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68 "Houston, we have a problem"

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  1. Excellent, thank you. Would you leave the left side as a wing back with the same duty? Just change the right?
  2. Yeah, the same tactics, slightly different roles and TIs when lower down though due to the level of player I tried to use as little TIs as possible and basic roles. I had standard GK, no-nonsense CBs, FBs etc. I tried to imagine how I'd get a local junior team playing.
  3. This is excellent, thank you. I'll make these changes just now and see how pre-season plays out.
  4. Do you think having an AM on support would be better or maybe an AP on support, then change the DLP to a different role to prevent to many playmakers? I could also switch the wingers to support?
  5. Thanks for the reply... I wouldn't say I've noticed a pattern as such, but I would say I have noticed crossing in many of the goals, where I've thought about adding the instruction to prevent crosses. I'd need to double check the data hub, I'll come back once I've had a look. Not so much, I do notice significant amount of loose/weak passes that either go straight to the opponents or are easily intercepted, which annoys me. I tried short passing to eliminate that but I can't say I've noticed any major difference. I watch only on key highlights, sorry I can't be more indepth, plus my lack of tactical acumen is likely affecting my ability to observe the above.
  6. Hi All, This is the first year I have tried to create my own tactics and not use plug and play setups. I wanted to have a long term save on the easier side so I picked The Spartans in Scotlands League 2. Over the seasons I used a combination of 4-3-3 and 4-2-3-1, altering them as I moved through the leagues. I won league 2 in the first season, I won league 1 at the 2nd attempt, and it took 3 attempts to win the Championship. I have now just completed my 2nd season in the SPL. During the first season, I suspect my rep was so low that no one gave me any respect and I somehow finished 2nd. This is where the issue lies, this season I had a nightmare. I assume now teams no longer overlook me, hence my 6th placed finish. Now I know for The Spartans a 6th place finish is excellent. However, as I'm a noob at this, I have no doubt my tactical non-genius mind will be hindering the team somewhat. The annoying thing is I had a pretty successful Europa League campaign managing to qualify from the league phase, but I again assume this is down to teams overlooking me. Can you guys have a look at the 2 tactics mainly used this season and see what improvements can be made? Please let me know if you need any additional details to help me out.
  7. How did you get the custom tracksuit, thats class!!
  8. Are there any 4-2-3-1's where the AM is a shadow striker? Thanks as always
  9. If the key was accepted by Steam, I'd imagine the Beta will be available to you. The places that aren't providing the beta probs won't provide a key until 6th November.
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