. Hopefully a couple better defenders makes the defense less leaky.

  2. Hi all,

    I was hoping to get some advice on my current 442 tactic. So far it has served me pretty well, with a good finish in the prem having just been promoted from the championship with watford.

    My main problem is being rather leaky, particularly late in games. We seem to regularly fall apart defensively. Can anyone advice some changes to help combat these silly goals against me.

    I generally stick to balanced and positive in my games depending on the team I'm facing and how I'm going during the game. I also will change some ti's as the game progresses, particularly counter press to regroup and gk slow the pace down to try kill of a game.

    Appreciate any advice given, I'd really like to do well in Europe and keep a strong presence in the premier league. 

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  3. Hi guys, as the title implies I have a noob question about the reserve teams. I have started a save with watford and am looking through my youth teams which are stacked with really low potential players.

    Is there any point keeping these players or should I just release them straight away?

    In doing that they will not have enough to fill a team for the under 18 and 23 games that are played each week. Will this affect player growth/will they still play those games?


    I am still very new to the game so still learning the I and outs of different parts of the game

  4. 12 hours ago, bbuullddoogg said:

    Good luck whatever you do! Great to see how helpful everyone is to a new player.

    Thanks mate, everyone has been proper helpful. Its been great.

    Ok I'll stick with fm touch for now and just persist with tinkering away. I'm going through all of bust the nets tactic videos. Doing my best to retain all the info about ti's. 

    I'll be back if I think of something else

  5. 15 minutes ago, Junkhead said:

    If it's the time that you're worried about, I would just use one of the preset tactics that come with the game. They shouldn't need much tinkering initially, you might have to change things here and there to suit your squad, but shouldn't be too heavy.


    that might be the way to go then, thanks. i've tried figuring out things from ground zero, adding one ti here, trying to see what effect it has. rinse and repeat. but i cant seem to make heads or tails of whats going on haha might just be im a bit dense though ;)

  6. hi all, back again. what is the opinion on downloaded tactics? are they considered cheating. despite wanting  to really get into this game i find i just don't have the time around work and rl to sit for hours tinkering with tactics and ti's and pi's like i would like to do. obviously i can do want i want in regards to this, im just curious of the consensus on this in the community?

  7. Thanks @DementedHammer, I just re read your first message (its getting late here so my brains going to sleep) I was thinking of asking if touch would be worth trying to begin with. Especially for just trying to dive into tactics first up. So I think I'll do that for a bit. 

    Are there any limitations to training or scouting on fmt if I feel I have a grasp on tactics and decide to dabble a bit in those areas of the game?

  8. 4 minutes ago, DementedHammer said:

    One thing I would recommend with tactics is to keep it simple, especially in the beginning. If you throw too many instructions together at once and things don't work out then it is very hard to figure out what to change. 

    When starting a new version of FM, on my very first game I start with a totally empty tactic (no team or player instructions at all) to see how the match engine naturally plays out. Then, I'll start making minor incremental changes until my team is playing the way that I desire. 

    Would you recommend watching the full game or comprehensive highlights

  9. Hi all,

    I'm very new to fm, I've dipped my toes in the water a couple of times but got a bit overwhelmed each time.

    Is there any advice you can give a noobie for learning this game.

    For example should I just pick a big, rich team whose players I don't know and go from there or manage the team I support irl (watford) despite them probably being more of a challenge? Or is just learning one section of the game at a time the best way to go, like just doing team selection and tactics for games until I'm actually adequate at it then moving onto say training etc? 

    And is it viable to just leave my staff to manage almost everything while while I stumble my way through each section of the game? 

    Hopefully thats easy to follow, any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :)

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