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Posts posted by ArchonXVII

  1. This happened to me yesterday in my Walsall save near the beginning of my second season.

    I hired a new assistant manager, Colin West, and once he joined I received a message stating that Glyn Thompson would be released for £55k. Fine, I thought that was that and he was off to pastures new. 

    A few in game days later I noticed my old ass. manager, Mr Thompson, popped back up to tell me which players were in the last year of their contracts. Confused, I went to my Staff screen to realise he was still employed alongside my new ass. manager. I had two in the same role. 

    To resolve this issue I had to offer Glyn Mutual Termination of his contract, to which he accepted. It seems my club payed to both 'Terminate' his contract, which didn't happen, as well as the sum offered to mutually terminate. 

  2. So far, so good. I'm glad FM made a return to consoles. The match engine/experience for me is truly excellent. That being said I wouldn't mind seeing a few ammendments made to the game. 


    * The cursor speed that replicates a mouse is a bit slow. Wouldn't mind the option to alter the speed. 

    * The Action Bar on player screens seems to be missing a few basic options such as 'Make Available for Reserves' (known bug), 'Change Squad Status', 'Make Available for Loan/Transfer', 'Go Make Some Tea' (not realistically expecting this one). 

    * The Tactics screen is a little too clunky and basic. I would like to be able to see my entire squad next to my chosen tactics. My last version of Touch was FM20 on the Switch and I sorely miss that tactics screen. I do appreciate that I can create multiple tactics though. 

    * Attribute Masking should not be a microtransaction. 

    * Is it possible to include the Dynamics section somewhere down the line. Not necessarily with the complexity of the main game but I wouldn't mind seeing who my most influential players are when joining a new team. 


  3. Team - Walsall

    Leagues - England, Scotland, France, Germany, Italy (All Tiers)


    Whilst my Head Physio has no problem informing me of injuries to my main squad via the Inbox, the only way I learn of injuries to the reserves is by going to the Development Centre or clicking on the players myself. 

    I go there fairly regularly to keep an eye on loans and youth development and every couple of visits I see a new injury or two. 

    Yet he had no problem knocking on my door to tell me Danny Guthrie had broken Holden's jaw in training! 

  4. Thanks for looking at my feedback @Michael Mallia.

    The 'Red Tactical Grid' appears inconsistently and I've since discovered that by clicking on a player's name and then returning to the tactical screen, this seems to resolve the issue. I wish I could tell you more but it has only happened a twice. 

    I'll have a look at your recommendation for 'Squad Status' and let you know if I have run into anymore problems. 

    For the last point it wasn't I that set up the loan, Whitely was already with the club with Boreham Wood contributing £900 towards his wages. After I cancelled the loan expecting to have that number 'refunded' into my wage budget, I was disappointed to find this was not the case. I was approximately £3000 over my budget at the time hence the need to reduce this amount. I'm not sure if this discrepancy occurred because it was a loan deal because every other regular transfer in and out was accurately accounted for in my budgets. 


  5. Team - Boreham Wood

    Leagues - England, Scotland, France, Germany, Italy (All Tiers) 

    In Game Date - 1/9/2020


    I've noticed a few issues popping up here and there such as a visual glitch on the Tactics screen showing all areas of the 'pitch strength' as red despite having a full team, appropriate positions/roles selected. Happens after I have selected my team and then attempt to change tactics e.g. changing 'In Transition' options. 

    As somebody else mentioned I have been unable to set my players to 'Make Available for Reserves' from the player screen. Thought this was worth bringing up again. 

    The option to change a player's 'Squad Status' e.g. from Important Player to Regular Starter also appears to be missing. 

    I sent a Loan player back to their Parent Club to reduce my Wage Budget deficit by £900 but after he returned on the 29th August, no change to the budget had occurred the following day indicating I was still over budget. The player's name was Whitely. 

    I'm enjoying the game so far despite the above issues. Welcome back to the Xbox. 

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